
  • 网络Construction Command Headquarters;construction battalion
  1. 人民公社初期的水利建设指挥部实际上带有基层组织的性质。

    Water conservancy construction in the early commune with headquarters in fact the nature of grass-roots organizations .

  2. 泰州市高速公路建设指挥部对长江大道工程进行了全面的进度计划制定及实施。

    The whole schedule plan of Yangtze River Avenue Project was established and implemented by the Construction Headquarters of Taizhou Highway .

  3. 台州市人民政府机关用房建设指挥部那歌唱家被乐队指挥从舞台上引走。

    " Command of Office Building Construction , Taizhou Municipal People 's Government " The singer was led off the stage by the maestro .

  4. 据机场建设指挥部新闻发言人朱文欣表示,该机场将于2019年投入使用。

    It will be put into operation in 2019 , according to Zhu Wenxin , spokesperson for the construction team working on the airport .

  5. 桃园水库工程建设指挥部在合同管理中充分发挥项目法人的作用,采取有效措施,预防和减少了合同纠纷,取得了良好的效果。实践中摸索出一条合同管理的好路子。

    The office of Taoyuan reservoir project management uses effective measures to reduce and prevent contract dispute in contract management and acquires a well effect .

  6. 江苏省长江公路大桥建设指挥部对江苏境内跨江大桥工程建设的质量、进度、投资进行管理和控制。

    Jiangsu Provincial Yangtze River Bridge Headquarter is responsible for the quality , schedule and costs of bridges spanning Yangtze River in territory of Jiangsu Province .

  7. 系统划分为建设指挥部层、标段层、单位工程层等3个层次的应用结构,围绕进度控制、质量控制、安全控制和投资控制4个方面对每层的功能进行设置;

    The system is composed of three application levels , including headquarters of railway construction layer , participation construction layer and the construction unit layer . The functions of each layer have been set up by centering on progress control , quality control , security control and investment control .

  8. 南京三桥在建设过程中由建设指挥部代表政府实施工程管理,优质、高效地完成建设任务。

    In the process of construction of The Third Yangtze River Bridge in Nanjing , Construction Department is on behalf of Government to fulfill the construction according to good-quality and high-efficiency standard .

  9. 随着第十六届亚洲运动会将于2010年在广州举行,亚运村及市属场馆改造建设的重担也就落在了广州大学城建设指挥部的肩上。

    With the 16th Asian Games to be held in Guangzhou in 2010 , Asian Games Village and the burden of the reconstruction of city-owned venues also falls on the shoulder of the Guangzhou University City Construction Headquarter .