
xīnɡ xínɡ wǎnɡ luò
  • star network
  1. 一种波分复用星形网络的改进

    A Kind of Improved WDM Star Network

  2. 如同星形网络一样,树形网络由若干计算机连接到一台中央计算机上。

    A tree network consists of several computes linked to a central host computer , just like a star network .

  3. 而当外力的作用恰好等于一个不稳定的拓扑演化变量的时候,Internet受短期生存效用的影响,向着星形网络的方向演化。

    Internet evolved into a regular network ; However if the outside force was equal to an unstable static topology evolution variant , Internet was affected by the short-term survival effect .

  4. 本文采用部分可调的光器件,针对多控制通道的单跳星形网络,提出了一种动态时分/波分复用(T/WDM)访问控制协议。

    This paper presents a media access protocol for a dynamic time / wavelength division multiplexing ( T / WDM ) single hop passive star networks with multi control channels and partial tunable device .

  5. 提出基于Multi-A-gent技术的星形网络化资源管理体系结构,为网络化制造环境下的全生命周期制造对资源的共享和协同提供了支持。

    Stellate manufacturing resource management architecture based on Multi-Agent provides resource ' share and cooperation for oriented-product lifecycle in networked manufacturing .

  6. 然后,利用禁忌搜索算法和图着色理论,提出了一种解决星形网络中RWA问题的启发式算法,利用该算法研究了星形光网络在链路光纤和节点配置不同时的网络特性和生存性设计。

    Then by using Tabu algorithm and graph theory , a heuristic algorithm about RWA is proposed . Through modifying the heuristic algorithm , some network characteristics and survivability designment in star-based optical networks under different configuration of links and nodes are researched .

  7. 星形网络的可靠性分析及其路由选择

    Reliability analysis and routing selection of the star-graph networks

  8. 系统采取星形网络通信协议,通过无线传感器的应用,实现对人体运动信息的实时监测。

    System uses star network communication protocol , so it realizes monitoring in time patients sporting information by using wireless sensors .

  9. 本章根据计算机信息技术和控制系统发展之间的比较和网络集中架设方案的分析,提出了系统网络架设方案,即基于B/S模式的三层星形网络结构;

    Three-tie star network based Browser / Server model is considered according to the comparisons between information technology and control system development and the analysis of centralized network building .

  10. 通过在一个星形网络上的仿真分析和实验测试,验证了该方法的可行性。对于自动交换光网络中光链路的建立具有一定的参考意义。

    Through simulation and experiment in a star wavelength router network , the method is verified and is useful for the optical link establishment in automatic switching optical network .

  11. 最后,将之推广到高阶系统,研究了高阶非线性星形网络系统的牵制控制问题,得到了比较具体的结论,具有实际应用价值。

    At the same time , the pinning strategy of high-order star-shaped complex networks systems is also designed . Finally , concrete conclusions are arrived which are more suitable to the application . 3 .

  12. 其次,讨论了采用牵制控制策略实现低阶星形网络系统的同步问题,并以充分利用网络的结构信息为基础,分别给出局部控制律和全局控制律的设计方法。

    Secondly , pinning control strategy is designed to make lower-order star-shaped complex networks systems synchronized based on the structural information of the networks . The strategies of global pinning control and local pinning control are presented in this thesis .

  13. 基于电力系统实时数据通信应用层协议提出了水调数据远程实时传输应用层协议,并基于此协议实现了基于星形网络结构的东江水电厂水调数据实时传输系统。

    Proposed is a long-distance real-time data transmission application layer protocol of reservoir operation based on the real-time data communication application layer protocol of electric power systems , by which a real-time data transmission system is realized for reservoir operation of the Dongjiang Hydropower Plant based on the star-shaped net .

  14. WDM星形全光网络关键技术研究

    Study on Key Technologies of WDM Star-based All-optical Networks

  15. 高压并联电容器组单双星形接线方式选择波长重用的单跳星形WDM网络

    Selection between Single-star and Dual-star Connection Mode for HV Parallel Capacitor Bank Wavelength Reusable Multi channel Network

  16. 本文主要研究了WDM星形光网络中静态业务条件下的路由与波长分配问题。

    In this paper routing and wavelength allocation ( RWA ) in static WDM star-based all-optical networks are researched .

  17. 基于星形互连网络的并行快速傅立叶变换算法

    A parallel fast Fourier transform algorithm on the star interconnection networks

  18. 基于星形通信网络构架的无线点单管理系统

    A Wireless Menu Submitting System Based on a Star-Net Framework

  19. 一个新颖的2.16Gb/s星形分配网络

    A Novel 2.16 Gb / s Distributed Star Network

  20. 用四端星形电阻网络到四端网状电阻网络的等效变换求田字形不对称电阻网络的等效电阻

    Using the equivalent transformation from a four-terminal star resistance network to the four-terminal mesh resistance network to get the equivalent resistance of asymmetric Tian resistance network

  21. 本章提出了复杂网络系统可反馈同步化的概念,并研究了星形耦合网络系统的可反馈同步化问题,得到了此类系统可反馈同步化的判据。

    Then the concept of capable feedback synchronization ( CFS ) is presented . The problem of CFS of star-shaped complex networks is investigated and the criterion of CFS is obtained .

  22. 针对星形耦合网络系统同步问题进行了研究。首先讨论了此类系统同步问题,发现系统达到同步与网络的耦合强度无关。

    Focusing on star-shaped complex networks systems , conditions of achieving synchronization for this kind of systems are firstly discussed in the thesis . And it is found that the conditions are not related with the coupled strength of the networks .

  23. 从双口网络的Z参数、Y参数出发,推导了星形、三角形网络转换在正弦稳态电路中的转换公式,引出其应用条件。

    In this paper , starting from the conversion of Z parameters and Y parameters of two-port parameters , we deduce the formulas of wye-delta network transformation in sinusoidal steady-state .

  24. 综合用户需求与主流技术,系统采用了基于J2EE技术的MVC架构设计,实现在星形拓补网络上的B/S应用。

    Considering both the users ' demands and mainstream technology comprehensively , the system realizes the star type network by using B / S structure and the MVC construction design which is based on J2EE technology . 3 .

  25. 本文描述了一种2.16Gb/s光纤星形用户分配网络(DSN)及其损耗和带宽的估算。

    A 2.16 Gb / s optical fiber distributed star network architecture ( DSN ) is described and its loss budget and bandwidth evaluation are also presented .

  26. 在正弦稳态电路中的星形、三角形网络转换

    The Wye Delta Network Transforations in Sinusoidal Steady-State Circuites Transforming Bridge

  27. 星形与三角形网络等效变换的直观推导

    An Object Calculation of the Equivalent Interchange of Star-shaped and Triangular Networks

  28. 本文就此列举了两个例子:星形与三角形网络等效互换公式的证明以及罗森定理的证明。

    Two examples , the proffs of both the formulas for the star - delta transformation and Rosen 's theorem , are given in this papaer .

  29. 通过采用以太网星形结构的网络连接方式,将分散控制系统由总线形网络拓朴结构改为星形网络拓扑结构。

    Through using network connecting mode of ether star structure , the distribubuted control system has been changed from busbar network topologic structure into a star network topologic structure .

  30. 接着在单只大鼠机器人的设计基础上,进一步提出多动物机器人的设计思想,并给出简单的星形拓扑结构网络的组建过程。

    And then based on the single rat-robot design , we gave the design method of multi-animal-robot system and described a simple star topology network and its formation process .