
  • 网络Schools of Buddhism;sects
  1. 由此,一切众生皆有佛性的思想呼之欲出,并对其后的净土宗、禅宗等佛教宗派产生深远的影响。

    So the thought of all sentient beings can become Buddhas portrayed vividly and has brought deep influences to the Jodo Buddhism , Zen Buddhism and many other Schools of Buddhism .

  2. 佛教自两汉之际传入中国,直到隋唐时期,具有中国风格和特点的各个佛教宗派才相继产生。

    The Sui and Tang Dynasties period Buddhism with Chinese style and characteristics of the various schools of Buddhism have been generated .

  3. 禅宗是最具中国特色的佛教宗派,有着独特的思维模式和智慧。

    Zen is a Buddhist School with most Chinese characteristics , having a unique thinking pattern and wisdom .

  4. 法身寺被法身寺运动成员当做圣地,这是一个一度备受争议的佛教宗派。

    Wat Phra Dhammakaya is sacred ground to members of the Dhammakaya Movement , a once controversial Buddhist sect .

  5. 佛教宗派的传播和影响不仅仅限于宗教领域,它作为一种社会意识形态,也对朝鲜半岛和日本社会中的其他社会思想产生了较大的影响。

    Besides , as a kind of social ideology , China 's Buddhism greatly influences other social thoughts in Korea and Japan .

  6. 中国佛教宗派在朝鲜半岛和日本迅速地传播并产生了较为深远的影响。

    Then these Buddhist schools are spread in the korean Peninsula and Japan and they produce a profound impact on both countries ' religion .

  7. 这些因素促使日莲宗(小编注:日本佛教宗派)的总部咨询办公室在最近组织了这样一场相亲盛事。

    As a result , one such matchmaking event was recently organised by a consultation office at the headquarters of the Buddhist order Nichiren Shu .

  8. 禅宗作为中国本土化的佛教宗派,在推动佛教大众化普及的过程中,成为日本式企业经营理念和企业文化的宗教渊源。

    Zen , as a local Chinese Buddhist sect , has become the religious origin of Japanese corporate philosophy and corporate culture during the process of popularizing Buddhism .

  9. 摘要禅宗和天台宗是中国极有特色的佛教宗派,它们在历史的进程中发生著种种关系。

    The Tiantai section and the Zen section are the most remarkable sects of Buddhism in china ; various relations have emerged between them in the progress of history .

  10. 在此基础上对宗派的主要思想进行研究,将僧侣佛理词根据僧侣的佛教宗派、表现思想进行分类研究。

    On this basis , the main idea of sectarian study of Buddhism to the monks the monks of the Buddhist sects under the word , thinking the performance of classification .

  11. 近年来,中国的佛学研究愈加繁荣,其中对佛教宗派的研究也引人注目,包括禅宗,涌现出一批优秀的成果。

    In recent years , the Chinese Buddhist research become more prosperous , with a number of outstanding achievements emerging . And , the study of Buddhism sect is striking , such like Zen .

  12. 净土宗教育与佛教其他各宗派教育之间既存在着共同性,也存在着差异性。

    There has both generalities and differences between Pure land faction education and other Buddhism factions education .

  13. 禅宗与净土宗一直是中国佛教的主要宗派,在中国佛教史上起著举足轻重的作用。

    Zen and Pure Land Buddhism has been Chinese Buddhist sect , which plays an important role in the history of Chinese Buddhism .

  14. 佛教教育思想是佛教各宗派发展的内在自我建构系统。

    The thoughts of " Buddhist education " prove to be an intrinsic self-identity construction to the developments of every sect in Buddhism .

  15. 这些佛教刻经,对研究唐代佛教宗派、佛教信仰的流行情况等提供了珍贵的第一手资料。

    They have thus provided the first-hand materials to study different Buddhist Sects and beliefs in Buddhism of the Tang Dynasty .

  16. 峨眉山的佛教有一千多年的历史,其佛教宗派以禅宗为盛,在禅宗诸派中又以临济宗为主。

    Emei s Buddhism history has more than one thousand years , and its sects of Buddhism as is mainstream the Zen Buddhism , whose mainstream is the Linji School .

  17. 净土思想是两千年来中国佛教信仰者的基本旨趣。小乘(佛教宗派之一)

    The idea of Pure Land has been a basic purpose for Chinese Buddhists in the past two thousand years .

  18. 将佛教引入到学术中来,是近现代学术的主要特色,禅宗是中国佛教特殊的宗派,它对中国历史文化产生了重要影响,如哲学,思想,文化,艺术等。

    Introducing the Sutra to science is the main characteristic of current-modern science . Zen is a special faction of Chinese Sutra . It affects Chinese historical culture deeply , such as philosophy , ideology , culture and artistic .

  19. 隋唐时代是中国佛教的成熟繁荣期,八宗争鸣,竞放异彩,而禅宗是最为典型的中国化的佛教宗派;

    Sui and Tang Dynasties is a mature and flourishing period , during which eight schools contended and vied with each other , and Zen Buddhism is one typical sect of the Sinicization of Buddhism .