
shǒu xí xiǎo tí qín shǒu
  • concertmaster;concert master;leader;first-desk violinist;leader of the violin section
  1. 首席小提琴手:在交响乐队中的第一小提琴手兼助理指挥。

    Concertmaster : The first violinist and assistant conductor in a symphony orchestra .

  2. 乐团演奏的每一部分乐章,都有一个成员担任首席小提琴手。

    For each piece the orchestra will perform , a single member is elected as concertmaster .

  3. 过去34个演出季里,纽约爱乐乐团首席小提琴手的位置一直属于格兰·迪克特罗(GlennDicterow),他也是这个位置上呆得最久的人。周三,乐团宣布,现任休斯顿交响乐团首席小提琴手的黄欣将接任迪克特罗。

    Filling the chair that for 34 seasons was occupied by Glenn Dicterow , its longest-serving concertmaster , the New York Philharmonic on Wednesday announced the appointment of Frank Huang , currently concertmaster of the Houston Symphony .

  4. 保罗后来成了芝加哥交响乐团的首席小提琴手。

    Paul became concert master of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra .

  5. 他把首席小提琴手叫到一边,私下与他耳语了几句,然后离开了舞台。

    He took the chief violinist aside and whispered to him in confidence , and then left the stage .

  6. 开始!它是:陆军元帅,教官,鼓乐队队长还是首席小提琴手?

    Here we go , is it : the field marshal , drill instructor , drum major or concertmaster ?

  7. 还不到十三岁,克利斯朵夫在宫廷管弦乐队里就已经稳稳地当上了正式的第二小提琴手,他的父亲就是该乐队的首席小提琴手。

    Before reaching his teens , Christophe was firmly installed as official second violinist in the court orchestra , where his father was concert master .

  8. 作为一个交响乐团的首席小提琴是任何小提琴手都会感到骄傲的事。

    To be the leader of a symphony orchestra is something , any violinist can be proud of .