
  • 网络lead designer;The Chief Designer;chief architect
  1. Brody现在是华为首席设计师和副主席。

    Brody is now Chief Designer and vice president at Huawei .

  2. 他也不愿详述自己自1983年以来担任香奈儿(Chanel)首席设计师32年的陈年往事。

    Neither will he dwell on his 32-year stewardship ofChanel , where he has been the chief designer since 1983 .

  3. 我是GentooLinux(目前还是beta版的下一代LinuxOS)的首席设计师。

    I 'm the chief architect of Gentoo Linux , a next-generation Linux OS currently in beta .

  4. 这是民间艺术家LeonardKnight(译者注:LeonardKnight是救世军山的建设者和首席设计师)的视野,他的座右铭是“上帝永不让我们失望”。

    With the motto ' God Never Fails , " it 's the vision of folk artist Leonard Knight .

  5. 长期担任苹果首席设计师的乔纳森·伊夫(JonyIve)在《纽约客》(NewYorker)二月的人物特写文章中也对艾萨克森的传记进行了指责。

    Jony Ive , Apple 's longtime design chief , added his criticism of Mr. Isaacson 's biography last month in a New Yorker profile .

  6. 苹果(Apple)首席设计师对模仿者作出了批评。在苹果即将推出AppleWatch和最新款iPad之前,乔纳森•艾夫爵士(SirJonathanIve)介绍了这家善于保密的集团的某些产品开发流程。

    Apple 's design chief took a swipe at copycats as he explained some of the secretive group 's product development processes ahead of the launch of its Watch and latest iPads .

  7. 身为苹果的首席设计师,他拥有众多高端手表。2000年中,他率队造访了耐克公司(Nike),带回来耐克的一款运动手表,数量多达好几箱。

    Apple 's chief designer owns many high-end models and in the mid-2000s had a team visit Nike and bring home boxes of one of their sports watches .

  8. 在这一点上,火狐浏览器(Firefoxbrowser)的首席设计师阿扎•拉斯金(AzaRaskin)引述了启发了他的人物,已故的伟大航空工程师保罗•麦克雷迪(PaulMacCready)的事例。

    Aza Raskin , who was lead designer for the Firefox browser , cites the late Paul MacCready as his inspiration on this point .

  9. 观致汽车请来了Mini的前任首席设计师格特?希尔德布兰德(GertHildebrand)以及大众北美业务前任主管石清仁(VolkerSteinwascher)。

    They include Gert Hildebrand , former chief designer at Mini , and Volker Steinwascher , former head of Volkswagen 's North America operations .

  10. 在2006年至2009年担任诺基亚首席设计师的柯蒂斯(AlastairCurtis)说,他们花在政治斗争上的时间比花在设计上的时间多。

    ' You were spending more time fighting politics than doing design , ' said Alastair Curtis , Nokia 's chief designer from 2006 to 2009 .

  11. 十多年前,原诺基亚(NokiaCorp.)首席设计师诺沃(FrankNuovo)向无线运营商和投资者做报告,猜想移动互联网的未来。

    Frank Nuovo , the former chief designer at Nokia Corp. , NOK + 2.37 % gave presentations more than a decade ago to wireless carriers and investors that divined the future of the mobile Internet .

  12. 现年46岁的赖斯是一名受过培训的设计师,他当时是林德利子爵(ViscountLindley)旗下家具公司LindleyCo的合伙人。1991年,他以首席设计师的身份加入妻子的公司。

    Mr Rice , 46 , a trained designer , was then a partner in Viscount Lindley 's furniture business , Lindley Co. He joined his wife 's company as chief designer in 1991 .

  13. 原诺基亚首席设计师诺沃说,苹果在这一概念上占得先机时,我感觉非常心痛;每当别人说iPhone作为一个概念和一款硬件产品是独一无二的,我都感到难过。

    ' I was heartbroken when Apple got the jump on this concept , ' says Mr. Nuovo , Nokia 's former chief designer . ' When people say the iPhone as a concept , a piece of hardware , is unique , that upsets me . '

  14. 宝石宠物系列的首席设计师奥村美雪(MiyukiOrumura)认为,年幼的孩子如果喜欢某个卡通形象,以后也会一直喜欢下去。

    When younger children embrace a character , many tend to remain fans even later in life , said Miyuki Okumura , the lead designer behind the Jewelpet series .

