
  1. 对侧向表面磁超晶格结构中电子的隧穿输运现象作了深入系统的研究。

    We have made systematically study on tunneling transport of electrons in lateral surface magnetic superlattices .

  2. 测量数据输至微型计算机作信号处理、自动计算和显示。

    The measurement data are then transferred into the microcomputer for signal processing , automatic calculations and display .

  3. 文章将对这个物理现象及相关的理论模型,尤其是目前得到较多赞同的光子辅助磁输运模型,作一简单的介绍。

    The present article presents an introduction to the phenomenon and its theoretical models , especially those based on photon-assisted transport which are favored by most people .

  4. 在此基础上进一步推导了波、流联合作用下推移质单宽输沙率公式,并与现有的波流输沙率公式作了比较,计算结果适中。

    The formulas of bedload transport rate of waves with currents are further derived , and com-pared with other formulas .