首页 / 词典 / good


bèi r
  • very;very much
倍儿 [bèi ér]
  • [very] 〈方〉∶很;特别

  • 倍儿多

  • 倍儿好

倍儿[bèi r]
  1. 上帝一定倍儿爱SB,不然他造这么多!

    God must love stupid people . He made SO many .

  2. 办公室主任由倍儿悦曾举嶒担任。

    Office held by the Bel Wyatt has served as lofty .

  3. 没有;他们站得倍儿直,还挂着自豪。

    Nope ; they 're standing up straight and proud .

  4. 我在镜子前睁大眼睛望着自己。(倍儿注:发呆呢。)

    I open my eyes wide and look at myself in the mirror .

  5. 加上倍儿短的平头,让你无所不能。

    And a spanking short haircut , and you can cope with anything .

  6. 例:北京奥运会的开幕式肯定倍儿有看头儿!

    The opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games must be very worthy of looking forward !

  7. 尽管主人称它是英格兰年纪最大的一只猫猫,小黑仍然身体倍儿棒。

    BLACKIE the cat is feline fine & despite her owners'claims she is Britain 's oldest moggie .

  8. 回到上海的感觉真好!一周假期过后俺感觉倍儿棒!

    It 's so nice to be back to Shanghai , and I feel like a million dollars after the week-long holidays .

  9. 我的初吻经历要很特别,他必须成绩倍儿棒,前途无量,而不是“马里奥兄弟”。

    It was supposed to be special , someone with a high GPA And a bright future , not a Mario Brother .

  10. 而谈到投射嘛,布克的水平不知高到哪里去啦,迎着防守也能投得倍儿准。

    When it comes to shooting , Booker 's level is already pretty high , showing a deft touch at unloading 3s over the top of the defense

  11. 如果女人能做到以秃顶和啤酒肚在大巷上晃还觉得自己倍儿性感――此时估量男女能同等。

    Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street witha bald head and a beer gut , and still think they are sexy .