
  1. 灵隐寺是全中国最大、最富有的佛教寺庙之一,庙内建有大量的宝塔、佛窟和佛教石刻。

    It is one of the largest and wealthiest Buddhist temples in China , and contains numerous pagodas , Buddhist grottoes and religious rock carvings .

  2. 佛窟学的特色可概括为:继石窟佛教遗风,杂有牛头禅色彩的道学化禅宗。

    The Grotto Buddhist Philosophy can be characterized as a kind of Zen resembling Taoism , having both the traces of Grotto Buddhism and the features of the " Ox-head Zen " sect .

  3. 藻井图案,则大都层层加饰,色泽各异,在佛窟殿堂中独立存在,其造型千姿百态,是佛教圣殿中的一朵艺术奇葩。

    The ceiling patterns are mostly decorated layer upon layer , with different hues , only availahle in grotto hall in different shapes , it is a distinctive genre of art in Buddhist sacred hall .

  4. 栖霞山干佛崖第13窟的新发现

    New Discovery at Cave 13 of Thousand - Buddha Cliff of the Qixia Mountain