
  • cloze test;cloze
  1. 完形填空测验难倒了她班上的很多学生。

    The cloze test baffled many students in her class .

  2. [21]泰勒采用完形填空来测量语言材料的可读性。

    [ 21 ] Taylor employed cloze test as a device for measuring readability of texts .

  3. 高考真题-2017江苏完形填空

    他可能做得不太好 , 因为老师告诉加布里埃尔他耳朵不错 , 并建议加布里埃尔去音乐储藏室看看是否有他感兴趣的乐器。

  4. 中考真题-2017广东完形填空

    不久前 , 他发现蓝知更鸟在常被砍伐的枯树上筑巢 , 为了救它们,他开始为这些鸟制作鸟巢盒子。

  5. CET-4完形填空解题技巧

    Techniques of Solving the CET-4 Cloze Test Questions

  6. 本选题的重点在于:A.研究完形填空测试的特点和学生失误的主要原因;

    The key points of this thesis are : A. Studying the features of cloze test and the main causes of students ' errors in the cloze test .

  7. Henning(1987)认为完形填空的阅读理解是一种语法和词汇的测试,至少是这些技能的综合测试。

    Henning ( 1987 ) holds that the test of reading comprehension by using cloze tests may turn out to be a test of grammar or vocabulary .

  8. 选取2009年3月PETS-2级考试中的一篇完形填空题为研究材料,重新设计口试试卷,把完形填空应用于这种新型口语测试中。

    A cloze test from PETS-2 in March , 2009 was chosen and redesigned as a new test format of oral English .

  9. 英语测试中完形填空题的命题原则与测试效度研究

    On study of the principles in designing cloze and test validity

  10. 完形填空测试的设计与效度研究

    A Study on the Design and Validity of Cloze Cloze Test

  11. 提高大学英语四级完形填空成绩的策略研究

    Study on Strategies of Improving Performances in Cloze Test of CET-4

  12. 标准完形填空的设计与评分

    Exploring the Designing and Scoring of Standard Open Cloze Test

  13. 语言思维训练能否提高学生完形填空的解题能力?

    Can training of English linguistic thinking improve students ' problem-solving ability ?

  14. 多项选择式完形填空与完字填空相比,那种题型有更高的标准关联效度?

    Which one gets higher criterion-related validity , multiple-choice cloze or C-test ?

  15. 影响完形填空测试难度的因素研究

    A Study on the Factors That Influence Cloze Test Difficulty

  16. 第三章是对完形填空测试的评估。

    Chapter 3 focuses on the evaluation of cloze test .

  17. 完形填空测试题型为威尔森·泰勒所发明,是格式塔心理模型在语言现象中的成功应用。

    Applied in linguistics , the Gestalt psychology conveys the practicality of cloze .

  18. 高考试题中的完形填空命题宗旨也正与这一要求吻合。

    The purpose of the entrance examination cloze is to meet the requirement .

  19. 高考英语完形填空的考点效度分析

    Analysis of Testing-Point Validity of Cloze in English Test of College Entrance Examination

  20. 完形填空测试在中国已经广泛应用于各种大型的考试中。

    Cloze has been widely used in many large-scale language tests in China .

  21. 完形填空测试中心理焦虑的认知分析及启示

    A Cognitive Analysis of the Psychological Anxieties in Cloze Test and Its Implications

  22. 完字填空可以替代多项选择式完形填空吗?

    Can C-test be an alternative to multiple-choice cloze ?

  23. 高中英语完形填空教学拾贝

    Teaching Acquisition about Cloze Test of Senior English

  24. 英语四级完形填空的题型剖析与解题技巧

    The Analysis and Approaches to the Cloze Test in College English Test Band 4

  25. 从词汇、句型操练、阅读、写作、完形填空、口语训练和翻译几个方面分别展开论述。

    Vocabulary , drills , reading comprehension , writing , cloze and translation , etc.

  26. 中国英语学习者对完形填空的态度如何?

    What kind of attitude do Chinese learners of English hold toward cloze tests ?

  27. 关于完形填空测试的调查与反思(英文)

    A Survey and Reflections on Cloze Test ;

  28. 英语阅读测试三种完形填空题型的对比研究

    A Comparative Study of Three Different Types of Cloze Test in English Reading Comprehension Tests

  29. 英语四级考试中集库式完形填空与选择式完形填空的效度研究

    A Study of Validity of Banked Multiple-Choice Cloze and Separate Item Multiple-Choice Cloze in CET-4

  30. 完形填空题型分析解题步骤与技巧

    Analyses Procedures and Skills on Cloze Test