
  • 网络Saturday morning
  1. 我在星期六早晨总是与我的朋友玩。

    I always play with my friends on Saturday morning .

  2. 我们将于星期六早晨去看电影。

    We will go to the cinema on Saturday morning .

  3. 妈妈,我们星期六早晨一起喝杯咖啡,怎么样?

    Let 's meet for coffee Saturday morning , okay , Mom ?

  4. 以前,每个星期六早晨,男孩们都去池塘裸泳。

    The boys used to go skinny-dip in the pond every Saturday morning .

  5. 这是个愉快平静的星期六早晨。

    It was a lovely , uneventful Saturday morning .

  6. 星期六早晨有一列火车开出。

    There 's a train leaving on Saturday morning .

  7. 我们养成了星期六早晨晚起的习惯。

    We 've fallen into the habit of getting up late on Saturday mornings .

  8. 蒂娜:有五年的我每个星期六早晨去上钢琴课。

    Tina : I went to piano lessons every Saturday morning for five years .

  9. 米兰在星期六早晨训练如常训练,而且明天将会有另外的训练。

    Milan trained as normal on Saturday morning and will have another session tomorrow .

  10. 于是,登陆器星期六早晨发回图象,显示土粘在铲子上。

    The lander then transmitted images Saturday morning showing soil stuck in the scoop .

  11. 不管怎样,星期六早晨的头几个小时最令人愉快。

    Either way , the first few hours of a Saturday morning are most enjoyable .

  12. 准备星期六早晨发货。

    And ready for shipping Saturday morning .

  13. 我恍然大悟一个阳光充足的星期六早晨其实只是件意外的事情!

    It suddenly dawned on me one sunny Saturday morning that life is nothing but an accident !

  14. 星期六早晨,哈利很早就醒来了,又在床上躺了一会儿,想着即将到来的魁地奇比赛。

    Harry woke early on Saturday morning and lay for a while thinking about the coming Quidditch match .

  15. 飓风艾克带着狂风暴雨星期六早晨在德克萨斯州墨西哥湾登陆。

    Hurricane Ike came ashore early Saturday along the Texas Gulf Coast with strong winds and torrential rains .

  16. 奥巴马在星期六早晨,以手机简讯的方式向支持者宣布,他选择了拜登作为竞选夥伴。

    Obama 's choice of Biden to be his running mate was announced early Saturday morning , in a text message to supporters .

  17. 星期六早晨中国成功地将一颗导航卫星从位于西南地区四川省的西昌发射中心发射并将其送入运行轨道。

    China successfully put a navigation satellite into orbit early Saturday from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China 's Sichuan Province .

  18. 加布:既然你牺牲了星期六早晨陪我出去,所以我打算为你做些三明治当午餐。

    Gabe : Since you were nice enough to spend your Saturday morning helping me out , I 'll make sandwiches for lunch .

  19. 我们常去博物馆的星期六早晨俱乐部,因为它很有趣。这是我的网站主页。

    We like to go to the saturday morning Club at the museum because it 's interesting and fun . Here 's my homepage .

  20. 典型的星期六早晨开始了,而这个早晨却让学到了关于生活的宝贵一课。

    What began as a typical Saturday morning , turned into one of those lessons that life seems to hand you from time to time .

  21. 韩国和中国的领导人星期六早晨抵达了仙台和宫城灾区,两人都各自参访了几个地方。

    The South Korean and Chinese leaders arrived Saturday morning in Sendai , in disaster-hit Miyagi prefecture , and both made individual visits to places in the region .

  22. 我恍然大悟一个阳光充足的星期六早晨其实只是件意外的事情!老式的灰衣服;干净、阳光充足但完全没有品位的房间。

    It suddenly dawned on me one sunny Saturday morning that life is nothing but an accident ! a dowdy gray outfit ; a clean and sunny but completely dowdy room .

  23. 星期六早晨我8:30起床,询问“美国最有名的渔人”,怎样在大冷天从Louisianna的鲈鱼船的坐位上捕捉鲈鱼。

    Saturday morning I arise at8:30 and click on " America 's best known fisherman ," giving advice on catching bass in cold weather from the seat of a bass boat in Louisiana .

  24. 然后马奇太太放了海娜一天假,当星期六早晨孩子们起床时,发现没有了早餐,没有了炉火,妈妈也没在等她们。

    Then Mrs March gave Hannah a holiday , and when the girls got up on Saturday , there was no breakfast ready , no fire in the kitchen , and no mother waiting for them .

  25. 大眼锷鱼先生在星期六的早晨,也会像往常一样,吃上一顿丰盛的早餐。

    It was Saturday morning and Mr Croc was having his usual big breakfast .

  26. 于是,就在那个星期六的早晨,迈克成了我的第一个业务伙伴。

    He agreed and so on that Saturday morning , Mike became my first business partner .

  27. 9月3日星期六今日早晨青年队前往考文垂比赛并1-1握手言和。

    Sat September 3rd The youth team travels up in the morning to Coventry and draws 1-1 .

  28. 所以在12:01的时候,它是西部时间,是星期六的早晨。

    So at 12:01 am , it was west of the date line , and it was Saturday morning .

  29. 星期六的早晨到了,夏天的世界,阳光明媚,空气新鲜,充满了生机。

    Saturday morning was come , and all the summer world was bright and fresh , and brimming with life .

  30. 就这样,那个星期六的早晨,堂-科利昂的朋友们从纽约城涌出,去向他表示祝贺。

    And so on that Saturday morning the friends of Don Corleone streamed out of New York City to do him honor .