
  • 网络reserve base
  1. 即便对bp这样的巨擘而言,发现新油田也是一件大事,可以增强其储量基础。

    Even for giants like BP , the discovery of a new field is a major event , shoring up its reserve base .

  2. 如果全量秸秆还田结合冬季种植绿肥,土壤饱和固碳量则可以在稻田土壤现有碳储量的基础上平均提高65.77%。

    The saturated carbon storage of100 % straw combined with green manure incorporation was65.77 % higher than that of current carbon storage .

  3. 介绍了在已查明的几个大型油气田储量的基础上,计算油气田数量的方法,并确定了它们的统计学特征。

    Based on the reserves available in given giant oil-gas fields , the methods for calculating the numbers of oil-gas fields are presented , and their statistical characteristics are determined .

  4. 千米桥潜山储层属于裂缝系统,储层复杂、气水关系复杂、流体分布复杂,在原上报305×108m3储量研究的基础上,对重点区块进行储量复算,并有较大的缩减。

    We re-estimated the reserves of the key blocks based on the original 305 × 108m3 reported reserves and found there were big contraction in reserves .

  5. 油气藏地质建模是储量计算的基础和前提。

    The modeling of complex hydrocarbon reservoirs is the premise and basis of the calculation of the reserves .

  6. 因此,在搞清国内外油气储量含义的基础上,对比研究国内外油气资产评估理论和方法,掌握与国际接轨的储量评估手段,对现阶段的我国石油企业来说具有重要的现实意义。

    So , it has realistic meaning to master the international reserve estimating method for domestic oil companies .

  7. 在成本法计算储量价值的基础上,首次提出了天然气的储量价值评估模型(超额收益综合模型)。

    Based on calculation of reserves value with cost method , this paper firstly proposes value evaluation model for natural gas reserves ( composite model of surplus profit ) .

  8. 煤层底板等高线图是煤矿生产中最重要的地质图件,是煤矿设计、生产、储量计算的基础。

    The contour map of coal-floor is the most important geological map in the production of coal-mine . It is the base of design , production and reserve-counting of coal-mine .

  9. 精确的计算方法是进行土壤碳储量计算的基础,针对耕地土壤有机碳密度和储量的计算方法进行了探讨。

    The main conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) As accurate methods are the bases of computing , the methods of calculating the density and storage of SOC were studied .

  10. 它提出了物性场的概念,并以微机描述物性场特征,这不仅是储量计算的基础,它还为油气田数字模拟及开发工程提供了依据。

    The conception of physical property field has been advanced and its characteristics are described by microcomputer . It is not only the basis of calculation of reserves but also the basis of numerical simulation of oil and gas fields and their development engineering .

  11. 笔者等以1999年底的全国铜矿储量数据为基础,研究了中国铜矿不同成矿类型的品位吨位分布特征,在此基础上研究了中国斑岩型铜矿的品位、吨位分形特征。

    On the base of the national copper reserves data up to the end of 1999 , the authors have studied the distribution characters of the copper grade-tonnage model of various metallogenic types and concluded that the porphyry copper deposits of China are characterized by a fractal distribution .

  12. 并在此基础上,推出了钻孔曲线各点的计算公式,更准确地描述了钻孔的实际情况,为后续工作剖面图的绘制和储量计算提供了基础。

    The correct hole positions calculated can provide convenience for the later work , such as making the geological section and calculating the reserves .

  13. 本文根据采金船实际开采特点,具体提出了实际开采储量计算必需的基础资料与数据,并扼要地论述了实际开采储量的计算内容与方法。

    According to the practical mining characteristics of dredger , this paper proposes , the necessary basic information and data required for the calculation of actual mining reserve , and concisely demonstrates its calculation scope and method .

  14. 结果表明,该模型可以使矿山很清楚地了解矿体的形态、产状和化学组分分布特征等,为动态圈定矿体和计算储量打下了基础。

    The results show that it is easy to know the form , dimension and distributing characters of chemical composition of the orebody with this model , which provides foundation for bounding orebodies dynamically and calculating reserves .

  15. 实际应用结果表明,该设计方案可满足生产实际要求,为实现联合站生产过程的自动化管理和原油生产储量自动化盘库奠定基础。

    The practical application indicates the strategies to be available and effective . Therefore , the automatic management in the production process and automatic computation of crude oil reserves in the oil tanks and gross output of exporting net oil in united stations can be realized .

  16. 仅就第一季度来说,中国的外汇储量在2006年全年储量2473亿美元基础上增加了1357亿美元。

    In the first three months of this year alone , China added $ 135.7-billion worth of foreign currency to its reserves , compared with $ 247.3 billion for all of2006 .

  17. 从而得出适合吉林油田低渗透岩性油藏的储量评估方法,为以后的储量评估奠定基础。

    Suitable for jilin oilfield and get the low permeable lithologic reservoir reserves of evaluation methods , for the following reserves lay the foundation for the assessment .

  18. 本文在详细分析全国矿产资源储量管理工作面临的形势和国外资源储量管理情况基础上,论述我省目前矿产资源储量管理的主要任务是:强化矿产资源储量管理的基础地位;

    On the basis of the situation of mineral resources management at home and abroad , the main tasks are proposed for mineral resources management of Jilin Province , they are : raising management level for mineral resources ;

  19. 本文论述了固体矿产资源储量的经济意义、可行性评价阶段、地质可靠程度和储量、基础储量、资源量三大类及16种类型的类型条件。

    The paper discusses economic significance , evaluation stage of feasibility and geological reliable degree . It also expounds three types which is reserves , basic reserves , amount of resources and conditions of sixteen .

  20. 储层孔隙度是容积法储量计算的基本参数,而准确确定地层条件下的孔隙度值是提高储量计算精度的基础。

    Since Porosity is a basic parameter for the calculation of gas reservoir reserves , determining the porosity under the reservoir condition is the only way to enhance the precision of the calculation .