
  1. 电压型变频器的PWM控制策略

    Control Strategy of PWM in Voltage Frequency Converter

  2. 对电压型变频器PWM控制的各种策略进行了研究、分析。

    Various kinds of control strategy in voltage frequency converter are analyzed and studied .

  3. PWM电压型变频器死区效应理论分析和补偿策略及仿真

    The Theory Analysis and Compensation Research on the Dead-Time Effects in PWM Voltage Source Inverter

  4. GTO门控电路及其电压型变频器

    The Gate Drive Circuit of GTO and Voltage Source GTO Inverter

  5. 针对PWM电压型变频器死区时间对输出电压的影响,提出了一种死区时间补偿方案。

    Aimed at the influence on the inverter output voltage caused by the PWM inverter dead-time , one dead time compensation strategy is proposed .

  6. 本文对PWM电压型变频器进行了详细的讨论。从理论上分析了变频器的原理、数学模型、控制方法和几种矢量控制系统的仿真,设计了实际电路。

    It analyses the PWM Voltage Source Inverter , particularly emphasizing the math-model 、 the control strategy and several simulation based on vector control system .

  7. 最后通过实验分析验证了双PWM控制交-直-交电压型变频器的基本控制策略,分析了变频器的稳态运行特性和动态调节特性。

    At last , experiment results are used to verify the basic control strategy of the converter and analyze the stable and transient performance of the converter .

  8. 本文提出了一种用于电压型变频器的新型的PWM方法&均值PWM法,并将它与其它PWM法进行了比较。

    In this paper , a new PWM method-average value PWM is presented . This method has been compared with other PWM methods and realized by using a micro - processor-controlled GTR inverter .

  9. 涤纶纺丝机用电压型变频器

    Inverter Voltage Source for Polyester Spinning Machine

  10. 通过分析可知,电压型变频器无论在经济上还是技术上都比电流型变频器具有明显的优势。

    The analysis shows that the voltage-source inverter is superior to current-source inverter technically and economically .

  11. 变频感应电动机测试系统的研究电压型变频器、三相交流异步电动机传动系统的稳定性

    Measurement System of AC Motor Fed by Inverter Stability for motor driver fed by voltage-type inverter

  12. 对单相桥式电压型变频器的线路设计及结构作了较为详细的介绍,给出了主要实验波形。

    The circuit design and structure of single phase bridge voltage inverter are presented in detail . The main experimental waveforms are given .

  13. 介绍了交-直-交电压型变频器的应用领域及应用中需要注意的几个问题,浅谈了我国变频器市场及国产变频器的现状。

    The paper introduces the application field of AC-DC-AC voltage inverter , and some problems in applying , and briefly discusses the present conditions and market home and abroad .

  14. 办公楼电气负载主要是计算机、开关电源、不间断电源、电压型变频器等,这些都是电压型谐波源。

    The electric loads in office building are mainly made up of personal computers , UPSs , switching mode power supplies and ac drives which are all voltage-type harmonic sources .

  15. 为解决异步电机在电压型变频器驱动下制动困难的问题,试验一种新型的异步电机三相/二相制动方法。

    This paper introduces a new three phase / two phase brake experiment , for surmounting the brake difficulty of induction motor under the drive of voltage source frequency inverter .

  16. 本文设计的通用变频器为单相220V交-直-交电压源型变频器。

    The general inverter designed in this dissertation is a 220V voltage type AC-DC-AC modal .

  17. 本文对典型的电压型高压变频器&中性点钳位式(NPC)控制方法进行了分析,介绍了PWM矢量控制算法,提出了NPC式电压型高压变频器的应用特点。

    This paper analyzes the controlling mode of NPC ( Neutral Point Clamped ) high voltage converter and gives the calculating method of PWM vector controlling . The advantages of NPC high voltage converter are pointed out .

  18. 介绍了一种带零矢量分割的磁通轨迹控制方法,并用8031单片机实现了对电压型GTR变频器的控制;

    A method of magnetic flux locus control with the split zero vector is described , and used in the control on the voltage source GTR frequency converter with the 8031 single chip microcomputer .

  19. 电压型交流变频器异步机调速系统故障分析及容错性策略

    Regulating System Fed by Voltage Type Inverter and the Strategies of System Tolerance

  20. 电压型高压变频器的实现研究

    Variable-frequency drive 's realization and research with DC-link voltage for medium voltage motor

  21. 电压源型变频器的直流电路参数选择及分析

    DC-link circuit element selection and analysis for AC-DC-AC converter

  22. 电压型高压变频器的控制分析与研究

    Analysis and Research on NPC High Voltage Converter

  23. 在分析了其他变频器的局限性后,指出了双PWM变频器是交流励磁的最佳电源方案,详细地讨论了电压型双PWM变频器的工作原理与控制策略。

    In this paper , a back-to-back PWM converter is considered as the optimum scheme of AC excitation power supply and its operation principle and control strategy are discussed in detail .

  24. 本文正是基于目前我国交流电气传动系统的现状,设计了一台电压源型通用变频器。

    Therefor , this paper presents a voltage type general inverter , based on the actuality of the AC electric drive systems in the domestic .

  25. 本文研究的就是采用DSP为控制核心的电压源型矢量控制变频器的控制系统。

    In this thesis , a Voltage Vector Control Inverter based on DSP is studied and developed .

  26. 介绍一种电压型PWM静音式变频器,其主电路选用新型全控型器件&双极型静电感应晶体管(BSIT)和静电感应晶闸管(SITH)。

    The paper describes a silent voltage source PWM frequency converter . Its main circuit uses novel full controlled devices bipolar static induction transistor ( BSIT ) and static induction thyristor ( SITH ) .

  27. 在此基础上,研制出了电压利用率高、输出谐波小、控制方法简单的全数字化电压型PWM通用变频器。

    Based on these , a fully digitized voltage source PWM inverter with high DC voltage utilization ratio , less harmonic output and easy control strategy are developed .

  28. 该方法对逆变器直流侧电容电压进行不连续检测,即在各相电网电压正向过零点处进行检测,以得到每个检测周期内直流侧电容电压的变化量;电压型高压变频器的实现研究

    By detecting the dc-link voltage of converter at all positive zero-crossing instance , the variety of dc-link voltage can be attained ; VARIABLE-FREQUENCY DRIVE 'S REALIZATION AND RESEARCH WITH DC-LINK VOLTAGE FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE MOTOR