
  • 网络epsw;electronic plane-table
  1. 电子平板测图软件EPSW在地籍测绘中的应用

    The application of electronic plane system software ( epsw ) in Cadastral Surveying and mapping

  2. EPS98电子平板测图系统在建设项目用地勘测定界技术工作中的应用

    The application of electronic plane system 98 ( eps98 ) in building land surveying and demarkation

  3. 扫描矢量化与电子平板成图系统(EasyScan)

    Raster - to - Vector and electron - flat mapping system .

  4. 电子平板系统中的串行通讯

    Serial Communication in Electronic Plane System

  5. 研究了形象直观的城市测量自动化系统软件,从而实现数据处理以及电子平板数字化测绘的自动化。

    The city automatic surveying system software realizes automation of data processing and electronics plate digital surveying and mapping .

  6. 今年史上第一次大家可以在线观看超级碗比如这个KoboVox电子阅读平板电脑

    But this year , for the very first time ever , you can watch the Super Bowl online , like on this Kobo Vox e-reader tablet .

  7. 大屏幕场助热电子发射平板显示

    Field - Assistant Hot Electron Emission Display with Large Screen

  8. 适用于半导体、电子、平板显示器和磁盘驱动器的厂家及光学、生物工业及其它对空气中污染有严格控制要求的地方。

    It is suitable to semi-conductor , electronic product , flat panel display and disk driver manufacturers , optical and biological industries and other places requiring strict control of air pollution .

  9. 在技术和阅读方面,这份报告对想了解电子阅读器和平板电脑对阅读影响如何的父母几乎没什么帮助。

    When it comes to technology and reading , the report does little to counsel parents looking for data about the effect of e-readers and tablets on reading .

  10. PCB是布满线路和电子元件的平板。

    PCBs are small flat boards covered with wiring and electronic parts .

  11. 但遗憾的是,如果想在电脑、电子阅读器或平板电脑上阅读PDF文档,需要通过滚屏来阅读各个部分,或者要放大字体很小的文本。

    Unfortunately , trying to read a PDF on a computer , e-reader or tablet can require scrolling to various sections of the page or zooming in on minuscule text .

  12. 这次与Barnes&Noble的协议又加入了诸多内容,这使得上市后购买WIN8平板电脑的人们多了一个理由(就电子阅读来说平板电脑是比智能手机,笔记本或台式机更好的选择)。

    The deal with Barnes & Noble , bringing lots of content with it , may give people an extra reason to buy Windows 8 tablets ( a likelier choice for e-reading than smartphones , laptops or desktops ) when they appear .

  13. 波士顿咨询集团(bcg)最近发布的一份调查报告指出,超过80%的美国受访者称,内容随处可得,是其选择电子阅读器或平板电脑的一大要素。

    In a recent survey by the Boston Consulting Group ( BCG ) , more than 80 % of American respondents said being able to access content from anywhere would be an important factor in their choice of E-Reader or tablet .

  14. 因具有良好的导电性能和较高的透光率,已经在太阳能电池、透明电子器件和平板显示中得到应用。但是TCO薄膜的生产成本较高并且有毒,限制了光伏电池的大规模生产应用。

    TCO has become indispensable material in solar cells , flat panel display and transparent electronic devices . But it is difficult to achieve large-scale production and application of photovoltaic cells because of its high cost and toxic .

  15. 这次与BarnesNoble的协议又加入了诸多内容,这使得上市后购买WIN8平板电脑的人们多了一个理由(就电子阅读来说平板电脑是比智能手机,笔记本或台式机更好的选择)。

    The deal with Barnes Noble , bringing lots of content with it , may give people an extra reason to buy Windows 8 tablets ( a likelier choice for e-reading than smartphones , laptops or desktops ) when they appear .

  16. 一种新型显示器件&电子束管平板

    A New Display Device-CRP

  17. 要深入而又舒适地阅读文本,电子阅读器和平板电脑目前仍然是最先进的设备,尤其是当它们配有合适的应用程序和网络服务时更是如此。

    To engage with text thoughtfully and comfortably , e-readers and tablets are still the most evolved gadgets , especially when they 're outfitted with the right apps and Web services .

  18. 为克服场发射电子源在平板显示屏中存在的不稳定性和不均匀性问题,研制了以光电发射源替代场致发射源的光电平板显示屏。

    A new type of photoelectric flat panel display has been successfully developed , in which a photoelectron emission source replaces the field emission cathode in the conventional field emission display ( FED ) .

  19. 尽管电子墨水屏比平板电脑的背光显示屏看起来更舒适,但iPadAir到目前为止是使用专用阅读应用(比如针对报纸和杂志的应用)的最便利方式。

    Although an e-ink screen is easier on the eyes than a tablet 's backlit display , the iPad Air is by far the slickest way to access dedicated reading apps , like those for newspapers and magazines .

  20. 电力电子集成模块用平板热管的传热研究

    Thermal Characteristic of a Novel Flat Plate Heat Pipe for Hybrid Integrated Power Electronic Module

  21. 中场秀:孩子们可以这个电子互动区通过平板电脑和手势控制技术操控的篮球游戏来定制自己喜欢的角色并与之互动。

    Halftime Live : Digital interactive area featuring tablets where children can customize characters and interact with them through a gesture-controlled basketball game .

  22. 在创立初期,元太并没有重点开发电子纸,而是开发其它电子产品,比如平板显示器基于台湾制造商擅长制造的液晶显示屏。

    In the early days , the company concentrated not on e-paper but other electronic products , such as flat screens based on liquid crystal displays , a speciality of Taiwanese manufacturers .

  23. 无线局域网技术在近十年得到了迅猛的发展,它不仅广泛应用在便携式电子产品中,而且也逐渐应用在固定式电子产品如平板电视、数码相框中。

    The development of wireless local area network ( WLAN ) has been growing rapidly . It is widely used not only among the portable electronic products , but also in fixed electronic products such as flat-screen television and digital picture frame .

  24. 相对于PC-E500和电子手薄,该系统都显示了较大的优越性,但作为电子平板进行开发,功能上还有待加强,是系统后一步需改进和完善的地方。

    Compareing to PC-E500 and data collector , the system shows greater advantage , but needs to perfect the function as development of PDA survering system .