
  • 网络ambiguity;blur;fuzziness;blur extent
  1. 一种有效的单频GPS相位模糊度解算方法

    An efficient technique to facilitate GPS single frequency phase ambiguity resolution

  2. 利用卡尔曼滤波快速确定GPS整周模糊度的研究

    Study on Fast GPS Integer Ambiguity Resolution by Kalman Filter

  3. 用遗传算法搜索GPS单频单历元整周模糊度

    Searching Integer Ambiguities in Single Frequency Single Epoch by Genetic Algorithm

  4. GPS模糊度和精密伪距同时确定法

    A simultaneous determination method of ambiguity and precise pseudorange in GPS

  5. 因此整周模糊度值的解算成为GPS实时姿态测量技术的关键问题。

    So the integer ambiguity resolution is the key problem here .

  6. 模糊度函数法在GPS动态定位中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of AFM on Kinematics Positioning of GPS

  7. 白化处理对快速确定GPS整周模糊度算法的研究

    A Study of the Fast GPS Integer Ambiguity Resolution through Whitening Process

  8. GPS快速静态定位中的模糊度函数法

    The ambiguity function method used in the rapid static positioning of GPS

  9. GPS姿态确定问题分两大部分,一部分是模糊度求解,另一部分是姿态确定算法。

    The method consists of two parts : ambiguity resolution and attitude determination .

  10. GPS单历元载波相位整周模糊度的解算方法研究

    Study about Ambiguity Resolution Method with in Single Epoch for GPS Carrier Phase

  11. X射线脉冲星导航中相位模糊度解算

    Analysis in X-ray Pulsar Navigation Phase Ambiguity Resolution

  12. 针对非专用全球定位系统(GPS)导航型接收机,利用零空间约束动态求解GPS初始整周模糊度。

    This paper proposed an efficient on-the-fly ambiguity resolution algorithm using non-dedicated GPS receivers .

  13. GPS数据质量直接影响模糊度搜索的正确与否。

    The quality of GPS data directly influence the rightness of the ambiguity search .

  14. 求解GPS相位整周模糊度的新方法

    A New Method for GPS Ambiguity Solution

  15. 快速整周模糊度求解技术在高精度GPS定位和导航中的应用

    Application of a Rapid Integer Ambiguity Resolution Technique in High Accuracy GPS Positioning and Navigation

  16. 整周模糊度搜索一直是GPS快速精确定位的关键问题。

    Searching for integer cycle ambiguities has been a hot topic in precise GPS fast positioning .

  17. 模糊度的表示同时介绍了XML钻井数据文档的表示和存储。

    At the same time , the representation and storage of drilling data documents based on XML are introduced .

  18. 整周模糊度的解算以及周跳的探测与修复问题是GPS高精度动态定位的关键问题。

    Integer ambiguity resolution and cycle clip detection and repair are the crucial problems in RTK-GPS positioning .

  19. 病态方程组的分块迭代法及其在GPS整周模糊度估计中的应用

    Iteration Method in Blocks and Its Applications in the Estimations of the Whole Period Fuzzy Measure of GPS

  20. 在GPS数据处理中,周跳探测和整周模糊度解算是GPS定位的核心问题。

    The cycle slip detection and the integer ambiguity resolution are the core questions in the GPS data processing .

  21. OFDM系统中基于零子载波检测的频偏估计模糊度校正算法

    A Novel Frequency Ambiguity Resolution Algorithm in OFDM Systems Based on Null Subcarrier Detection

  22. 在INS/GPS全组合导航系统中,需要利用GPS载波相位测量信息,其中整周模糊度的确定和周跳的检测是两个关键的技术。

    In INS / GPS integrated navigation system , there are two key processes when using carrier phase of GPS .

  23. GPS接收机RTK定位中整周模糊度的快速解算方法

    A New Method for Rapid Ambiguity Resolution in RTK Positioning Based on GPS Receivers

  24. 在动态GPS定位中,整周模糊度、对流层延迟是目前影响其定位精度提高的主要误差源。

    In kinematic GPS , the integer ambiguity and tropospheric delay are the main error sources that affect the positioning accuracy .

  25. 一种用于GPS整周模糊度OTF求解的整数白化滤波改进算法

    A New Method for GPS Ambiguity Resolution on-the-Fly Using Integer Whitening Filter Search

  26. GPS用于航天器交会对接的方案与模糊度OTF解算研究

    Scenarios of Applying GPS for Spacecraft RVD and the Study of Applying OTF Ambiguity-Resolution Method

  27. 基于QR分解的快速解算初始整周模糊度方法的研究

    Method for GPS Integer Ambiguity Determination Based on QR Decomposition Algorithm

  28. 在动态变形监测中先验信息可以通过不同的方法获得,所以它可以用来改善GPS模糊度解算。

    In kine-matics deformation surveying , the prior geometry information can be obtained from different methods , so it can be used to improve GPS ambiguity .

  29. 理论分析与仿真结果表明:与仅采用单频GPS测量信息相比,该方法不仅能有效地提高相对定位精度,而且还能大大减少整周模糊度判定所需的历元数。

    The simulation result shows that this method can not only improve the positioning precision , but also reduce the epochs greatly needed by fixing the ambiguity .

  30. RTK快速求解整周模糊度算法及应用

    Application in practice and solution to integer cycle ambiguity of RTK in fast speed