
  • 网络perfect personality
  1. 一方面浓重的忏悔意识使他企慕完美人格;

    The strong sense of penitence made him eager for perfect personality .

  2. 美的积淀一一满足能力迁移的需要,对美术活动进行发展性指导;美的素养一一满足幼儿对美的追求,进行完美人格塑造等指导策略。

    Beauty literacy-satisfies the need of persuit of beauty with the strategy direction to shape the perfect personality .

  3. 三是塑造完美人格,优化行为特征。

    To mould the perfect noble character , optimizing behavior characteristics .

  4. 大学语文在素质教育方面具有独特的优势:大学语文能突出爱国主义教育,塑造完美人格;

    College China has its own advantages to diathesis education .

  5. 儒家传统道德修养观对大学生完美人格培养的意义

    The Significance of Confucian Morality in the Moral Development of College Students

  6. 因此人应致力于道德实践,成就完美人格。

    Hence , a person should practice moral standard to achieve perfect life .

  7. 用传统文化塑造大学生完美人格

    The Necessities of Moulding the Perfect Personalities of University Students with Traditional Culture

  8. 师范文化人格与学生师德培养试论教师完美人格的塑造

    On the Relationship between Teacher - specific Cultural Personality and the Acquisition of Teacher Morality

  9. 完美人格的塑造过程,就是审美心理结构的建构过程。

    The molding of complete personality is in fact the construction of aesthetic psychological structure .

  10. 培养完美人格与富有创新精神的人才是当前大学课堂教学的根本旨归。

    The main purpose in the modern college classes is to cultivate the perfect personality of renovating talents .

  11. 学校以“至健至善”为校训,着力培养具有健康体魄和完美人格的学生;

    The school 's motto is to educate students to " having healthy body and noble character " .

  12. 美的教学内容和教学语言可以陶冶学生的情操,有助于发展学生的完美人格,培养学生的创新精神。

    Beautiful teaching material and language can help to perfect student 's character and encourage them to blaze new trails .

  13. 本真与伪存&完美人格塑造之理论与实践二元性的哲学思考

    Original Reality and False Existence : Philosophical Thoughts on the Duality of the Theory and Practice of Building Perfect Personality

  14. 小说对主要人物的塑造,暗合了两性同体是完美人格的体现这一意识。

    The characterization of the main figures in the novel coincides with the awareness of androgyny which reflects a perfect personality .

  15. 美育的价值在于给人类生活提供一个理想的价值指向、塑造完美人格途径,使人们的生活充满诗意。

    The valve of aesthetic education is to provide an ideal guiding line to make people perfect and live a poetic life .

  16. 德育作为教育的一种,对大学生完美人格的形成及完善道德品质的形成具有重要的意义。

    Moral education as a kind of education has the vital significance for the formation of the perfect personality and perfect moral character .

  17. 尊重儿童自由想象的教育理念,是使每个孩子都能养成独特的完美人格的必由之路。

    The philosophy that respects children and their imagination is the only way to built unique identities and health personalities of their own .

  18. 而一线教师一旦认识到人格魅力的重要性,则会自觉加强修养,塑造完美人格,彰显人格魅力。

    But first teacher once you realize the importance of personality charm will consciously strengthen accomplishment , molding perfect personality , reveal personality charm .

  19. 一般性的音乐,没有创造性的音乐培养人文素质塑造完美人格&高职高专音乐欣赏课对学生素质培养的作用

    Cultivating Humanity Quality and Building up the Perfect Nature & the Influence of Music Course in Higher Vocational Colleges on Students ' Quality Cultivation

  20. 以道自任、正道直行、执着追求真理、理想便是屈原完美人格的显现。

    To Road with himself , the correct path straight , persistent pursuit of truth , the ideal personality is a perfect manifestation of QuYuan .

  21. 因此,人们追求高尚情操、美好心灵与完美人格的理想境界,是长久的永恒的。

    Therefore , it is the pursuit of noble character , a beautiful soul and personality of the ideal perfection , which will be eternal .

  22. 布衣是平民知识分子,布衣精神是平民知识分子完美人格的典型体现。

    The implication of BU-YI refers to the civilian intellectuals and spirits of BU-YI are typical performance of the perfect personality of the civilian intellectuals .

  23. 教师人格是教师素质的综合体现,塑造完美人格是教师追求的崇高境界。

    Teachers ' personality is a comprehensive representation of the level of competence , creating perfect personality is the educators one of the most important aim .

  24. 高校是教书育人的重要场所,不仅要向学生传授知识、技能,培养能力,同时要重视培养大学生良好的道德素养和完美人格。

    University is the important place for teaching and education , where knowledge , skills and abilities are taught and sound moral qualities and perfect personality are trained .

  25. 高校领导应重视加强大学生文化选择和文化消费的趋向引导,以促进大学生身心健康成长和完美人格的塑造。

    Leaders of the colleges and universities should strengthen the guiding of the students cultural choice and consumption to promote their physical and mental health and mould their perfect personalities .

  26. 作为生物学课程目标,这里所讲的情感、态度与价值观教育实质上是指完美人格的教育,是实施素质教育、培养全面发展的人的重要组成部分。

    As the goal of biology education , the three factually refer to the personality consummation education , and consist an important part to execute quality education to consummate personality .

  27. 实现教师内在道德与外表形象的统一,这既是对教师完美人格的呼唤,又是使教师在为人师表的实践中向着人格的最高境界升华。

    Showing the teachers'morals and appearance , is the tallest state to the perfect personality of teachers , Then teachers can become the model of the fulfillment in the students .

  28. 美育是一种综合式的多元立体化感性教育,其价值在于塑造完美人格途径,并提供给人类一个理想的价值指向。

    The aesthetic is a comprehensive multi-dimensional emotional education , and its value is to create the perfect personality way , and made available to mankind an ideal value point .

  29. 支架式教学强调学生主动获得知识,发展智能,陶冶个性,形成完美人格的过程。

    " The Scaffolding Teaching " emphasizes on the process that the students acquire knowledge actively , develop intellect and ability , refine the character and form the perfect personality .

  30. 作品人物大都有着刚毅、进取、向善的完美人格,他们在传统和现代的夹缝中生存,并从苦难中得到了最崇高的洗礼,从而在精神上找到了生存的价值。

    Most people have a resolute Work / progress / perfect personality ; they have been suffering from the most noble of baptism , which in spirit to find a survival value .