
  1. 煤矿底板突水的多源地学信息复合模型研究&以焦作演马庄矿为例

    Research on the Model for Multi - geoscience of Water Bursting in Coal Mine Floor

  2. 马庄山、南金山、金窝子和210矿床都以不同组成流体混合作用控制成矿;

    Mixing of different component and source ore-forming fluid caused metals deposition of Mazhuangshan , Nanjinshan , Jinwozi and210 gold deposits .

  3. 这位拒绝透露名字的男子说,他被叫到拴马庄去辨认哥哥的遗体。遗体是警方在周一下午将轿车从水中拖出的时候发现的。

    Mr. Li , who declined to provide his given name , said he was called to Shuangma Zhuang to identify the body of his older brother , who had been discovered inside the car when police pulled it out of the water on Monday afternoon .