
  • 网络Magic performance;a magic show
  1. 魔术表演将在红楼影院演出。

    The magic show will be on at Hong Lou cinema .

  2. 他的魔术表演非常神奇,

    He marvels at how he 'll do a magic show ,

  3. Dynamo是英国最具有天赋的魔术师之一,为了他的电视真人秀打气,这位魔术师在泰晤河上的特技魔术表演引来了好多人围观,图为游客以及市民站在威斯敏斯特大桥上观看他的表演。

    Stunned onlookers watched from Westminster Bridge as the magician recorded the stunt for his new TV show Dynamo : Magician Impossible .

  4. 世博会的组织者承诺将在上海各地举办两万场各类活动,从费城交响乐团(PhiladelphiaOrchestra)到喀麦隆国家歌舞团(CameroonNationalSongandDanceTroupe),内容多种多样,还有供小孩子观看的魔术表演、木偶剧和皮影戏。

    Expo organizers promise 20000 events around Shanghai , ranging from the Philadelphia Orchestra to the Cameroon National Song and Dance Troupe . Kids can see magic shows , puppet shows and shadow plays .

  5. 每一场魔术表演都有三个步骤。

    Every great magic trick consists of three parts or acts .

  6. 人们想去看魔术表演就是想被欺骗

    People wanna go to magic shows to be deceived .

  7. 你说想和我出去看胡迪尼的魔术表演

    Like saying you want to go with me to go see Whodini

  8. 啊,但是现在嘛,为了咱这魔术表演。

    Oh , but please , for now , our magic trick .

  9. 那个经理预定了一场星期六晚上的魔术表演。

    The manager booked a magic show for Saturday night .

  10. 刘谦说,其中一个魔术表演甚至不需使用他的双手。

    Liu says in one plan he will not even use his hands .

  11. 帕特丽夏:这是我看过的最棒的魔术表演。

    Patricia : This is the best magic show I 've ever seen .

  12. 大家想不想看个魔术表演好啊

    You guys want to see a magic trick ? Sure ! Okay .

  13. 你曾看见过这么多精彩的魔术表演吗?

    Have you ever seen so many amazing magic tricks in your life ?

  14. 他们看过很多魔术表演了。

    They 've seen a lot of tricks before .

  15. 还是要看欢快的魔术表演或南方公园卡通?

    An animated magic show or South Park cartoon ?

  16. 那群孩子一动也不动站着观看魔术表演。

    The children stood still watching the magic show .

  17. 观众看魔术表演看得着了迷。

    The spectators are entranced by the magic performance .

  18. 还以为是魔术表演

    I thought the show was about the magician .

  19. 音乐会开始前我们观看了魔术表演。

    A magician entertained us before the concert .

  20. 他对粉丝们保证伤势不会影响到他在新加坡的魔术表演。

    He assures fans that it would not affect his upcoming performance in Singapore .

  21. 一流的魔术表演必定包含三个步骤

    Every great magic trick consists of three acts

  22. 女士们先生们!魔术表演开始!

    Ladies and gentlemen , Its show time !

  23. .观众看魔术表演看得着了迷。

    The spectators are entranced by the magic performance

  24. 她对那魔术表演很吃惊。

    She frightened about the magic show .

  25. 魔术表演很奇妙。

    The magic show is fantastic .

  26. 马戏团的朱儒邀请蒂娜在魔术表演中担任他的助手。

    The midget asked Tina to play a part as his assistant in the magic show .

  27. 你想要看一个魔术表演。

    You wanna see a trick .

  28. 大剧院是魔术师表演的主要场所,各地的魔术表演都是观众济济。

    Magic Theatre is the main venue for performances , magic shows around the large pool of all the audience .

  29. 看魔术表演是很过瘾的,但是魔术背后的技巧却相当乏味,而且还需要大量的练习。

    Magic is fun to watch , but the skill behind it is quite boring , and needs lots of practice .

  30. 一般地我们提供的派对内容主要有游戏、魔术表演、小丑表演、摄影摄像以及面部彩绘等。

    Generally we provide party content mainly have game , magicians , antics , videotape and facial coloured drawing or pattern , etc.