
  • 网络PIRELLI;Endurance
  1. 随着“中国公司”(ChinaInc)走出去、收购意大利轮胎企业倍耐力(Pirelli)之类企业,中国高管们正寻找更微妙的方式,将业务拓展至世界其他地方。

    As China Inc goes global , buying up the likes of Italian tyre company Pirelli , its executives are looking for more subtle ways of introducing their businesses to the rest of the world .

  2. 倍耐力(Pirelli)的2015年历中有大码模特坎迪丝·赫法恩(CandiceHuffine),摄影师是史蒂文·梅塞(StevenMeisel),造型师是卡琳·洛菲德(CarineRoitfeld)。

    The 2015 Pirelli calendar , shot by Steven Meisel and styled by Carine Roitfeld , included the plus-size model Candice Huffine .

  3. 除了上述众多业务外,中国化工旗下还有一家轮胎企业,该公司去年斥资73亿欧元收购了意大利的倍耐力(Pirelli)。

    In addition to this eclectic mix , ChemChina also has a tyre division that last year paid 7.3bn for Italy 's Pirelli .

  4. 它们为境况不佳的欧洲企业,包括瑞典汽车制造商沃尔沃(Volvo)、意大利轮胎制造商倍耐力(Pirelli)、法国度假区运营商地中海俱乐部(ClubMed)和希腊比雷埃夫斯的港口提供了新的资金来源。

    They have provided a source of fresh capital for ailing European enterprises , like the Swedish carmaker Volvo , the Italian tire maker Pirelli , the French resort operator Club Med , and the port in Piraeus , Greece .

  5. 昨日上午在中国化工(ChemChina)总部,董事长任建新就这家集团对意大利轮胎企业倍耐力(Pirelli)的73亿欧元收购交易做出了解释。旁边的一间教堂传出阵阵钟声,充当了应景的配乐。

    Bells ringing from a church next to ChemChina 's headquarters yesterday morning provided a fitting soundtrack for the group 's chairman to explain its proposed 7.3bn takeover of Italian tyre group Pirelli .

  6. 已准备好收购意大利轮胎制造商倍耐力(Pirelli)的中国实业家对美国发出抨击,称他错过了许多在美国的投资机会,因为他的签证申请经常遭到拒绝。

    The Chinese industrialist poised to take control of Italian tyremaker Pirelli has attacked the US , saying he is missing out on investment opportunities in the country because his visa applications are routinely rejected .

  7. 。”上述保证似乎已赢得了意大利总理马泰奥•伦齐(MatteoRenzi)的改革派政府的赞同。伦齐政府正在寻求提振经济,因此对外国投资采取更开放的政策,它将中国化工与倍耐力的这笔交易视为政府开放立场的体现。

    Such reassurances appear to have won over Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi 's reformist government , which is highlighting the ChemChina-Pirelli deal as a sign of its more open policy on foreign investment as it seeks to boost the economy .

  8. 上周六,意大利经济发展部部长费代丽卡•圭迪(FedericaGuidi)表示,意大利政府“无权干涉”此类交易,尤其是中国化工的收购将让倍耐力“更具竞争力”。

    On Saturday , Italy 's economic development minister , Federica Guidi , said Rome had " no right to intervene " in any such deal , especially as ChemChina 's takeover would make Pirelli " even more competitive . "

  9. 倍耐力在高端汽车轮胎市场拥有强大地位,任建新与倍耐力负责人马可•特隆凯蒂•普罗维拉(MarcoTronchettiProvera)相信,这家意大利集团可以利用与其与中国化工的合作伙伴关系,做强它相对较弱的工业轮胎业务,尤其是在中国。

    Mr Ren and his counterpart at Pirelli , Marco Tronchetti Provera , believe the Italian group , which has a strong position in the high-end automotive tyre segment , can use its partnership with ChemChina to bolster its comparatively weak industrial tyres division , especially in China .

  10. 倍耐力与中国化工的缘份开始于三年前。

    The courtship between Pirelli and ChemChina began three years ago .

  11. 除此以外,所有的车手都将使用统一的倍耐力轮胎。

    On top of that , all drivers will have the same Pirelli tyres .

  12. 然后中国化工将发出整体收购要约,将倍耐力私有化,整个收购价超过70亿欧元。

    ChemChina will then make its more than 7bn offer for the entire company and take it private .

  13. 去年意大利的政治人士和工人们出于同样的原因普遍欢迎任建新拍板收购倍耐力。

    Last year , Italian politicians and workers broadly welcomed Mr Ren 's purchase of Pirelli for the same reason .

  14. 大约有200家意大利公司报名参加此次博览会,其中包括倍耐力——世界上最大的轮胎制造厂商之一。

    Around 200 Italian companies have registered to attend the event , including Pirelli , one of the world 's largest tyre manufacturers .

  15. 倍耐力亚太区高级副总裁朱利亚诺·梅纳西说,倍耐力的展区面积达到140平方米。

    Giuliano Menassi , Pirelli 's Senior Vice President for the Asia Pacific , says the company will have a 140-square meter exhibition area .

  16. 但是倍耐力本站带来的新的硬胎给我们带来的困难,是我们没有想到的。

    However , what we had not expected was to suffer so much on the new Hard compound tyre that Pirelli had introduced for this race .

  17. 根据任建新的介绍,中国化工的最终打算是让倍耐力的汽车业务在意大利重新上市,以及两家企业合并后的工业轮胎业务在亚洲重新上市。

    According to Mr Ren , it ultimately intends to relist Pirelli 's automotive business in Italy and the two companies " combined industrial tyre units in Asia .

  18. 据轮胎市场营业额显示,倍耐力是全球著名轮胎制造商,并跻身于该领域高收益率之列。

    Pirelli Tyre is the world 's fifth largest operator in terms of turnover on the tyre market , with levels of profitability among the highest in the sector .

  19. 任建新表示,两家公司在2012年时就希望结盟,结果因为他接触倍耐力的消息走漏,引起股价“波动”,最终不了了之。

    But Mr Ren said the two companies " hopes for a tie-up in 2012 were dashed when rumours of his approach leaked and " disturbed " the share price .

  20. 中国化工对倍耐力的收购过程颇为复杂,上周中国化工同意收购倍耐力控股公司Camfin所持倍耐力股份,踏出了整个收购计划的第一步。

    The first step in ChemChina 's complex takeover of Pirelli took place last week , when the Chinese group agreed to acquire holding company Camfin , Pirelli 's controlling shareholder .

  21. 继续关于轮胎的话题,从本周四在摩纳哥的一练开始,我们开始要连续三站比赛使用倍耐力提供的软胎和超软胎。

    Staying on the subject of tyres , starting with free practice this Thursday at Monaco , we begin a run of three Grands Prix using Pirelli 's Soft and Super Soft and that should work better for us .

  22. 周一米兰证交所开盘后不久,倍耐力的股价就已经远远超过了这一水平。这表明市场认为要么随后的全面收购报价将更高,要么会有人站出来和中化集团竞价。

    And in early trading in Milan Monday , the shares rose well above that level , suggesting that the market thinks that either the full takeover bid , when it comes , will be higher , or that there may be a counter-offer from someone else .