
  • 网络Finish Drilling;finishing drilling
  1. 用室内研制的FCLS、CaO、KOH胶液配方处理被CO2严重污染的钻井液,顺利完钻。

    The CO2 contaminated fluid is treated successfully with latex composed of FCLS .

  2. 完钻测井后裸眼测试3个井段,其中1个井段获油流,水力压裂改造目标为日产原油10t。

    After Drilling , 3 layers were tested , one of them got industry production . the aim producing rate of hydraulic fracturing is 10t / d.

  3. 反演结果能明显反映出主力油层葡I2、葡I3层的横向变化,为成功完钻大庆第一口阶梯状水平井提供了有利技术保证。

    The in-version result can reflect the transverse variation of the main layer of PI2 , PI3 , it provides the technique guarantee for drilling the first ladder horizontal well successfully .

  4. JZ油气田为沙河街组砂岩油气藏,油田内部完钻探井8口,均获工业油气流,形成了一定的油气地质储量。

    JZ Shahejie oil and gas field is a sandstone reservoir , drilled 8 wells , industrial oil and gas flow were to form a certain amount of oil and gas geologic reserves .

  5. 1999年选择东区构造高部位以400m井距完钻了2口加密井,并于2000年先后投产,生产效果也不理想。

    In 1999 , two infill wells was completed with the well spacing of 400m in the structural highs in the selected east district , and were put into production successively in the year 2000 , but with in poor effect as well .

  6. 完钻后,只留一个泥浆工程师在井上。

    After the well finish , only keep one mud engineer at the rig .

  7. 已完钻,准备电测。

    Finished drilling , prepare logging .

  8. 在已完钻的107口井中有102口井见到工业性油流,钻探成功率在95%以上。

    102 wells of 107 completed wells have industrial oil flows , success rate being above 95 % .

  9. 该井的顺利完钻和新钻井技术的成功应用也为其他超深井施工提供了宝贵的经验。

    The successful drilling and application of new drilling technology provide valuable experience for drilling other ultra-deep wells .

  10. 截止到2008年12月,辽河油田完钻水平井706口,其中稠油水平井670口。

    As of Dec. 2008 , Liaohe Oilfield completed 706 horizontal wells , including 670 heavy oil horizontal wells .

  11. 当井眼完钻后,在井眼周围引起应力重新分布,形成井壁周围的应力集中。

    When the wellbore is drilled , stresses around the wellbore are redistributed , stress concentration is formed around the wellbore .

  12. 对裸眼完钻的气层利用洗井清除井壁附近的污染带,恢复储层原始渗透率;

    Cleaning the contamination area near the wellbore by washing out for the open-hole completed gas reservoir , to restore the original permeability ;

  13. 多井泥岩压实曲线的分析发现,靖边气田下古生界气藏石炭系泥岩盖层普遍存在欠压实现象,且其欠压实程度与单井无阻流量呈正相关关系,并得到新完钻试气井证实。

    And the undercompaction level is positively correlated to the open-flow capacity of single well , which has been proved by the newly-drilled gas well testing data .

  14. 在钻井过程中应用了现场地质跟踪导向技术,完钻4口井5个分支,油层钻遇率达到90%以上。

    Geological tracked guiding is used in drilling process . 4 side-tracking wells and 5 laterals are drilled with oil reservoir encountering rate of over 90 % .

  15. 该油田从20世纪60年代开始勘探开发,目前已完钻探井及开发井1000余口,进入勘探开发的高成熟区。

    Exploration and production in this oilfield are started in 1960s and it has entered high maturation stage with more than 1000 drilled exploratory wells and development wells at present .

  16. 川渝地区东部目前已完钻井中,废弃井有400多口,占总井数的47.6%。

    There are more than 400 abandoned wells among the drilled wells in the east of Sichuan and Chongqing areas , which account for 47.6 % of the total wells .

  17. 近年来,随着一系列浅层高产井的陆续完钻,红岗浅层气藏开发展示出了良好的前景,成为吉林油田天然气开发的重点地区。

    In recent years , with a series of shallow high-yield wells drilled in succession , Honggang shallow gas reservoir development shows good prospects to become the focus of Jilin oil field .

  18. 其功能包括钻井井漏设计、现场处理分析和完钻数据处理,具有效率高、精度好、适应性强等优点,并在中原油田得到了初步应用。

    Its function includes well loss density prediction , drilling site well loss characteristics estimation , off line drilling data processing at the advantage of high efficiency , good precision and better adaptability .

  19. 介绍了大陆科学钻探主孔完钻后4次的钻井测温数据,地温梯度随深度的变化趋势,系统的热导率测试结果及其温压校正。

    This paper presents the temperature measurements in the main hole of Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling , the variation trend of temperature gradient with depth , and systemic thermal conductivity data together with the temperature-pressure correction .

  20. 得到了一系列磨损规律和试验回归方程,为预测套管钻井完钻后套管柱的抗挤、抗拉、抗内压强度特性和剩余寿命等奠定了数据基础。

    A series of wear laws and regression equations are developed from the tests , and they lay mathematical foundations for predicting casing mechanical features of collapse , tension , burst and remain life after drilling operation .

  21. 套管钻井技术是指在钻进过程中,直接采用套管来取代传统的钻杆向井下传递机械能量和水力能量,边钻进边下套管,完钻后作钻柱用的套管留在井内作完井用。

    Casing drilling technology is defined as directly delivering mechanical and hydraulic energy downhole with casing , running casing in the drilling process , and remaining casing as drill string in the hole for completion after drilling ends .

  22. 深斜井粘附卡钻是大港油田在过去钻定向井中经常发生的井下事故,在1994年临完钻阶段的粘附卡钻占70%。

    Differential pressure sticking was the main downhole drilling accident encountered in deep deviated well in Dagang oilfield in the past . In 1994 , the differential pressure sticking before the end of drilling accounted for 84.6 % .

  23. 根据具体情况确定了五项改进内容,包括特制刹车轮辋,强制水冷刹车轮辋,编织型刹车块,无级自动调节水位,下完钻铤再挂水刹车的作业。

    Based upon concrete condition , some improvements in five items including specially made , forced water-cooled brake rims , stepless autocontrol of water level , woven brake linings and being engagement with water brake after running drill collars , are determined .

  24. 通过对川西南地区下二叠统完钻的200多口并进行综合研究后认为,形成该区下二叠统储层有效储集空间的主控因素是岩溶、构造和断层等作用。

    T is considered that the main control factors of effective storage spaces of Lower Permian Series in southwest area of Sichuan are the actions of karst , structure and fault by comprehensively researching 200 drilled wells distributed over structures ( area ) of several tens .

  25. 目前,潜山东翼相继完钻的桩参1、桩14、桩13等井都没有见到好的油气显示,该区油气勘探受到挫折,并引起其含油气性的争论。

    No good oil and gas shows appeared in the well Zhuang 1 , Zhuang 14 , Zhuang 13 and so on completed in succession at the east flank of buried hill . It made exploration difficult and caused the contention of its hydrocarbon ? bearing possibility .