
  • 网络voltage-doubling rectifier
  1. TIG焊倍压整流式引弧电路的设计与调试

    Design and debug of voltage doubled ignition circuit for TIG welding

  2. 将倍压整流技术和LLC多谐振变流器结合起来,构造出倍压整流LLC多谐振变流器。

    Combining the topologies of voltage doubler with LLC multi-resonant converter , LLC multi-resonant converter with voltage doubler can be constructed .

  3. 本文通过利用Boost直流斩波电路替代传统拓扑中的Buck电路,解决了变压器高变比以及倍压整流电路多级化的问题。

    By using a Boost DC chopper circuit to replace the traditional topology of Buck circuit ; this article solved the problems of high transformation ratio of transformers and multipolarity of voltage multiplying rectifying circuit .

  4. 本文提出了一种新型的倍压整流LLC谐振变流器电流型同步整流驱动方案。

    This paper also proposes a novel current driving scheme for synchronous rectifier ( SR ) in the LLC resonant converter with a voltage doubler rectifier to further improve the performance of the LLC resonant converter .

  5. 原油脱水倍压整流供电装置

    Power-Supply Unit of Double Voltage Rectification of Crude Oil Dehydration

  6. 三柱式倍压整流在高压电源中的应用

    Application of three posts voltage multiplying rectifier in high voltage power supply

  7. 不对称倍压整流电路的S域分析

    S - domain Analysis on Asymmetric Rectifier Double Circuit

  8. 用于无线唤醒的超高频倍压整流电路设计

    Design of UHF Voltage Multiplier for Radio-Triggered Wake-Up Circuit

  9. 接着本文重点研究了空心变压器和多绕组变压器倍压整流电路。

    In the next air core transformer and multi-winding transformer voltage-multiplying rectifying circuit are studied .

  10. 静电电源设备中倍压整流电路的特性分析

    The Analysis of the Characteristics of Voltage Doubler Rectifier Circuit in Static Precipitator Power Supply

  11. 设计中采用低压输入的推挽方式,利用2倍压整流电路产生要求的高压。

    And push-pull mode of low-voltage generates the required high voltage in using voltage doubling rectifying circuit .

  12. 利用两倍压整流电路、超级电容设计制作了整流储能电路,实现了间歇的对外供能。

    Using voltage doubler and super-capacitor design piezoelectric energy-harvesting circuit , which can achieve intermittently external energy supply .

  13. 并指出了用这种倍压整流电路制造脉冲式高压静电源的可能性。

    The paper points out that it is possible to produce pulsed highvoltage eletrostatic power supply by using the voltage doubler rectifier circuit .

  14. 测量结果与仿真结果基本吻合。二、主要针对整流天线中的整流电路进行了研究,将倍压整流电路运用到了整流天线中。

    The measurement results and simulation results are basically agreement . Second , we mainly introduce the double-voltage rectifier circuit for the rectifying antenna .

  15. 本文介绍了一种用倍压整流方式构成的中频脉冲引弧器,并对其工作原理及参数设计进行了分析。

    On the working principle of the high frequency oscillator for arc ignition , the circuit model of the high frequency oscillator is set up in this paper .

  16. 高压发生器采用了变压器升压结合倍压整流的方式,既获得了输出直流电压的大幅提升又获得了较好的纹波效果。

    High-voltage generator using a combination of step-up voltage transformer and voltage multiplying rectifier , not only access to the output DC voltage increases and obtain a better ripple effect .

  17. 设计的倍压整流、半波整流和直流供电的脉冲爆震发动机起爆点火系统实现了点火能量和火花放电频率的控制。

    The initiating detonation systems of voltage multiplying rectification , half-wave rectification and direct-current supply are designed to implement the control ignition system of PDE over ignition energy and spark frequency .

  18. 产生器产生的振荡脉冲波升压后由倍压整流滤波获得直流高压,调节直流电源得到各直流高压输出值。

    The oscillating impulse wave was converted to high voltage direct current after double voltage commutated filter , and the output value of high voltage direct current was gained through adjusted the direct current power .

  19. 对电路中重要组成部分倍压整流电路进行了详细的分析研究,针对其输出纹波和电压下降等缺点提出了解决方案,并通过仿真确定了其电容的容值。

    It analyzed the important parts of voltage multiplying rectifying circuit in detail , proposed solutions for the output ripple and dropping voltage and other disadvantages , and determined the capacity of its capacitance through simulation .

  20. 该电源采用电压电流双环控制策略,复合式全波倍压整流输出,不仅降低了对高频变压器绝缘与工艺方面的要求,同时稳定性、效率也得到了提高。

    The dual-loop feedback control technology and voltage doubling rectifing circuit of combined type full-wave are used to the laser power supply . Which enhance not only insulation and performance for high-frequency transformer but also increases stability and efficiency .

  21. 采用矩形磁屏蔽、二倍压桥式整流、四绕组级联等优化,使变压器结构更合理,性能更可靠。

    With the use of rectangular magnetic shielding , voltage doubling bridge rectifier , cascade connection of 4 windings , the structure of the transformer is more reasonable and the performance more reliable .

  22. 新型的倍压和全波整流复合式交流预电离CO2激光器电源

    A novel CO_2 laser power supply of composite AC preionization with double voltage and full-wave rectification

  23. 本文介绍一种利用倍压和全波整流复合的新型电路所研制的CO2激光器电源。

    A novel composite circuit power supply with double voltage and full-wave rec-tification for CO2 lasers are developed .