  15. 他一直工作到80多岁,在俄罗斯伊热夫斯克的武器工厂担任首席设计师和顾问。那里也是第一支AK-47突击步枪诞生的地方。

    He continued to work into his 80s as the chief designer and a consultant at the arms factory in Izhevsk , Russia , where the AK-47 was first manufactured .

  16. 车队的首席设计师将BX-09自行车四个创业,从工程设计工程学院的学生在布鲁内尔大学硕士伦敦西部。

    The team 's chief designers for the BX-09 bike are four entrepreneurial Masters of Engineering students from School of Engineering and Design at Brunel University West London .

  17. 首席设计师才刚刚完善了新模型的设计。

    The chief designer has just completed a new improved model .

  18. 他是服装厂的首席设计师。

    He is the chief designer of a garment factory .

  19. 杰克·韦斯特是英特尔自动驾驶解决方案的首席设计师。

    Jack Weast is the chief architect of autonomous driving solutions at Intel .

  20. 之后,任氏出任连卡佛百货公司之首席设计师。

    After that , he became the Chief Designer of department store Lane Crawford .

  21. 你是首席设计师。

    You are the lead designer .

  22. 身为《纪念碑谷》的首席设计师,王友健认为,游戏开发者应该真诚地对待自己的游戏。

    Ken Wong , the lead designer of the game , believes developers should be true to their games .

  23. 他会对首席设计师说:我做你的工作肯定比你做得好,我只用幻灯片就能把事情做好。

    He would say things like , I can do your job better than you and I can do it with just PowerPoint to the lead designer .

  24. 与后雷曼时期不同,2008年纾困行动的首席设计师&美国政府这次将自身难保。这次真的会不一样。

    And unlike after Lehman , the US government , chief architect of the 2008 bail-out , would itself be compromised . This time really would be different .

  25. 这一广告宣传是罗密欧首次涉足时尚界的成果,在此之前,博柏利的首席设计师克里斯托弗贝利和维多利亚贝克汉姆经过了一年的商洽才达成协议。

    The campaign was Romeo 's first for the fashion house and came after over a year of discussion between Burberry Chief Designer Christopher Bailey and Victoria Beckham .

  26. 他会对首席设计师说:“我做你的工作肯定比你做得好,我只用幻灯片就能把事情做好。”

    He would say things like , " I can do your job better than you and I can do it with just PowerPoint " to the lead designer .

  27. 按首席设计师黄领才的话说,AG600就像是一艘能飞起来的船,这是因为其具备先进的气水动融合设计和水下耐腐蚀技术。

    According to chief designer Huang Lingcai , " The AG600 is like a ship that can fly " due to its advanced gas-water dynamic engineering and underwater corrosion resistance technology .

  28. 帕特里克。罗宾森是盖普品牌的首席设计师,在两年多前加盟公司时,他便认为牛仔裤款式迫切需要一次彻底的革新。

    The head designer for the Gap brand , Patrick Robinson , saw denim as a category sorely in need of an overhaul when he joined the company over two years ago .

  29. 没错,德国一直是针对肆意挥霍的南欧和爱尔兰人的说教式紧缩计划的首席设计师,这些紧缩计划是德国人民极其反感的财政转移的前提条件。

    Yes , it has been the chief architect of moralistic austerity programmes for profligate citizens of southern Europe and Ireland as a precondition of transfers that the German people would otherwise regard as anathema .

  30. 与此同时,梅斯的职业生涯再次引发了一个让汽车业观察家困惑已久的问题:具体到他工作室推出的车型,这位首席设计师到底承担多大责任?

    At the same time , mays ' career raises anew a question that has long perplexed industry observers : how responsible is the chief designer for any individual model that comes out of his studio ?