
  • 网络Output Filter
  1. 多电平PWM逆变电路谐波分析与输出滤波器设计

    Harmonic analysis and output filter design for multilevel PWM Inverters

  2. APF输出滤波器的改进与优化设计

    Improvement and Optimal Design of APF Output Filter

  3. PWM变频器电源逆变器输出滤波器分析

    Analysis for PWM Power Inverter on Export Filter

  4. 三相并联有源电力滤波器:考虑谐波和EMI标准时的输出滤波器的研究

    Study on Electric Power Output Filter in a 3-Phase Parallel Connection Circuit with Harmonics and EMI Requirements

  5. 提出了一种新颖的用于脉冲宽度调制(PWM)动系统的逆变器输出滤波器。

    A novel inverter output filter consists of the variable inductance and capacitor is proposed for pulse-width modulated ( PWM ) drive system .

  6. PSK调制输出滤波器优化设计

    Optimization and Implementation of the Output Filter of a PSK Signal Modulator

  7. 最终达到消除PWM信号中的开关信号和电磁干扰信号,提高效率和保真度,减小输出滤波器的体积和成本。

    Filter may serve the role to eliminate switching and EMI interfere in PWM signal . Thus to improve efficiency and fidelity , lower the filter cost and component sizes .

  8. 从无功补偿器能力和瞬态电流跟踪能力两方面讨论了改进的LC输出滤波器对STATCOM装置的影响。

    Influences of improved LC output filter on STATCOM are discussed from both reactive power compensation ability and transient current tracking ability .

  9. 该混频器主要由Lange耦合器、输入、输出滤波器以及区配网络等部分组成。

    The mixer consists of a Lange coupler , an input filter , an output filter and matching networks etc.

  10. 串联混合型有源滤波系统的整体优化设计现有的输出滤波器(OutputFilter,OF)参数设计大多以工程经验选取为主,没有考虑输出滤波对有源滤波系统的补偿能力和补偿性能的影响。

    Integrated Parameter Optimization Design of Series Hybrid Active Power Filter The design method of output filter ( OF ) mainly depend on engineering experience , that does not include the influence of OF to the compensating ability and property of the whole system .

  11. 因而本文用了一章的篇幅来介绍逆变器的设计,主要包括逆变器的数学建模、输出滤波器的设计和控制器参数的设计,最后用MATLAB进行仿真,结果表明参数设计基本合理。

    Inverter is full designed in the chapter 2 . Math model of inverter is constructed and the parameters of filter and controller of inverter are designed in the same chapter . The parameters are rational with the MATLAB simulation .

  12. DC/AC变换器采用传统全桥逆变电路,功率管采用RCD吸收电路,输出滤波器采用尖峰抑制滤波器。

    DC / AC converter adopts full-bridge inverter power tube adopts RCD snubber , and output filter adopts spike suppression filters .

  13. 此外,还引入了倍流整流方式ZVSPWM三电平直流变换器(半桥),使逆变桥主开关管上电压减少到一半,并改善了输出滤波器的工作条件。

    The ZVS PWM and three level converter are introduced with the above pros , which can also reduce half voltage of MOSFET and greatly change the current condition of output filter .

  14. 输出滤波器对PAPF系统性能影响的仿真分析

    Simulation Analysis of Output Filter in PAPF System

  15. 该变频器采用单元串联多电平技术,可以得到阶梯SPWM波形,无需输出滤波器,可直接驱动普通电动机。

    The ( frequency ) converter ( adopted ) multilevel technology with cells series , which could obtain stepped SPWM waveforms , and could drive ordinary motor directly with no output filter .

  16. 低压配电网APF研制成功后,通过上述方法分析了控制策略的稳定性。(4)提出了低压配电网APF输出滤波器的优化设计方法。

    With method mentioned above , stability of low-voltage distribution network APF is analyzed after its developement . ( 4 ) Optimal design method of output filter for low-voltage distribution network APF is proposed .

  17. 在常K型Γ型低通输出滤波器基础上,论述了如何抑制扰动振荡谐波从而得到了可控谐振阻尼LC输出滤波器。

    While for the output filtering , based on the research of the constant k of T type low-pass output filtering , the method to restrain harass oscillation resonance wave is discussed , the controlled resonance damp LC output filtering is achieved .

  18. 在采用有源电力滤波器(APF)消除谐波的过程中,由于滤波器的检测精度有限、指令电流计算延时和输出滤波器相移等因素的影响,传统的PI控制滤波效果不够理想。

    Due to the influences of detection precision , time delay of instruction current calculation and phase displacement of output filter , harmonic elimination using active power filter ( APF ) with traditional PI controller is not ideal .

  19. 直流三电平(Three-level,TL)变换器可以降低开关管的电压应力,减小输出滤波器,非常适合高压输入的应用场合。

    The most important advantage of the three-level ( TL ) converter is that the switches sustain only the half of the input voltage with the reduced output filter inductance , so it is very suitable for high voltage applications .

  20. 分析了48V输入电压调节模块(VRM)设计的难点,系统地介绍在主电路拓扑选择、同步整流器选择、输出滤波器的设计中应遵循的原则。

    This paper points out the main difficulties met with designing the 48V input Voltage Regulator Modules ( VRM ) . The principles to choose the power stage topology , synchronous rectifiers , output filter capacitor , output inductor are presented in detail .

  21. 输出滤波器是SAPF的关键组成部分,综合考虑补偿频段的跟踪性能和高频开关谐波抑制性能这两类指标,提出了基于伏秒特性的LRC型输出滤波器的参数计算方法。

    The output filter is a key component of SAPF , considering the two indicators of compensation frequency band tracking performance and high-frequency band switching harmonic suppression performance , a parameter computation method of LRC type of output filter is proposed based on the volt-second characteristic .

  22. 虚拟电阻在逆变电源输出滤波器中的应用

    The Output Filter in the Inverter by Using a Virtual Resistor

  23. 有源滤波器中输出滤波器的参数设计及优化

    Design and Optimization of Output Filter of Parallel Active Power Filters

  24. 变速恒频风力发电系统变流器输出滤波器的设计

    Design of converter output filter in VSCF wind power generating system

  25. D类功放输出滤波器的优化与仿真

    Optimization and Simulation of Class D Audio Amplifier Output Filter

  26. 感性负载下电源输出滤波器的动态响应

    The Dynamic Response of Output Filter of Power Supply under Inductive Loading

  27. 谐振注入式有源滤波器的输出滤波器研究

    The Output Filter Research of Resonance Injection Active Power Filter

  28. 数字闭环光纤陀螺输出滤波器设计

    Design of output filter of digital closed-loop fiber optic gyroscopes

  29. 矩阵整流器输入与输出滤波器特性的研究

    Research on Characteristics of Input Filter and Output Filter in Matrix Rectifier

  30. 一种新颖的用于减小电机终端共模dv/dt的逆变输出滤波器

    A novel inverter output filter for reducing motor terminal common-mode dv / dt