
  • 网络Input filter;GN-WFI
  1. 无阻尼输入滤波器可能使变换器系统不稳定或者振荡。

    Undamped input filter may cause converter system unstable or oscillation .

  2. 矩阵变换器输入滤波器和箝位电路设计

    Input Filter and Voltage Clamp Circuit Design of Matrix Converter

  3. 低损耗可控阻尼两级LC输入滤波器设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation of Two-Stage LC Input Filters with Low Loss and Controlled Damping

  4. Buck变换器阻尼输入滤波器的设计

    Design of Damped Input Filter for Buck Converter

  5. 在矩阵变换器的实际应用中,为了满足电磁兼容性(EMC)的要求,通常在电源与开关矩阵之间接有输入滤波器。

    Input filters are usually adopted in matrix converter systems to meet the requirement of electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ) .

  6. 在研究单级LC直流输入滤波器的基础上,为了限制滤波器的瞬态谐振峰值采用了可控谐振阻尼两级LC直流输入滤波器;

    Based on the research of single-stage LC input filtering , in order to restrain the peak value of transient resonance wave , double-stage LC input filtering is adopted .

  7. 给出了输入滤波器中的电感及电容参数选择方法。

    The parameter setting method of inductor and capacitor was presented .

  8. 据此设计了相应的输入滤波器。

    On this basis , a input filter is designed .

  9. 具有控制输入滤波器的随机系统自适应条件滤波方法

    A method of adaptive conditional filtering with control vectors filter for stochastic system

  10. 输入滤波器与开关变换器相互作用的分析

    Analysis of Interactions between Input Filter and Switching Converter

  11. 此外,还讨论了2种变流器中元件的数量、半导体元器件的损耗、输入滤波器的设计和保护等方面的内容。

    Part count , semiconductor losses , input filter design , and protection aspects are discussed .

  12. 推荐了一种新型的输入滤波器结构,它只用两个扼流圈铁心,并使尺寸减小。

    A new input filter topology is proposed , using only two choke cores and providing the size reduction .

  13. 如果用户有更高的要求,可以再外加一级输入滤波器。

    If they have higher request , users can add another input filter before the module input like Fig.2 .

  14. 矩阵变换器系统存在潜在不稳定的根本原因是输入滤波器对不同次数的谐波的传输系数不同。

    The reason for potential instability in the presence of input filter is the different gains of input filter for different frequency .

  15. 对电路的电压环及其脉动补偿电路、输入滤波器进行了仿真研究和参数优化。

    The simulation studies and parameter optimizations are made for the voltage loop , pulse compensation circuit and the input filter respectively .

  16. 本文首先讨论了异步电动机串级调速系统的原理及其调节器及输入滤波器的整定过程。

    Firstly this paper discusses the principle and tuning process of the regulators and input filters of asynchronous motor cascade speed regulation systems .

  17. 在归纳、总结和完善矩阵变换器输入滤波器的设计原则的基础上,提出了一种输入滤波器的多目标优化设计方法。

    Based on the generalization and improvement of the input filter design for matrix converter , a multi-object optimization designing algorithm is presented .

  18. 借助电路分析理论,分析了空间矢量调制矩阵变换器的暂态响应特性与输入滤波器参数的关系。

    With the circuit analysis theory , the relationships between the parameters of input filter and the transient properties of the matrix converter are analyzed .

  19. 该控制器由等效扰动信号、被控对象、对象模型、内模控制器、反馈滤波器及参考输入滤波器组成。

    The PID controller is composed of the equivalent interference signal , the controlled objects , the object model , IMC , feedback filter and reference input filter .

  20. 依据输入滤波器输出阻抗极大值最小原则对基于阻尼补偿的直流发电机带恒功率负载系统输入滤波器参数进行了最优设计,给出了设计方法和流程。

    Optimal design for input filter parameters in the system is accomplished to obtain the minimization of peak output impedance , and the design process is discussed in detail .

  21. 文中研究了矩阵式变换器的电流闭环控制系统并对主电路、输入滤波器、箝位保护电路、控制电路、驱动电路进行了详细设计。

    Then gives the matrix converter current loop control system and gives the detailed design of the main circuit , input filter , clamp protection circuit , control circuit and driver circuit .

  22. 在深入分析滤波器对系统物理本质影响的基础上,选取了适当的滤波器结构,归纳、总结和完善了矩阵变换器输入滤波器的设计原则。

    Based on analyzing the influence of input filter on matrix converter system , the design guideline of input filter for matrix converter , as well as the proper filter topology , is deduced and generalized .

  23. 详细讨论了输入滤波器的设计原则和负载特性对输入输出的影响,得出对于不对称负载输入滤波器的设计方法,并给出由于输入滤波器引起的输入功率因数的补偿方案。

    The design principle of input filter and its affection to input and output performance were discussed , a design method of asymmetry load input filter was applied and a modulation method with power factor correction was presented .

  24. 从实验的角度对阻抗比判据进行了验证,结果表明,阻抗比判据是研究子系统相互作用问题的简单方法,但过于保守,限制了输入滤波器参数的选取范围。

    The impedance ratio criterion is tested by experiment , and the results shown that it is a simple way to research subsystem interactions , but it is conservative and restricts the optional range of the input filter parameters .

  25. 仿真和实验表明,按该方法设计的输入滤波器,具有体积小、重量轻、损耗低、谐振峰值低及衰减速率快等优点,在开关变换器场合具有重要应用价值。

    Simulation and experiment show that the input filter designed according to the given methods has the merits such as small volume , light weight , low loss , low resonant peaking and high attenuation speed , and has important application value on switching conversions .

  26. LMS算法是随机梯度算法中的一种,其在随机输入维纳滤波器递归计算中使用确定性梯度。

    It is one of random gradient algorithms with the steady gradient during the iteration .

  27. 输入整流滤波器及钳位保护电路的设计

    A Design of Input Rectifying Filter and Clamping Protection Circuit

  28. 设计的滤波器面板可以输入各种滤波器参数,能够接收数据并进行滤波和结果显示,并对结果进行保存。

    The Interface designed can input various parameters , receive data , filter the wave , display and save the results .

  29. 该拓扑具有所有功率开关均为软开关,输出二极管电压应力低和输入输出滤波器小的特点。

    There are soft switching conditions of all switches , low voltage stresses on the output diodes , and smaller input and output filters in this topology .

  30. 并联交错式单端变换器增大了输出功率、降低了输入输出滤波器尺寸,特别适用于要求高功率密度、超薄型封装诸如分布式电源系统的大功率应用场合。

    Since single ended interleaving foward converter increases its output power and decreases its input / output filter sizes , it is especially attractive in high power applications that call for high power density and low profile packaging , for example , in distributed power systems .