
shū yóu
  • oil transportation
输油[shū yóu]
  1. 输油站的安全管理与消防

    Safety Management and Fire Protection at the Oil Transportation Station

  2. 结蜡厚度对输油成本的影响

    The Effect of Wax Deposition Thickness on Oil Transportation Cost

  3. 石油通过输油管输送到炼油厂。

    The oil is carried to the oil refinery by pipelines .

  4. 大庆石油通过这条输油管源源不断地流往北京。

    Through this pipeline , crude oil flows from Daqing to Beijing in a steady stream .

  5. PLC变频调速恒压控制输油系统

    PLC Type Frequency Control of Motor Speed Constant Pressure Controlling Oil Transporting System

  6. K-OUT-OF-N(F)C输油管道系统的可靠性计算

    Reliable calculation for k-out-of-n ( f ) c petroleum pipeline system

  7. PE输油、气管道和管件的生产,销售自产产品及售后服务。

    PE oil transmission , gas pipeline and control of production , sales and after-sale products produced .

  8. 介绍了轮&库输油管道的概况。论述了轮库线自动控制系统的系统配制及系统功能,管道运行过程是由站级可编程逻辑控制器PLC自动实施完成的。

    After the general description of Lun-Korla pipeline , the paper introduces the configuration and functions of its automatic control system .

  9. 输油管道泄漏监测SCADA系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Leak Detection in Oil Pipeline Using SCADA System

  10. 检漏软件在输油管道SCADA系统中的应用

    Leakage detection software applying to SCADA system of crude pipeline

  11. 这里对输油管道的温度控制采用的是模糊自适应PID控制算法,取得了很好的控制效果。

    Adaptive Fuzzy PID control algorithm is applied to oil pipeline temperature control , and a fine controlling effect is reached .

  12. 基于OpenGL的输油场站运行仿真及可视化技术研究

    Research of Simulation and Visualization Technology in Oil Transfer Station Operation Based on OpenGL

  13. SCADA系统在输油管道中的应用

    The Application of SCADA System on Oil Pipeline

  14. TL型调速离合器在输油泵站中的应用及节能效果的分析

    An Analysis of the Application and Engergy-Saving Effect of TL-Speed Control Clutch in Oil Pump Stations

  15. 输油管线反打孔盗油抢修施工中的HSE管理初探

    Preliminary Investigation of HSE Management in Rushing to Repair Construction for Oil Pipeline Against Oil Stolen by Drilling Hole

  16. 输油钢管电镀Zn-Ni合金

    Zn-Ni alloy electroplating of steel oil pipe

  17. 介绍某军用输油管线SCADA系统配置、网络结构、软件功能。在硬件结构上采用工控机上插卡的形式,结构简单可靠,扩展性强。

    A oil pipeline SCADA system developed for military use is described , which includes system configuration , network extension structure and software functions .

  18. 为了寻求输油管道全天候不停输防腐补伤、补口涂料,笔者介绍了G2、G3型环氧煤沥青涂料的技术性能、配制方法及应用前景。

    In exploration of weather-proof and non-stop operation for oil pipeline , the paper introduces those technical performance , preparing and mixing methods and their applicable future of G2 and G3 type epoxy coal tar coating material .

  19. 以PLC作为站控系统核心的监视控制和数据采集系统,可以提高管道的自动化控制水平,降低操作人员的劳动强度,保证输油管道安全运行。

    Taking PLC as a control kernal of pumping station of SCADA system , the automatic control capability of pipeline and the productivity of labour can be increased in order to ensure the safe operation of pipeline .

  20. 新疆石油管理局克拉玛依至乌鲁木齐的克乌复线529×7(8)mm输油管道改为输气管道属国内首例。

    The double pipeline from Karamay to Urumqi of Xinjiang Petroleum Administration is an oil transmission line of I529 × 7 ( 8 ) mm and is the first oil pipeline transformed into gas pipeline in China .

  21. 即使没有KeystoneXL输油管道,加拿大即将上线的其他管道也会让市场供应增加多达35万桶油。

    Even without the Keystone XL pipeline , other Canadian pipelines coming online will bring as much as 350,000 more barrels onto the market .

  22. 指出采用软硬件结合的方法进行输油管道泄漏检测、泄漏检测系统与SCADA结合、将分布式光纤传感器应用于管道泄漏检测中将有良好的发展前景。

    It has good development prospect to carry out the methods that combine with software hardware , leak detection system and SCADA , apply the sensor of optical cable of distribution type in pipeline to leak detection .

  23. 同时采用速度压力修正法求解N-S方程和泊松压力方程,得到了雷诺数较低条件下的水平输油管线周围的流场分布。

    The N S and Possion equations were calculated by using the velocity and pressure modification method at the same time . The surrounding current field at lower Renold number was then obtained .

  24. 其中主要介绍了基于VB6.0的实时数据通信系统,即通过VB6.0的通信控件来实现PC机与多个单片机之间的串行通信,从而在中心控制室即能对远距离输油管线的工作状况进行集中监测。

    And the paper mainly describes how to implement serial communication between PC and each SCM by using communication component of VB6.0.The data collected and transferred to the center control compartment was handled afterwards .

  25. GY-3降凝剂在靖&马输油管道上的应用

    Application of GY-3 depressant in Jing-Ma Oil Transport Pipeline

  26. 本文对SCADA自动控制系统的背景、发展现状作了简要介绍,并结合某输油管道工程详细介绍输油管道SCADA系统功能、技术要求以及中心控制和站点控制系统基本配置和主要功能。

    And combining with some a petroleum pipeline project , this paper describes the petroleum pipeline SCADA system functions , technical requirements as well as the basic configurations and main functions of the central control and site control system in detail .

  27. 采用DELPHI结合MATLAB技术设计了一套原油集输管道泄漏监测及定位系统,检测结果表明,基于小波分析的输油管道泄漏检测技术可以准确地进行泄漏判断,比较准确的找到泄漏点。

    A real-time supervising and localization system for crude oil concentrated transport pipeline are designed with DELPHI and MATLAB technology . The result proves that the method on oil pipeline leakage detection based on wavelet analysis can be used in reality and accurately can locate the leak point .

  28. 利用Monte-Carlo方法全面分析了裂纹深度、裂纹深长比、断裂韧度、屈服强度和输送压力等主要随机参数对含裂纹长输油气管线结构的失效概率的影响。

    Monte-Carlo sampling technique is employed to investigate relationship among random variables such as crack depth , ratio of crack depth to length , fracture toughness , yield strength , transmission pressure and failure probability of oil and gas pipeline with defects .

  29. 介绍PS-1恒电位仪的特点和它在输油管道阴极保护系统的使用,总结出判断恒电位仪故障的方法和操作顺序,并列举应用这种方法和顺序处理恒电位仪故障的实例。

    The article introduces characteristic of PS-1 constant potential instrument and its applying in pipeline cathodic protection system , summarizes method of breakdown judgement and operation sequence , also gives some examples of them .

  30. 在管理基地、输油公司和各泵站采用DECT系统,可以形成管道通信专网的移动通信体系,提高办公效率。

    Relying on the DECT systems'adopted in the administrative headquaters , transportation companies and pump stations , the mobile communication system of the private pipeline communication network can be established to enhance work efficiency .