
  • 网络Altai sheep
  1. 道赛特、萨福克与阿勒泰羊杂交公羔育肥效果对比试验

    The Fattening Effect Test of Hybrid Male Lamb of Dorsett 、 Suffolk and Altai Sheep

  2. 道塞特、萨福克与阿勒泰羊5月龄杂交公羔肉品质分析

    Analyze Meat Quality of Hybrid Male Lamb at 5 Month Old of Dorsett , Suffolk and Altai Sheep

  3. 阿勒泰羊生理生化常值测定

    Determination of Physiological and Biochemical Common Values on Altay Sheep

  4. 与其它品种相比,阿勒泰羊具有较好的嫩度。

    Compare to other breeds , Altay sheep had a best tenderness .

  5. 阿勒泰羊的染色体分析

    The Karyotype Analysis of Altay sheep

  6. 同时,观察到新疆细毛羊与阿勒泰羊的毛囊细胞形态基本一致。

    Meanwhile we conclud Xinjiang Finewool follicle cells are similar to Altay ovine wool follicle cells .

  7. 应用外周血淋巴细胞培养及染色体制备技术对阿勒泰大尾羊染色体核型进行了研究,并测量了各染色体所相对长度和着丝点指数;

    The karyotype of Altay Sheep was studied with the techniques of peripheral lymphocytes culture and chromosome preparation .

  8. 本研究选取13只15日龄体况相近的纯种阿勒泰大尾羊,进行圈养,采取人工代乳的方法至绵羊30日龄后,在不同生长阶段饲喂不同营养水平的日粮。

    Thirteen similar body condition and 15 day-old age Altay sheep were selected to sheep pen , then adopt to the method of artificial milk until 30 day-old age . Feed them different nutrient levels of diets on different growth stages .

  9. 中国阿勒泰&对于大尾羊来说,这是糟糕的一年。

    ALTAY , China & It has been a bad year for the big-tailed sheep .

  10. 中国阿勒泰——对于大尾羊来说,这是糟糕的一年。

    ALTAY , China - It has been a bad year for the big-tailed sheep .