
  • 网络Arawa;Arava;alava
  1. 在所有这一切发生之前,这个岛上居住的是印第安阿拉瓦克人。

    Before all this the island was populated by native American Arawaks .

  2. 高范围的山脉阿拉瓦利山包围了村庄。

    The high hill ranges of Aravalli surrounded the village .

  3. 执行停火协定(阿拉瓦协定)

    Agreement Covering Implementation of the Ceasefire ( Arawa Agreement )

  4. 在位于死海和埃拉特海湾之间的阿拉瓦山谷中古老铜矿废墟内最近发现了以色列最古老的骆驼遗骸。

    Israel 's oldest camel bones are found at ancient copper mines in the Arava Valley , between the Dead Sea and the gulf .