
  • 网络current phase
  1. 电流相位补偿解决单相PFC中的过零畸变

    Current Phase Compensation Resolving Zero-crossing Distortion in Single-phase PFC Converter

  2. 对交流注入法进行方法优化,提出了测量VRLA蓄电池内阻的新颖结构,利用的数字移相技术解决了内阻测量电路中电压与电流相位差测量的技术问题。

    Injection method to communicate Ways to Optimize proposed measuring the internal resistance of VRLA batteries of the new structure , the use of digital phase-shifting technology to solve the internal resistance measurement circuit voltage and current phase difference measurement of technical problems .

  3. 对于接地故障,先利用零、负序电流相位关系判断故障发生在A,B还是C区,每个区域对应一种单相接地故障和一种两相短路接地故障;

    When a grounding fault occurs , A , B or C region is judged by the phase angle between the zero sequence and negative sequence components of the current . Each region contains a kind of single phase to ground fault and phase to phase with ground fault ;

  4. CLX-1型电流相位比较式纵联保护装置

    The development of clx-1 phase comparison pilot relay

  5. 通过对66kV电流相位比较式回路的局部改进或更换比率式母差保护,可提高66kV母差保护动作的可靠性和选择性。

    The reliability and selectivity of the 66 kV mother difference protection action can be improved by local modification of the comparative mother difference protection loop or changing the ratio mother difference protection .

  6. 分析了750kV变压器励磁涌流和过励磁的问题,针对励磁涌流提出了Δ→Y变换调整变压器差动各侧的电流相位方法,针对过励磁问题提出了软件计算频率和均方根法计算电压的幅值;

    Inrush current and over excitation of 750 kV transformer were also analyzed , a novel method of adjusting differential current phase angle of transformer for transforming from delta to wye as well as the methods of calculating frequency by software and calculating voltage amplitude by the root-mean-square were presented .

  7. 微机母联电流相位比较式差动保护的反事故措施

    The Anti-fault Countermeasures of Micro-bus-connected Current Phase Comparison of Differential Protection

  8. 变压器差动保护中电流相位补偿方式的分析

    Analysis on the Current Phase Compensation Methods in Differential Protection for Transformer

  9. 故障分量电流相位比较式纵联保护的研究

    Study of the current phase comparison pilot relaying based on fault components

  10. 电流相位比较式母线差动保护装置的改进设计

    Improvement Design of Current Phase Comparison Type Bus Differential Protection

  11. 数字式电流相位同步控制器的研究

    The Research of the Numerical Electric Current Phase Synchronous Controller

  12. 带负荷检验母联电流相位比较式母差保护接线

    An on-load test to verify the bus coupler current phase comparative bus protection wiring

  13. 并在此基础上深入比较了各种电流相位校正方法与涌流闭锁逻辑。

    The compensating methods of current phase and blocking principles of inrush are compared .

  14. 对双端口馈电微带漏波天线的辐射特性进行了理论研究。通过改变微带漏波天线两端馈电端输入电流相位差,可以使微带漏波天线的主波束形式在单双波束扫描形式之间转换。

    The theoretical analysis of a microstrip leaky_wave antenna fed by two terminals is presented .

  15. 超导变厚微桥的电流相位关系可以从金兹堡-朗道方程得到。

    The current-phase relation of the variable thickness superconducting microbridges can be derived from the one-dimensional Ginzberg-Landau equation .

  16. 本文对故障电流相位修正测距算法进行了分析讨论。

    In this paper the fault locating algorithm based on phase angle modification of the-fault current component is discussed .

  17. 在三相电信号测量中,电压电流相位值是电力检测系统及控制系统中重要的测量对象。

    For the measurement of the three-phase power , voltage and current is the important measurement object in the power detection system and control system .

  18. 基于这些关系,本文研究了一种用于同杆双回线跨线故障的选相原理一基于故障相电压比较故障相电流相位。

    A new fault phase identification method is proposed , which is based on comparing the difference of the fault voltage judging the phasor condition between the fault currents .

  19. 结果表明,在这个系统中,宇称效应和复杂的电流相位关系的出现反映了两个量子点可以相干耦合。

    It is shown that two dots can be coupled coherently , which is reflected in the appearance of parity effect and the complex current-phase relation in this system .

  20. 内部故障时两侧电流相位差小,则制动系数小,保护灵敏度高。

    When internal fault occurs , the phase angle difference of two end currents is small and the restraint coefficient is small , so the sensitiveness of relay is high .

  21. 本文针对高压输电线距离保护及故障测距中常用的解微分方程算法,提出了一种零序电流相位修正的方法。

    The paper proposes a method which corrects the angle of zero-sequence current in the algorithm of differential equation used for distance protection and fault location of HV transmission lines .

  22. 在补偿绕组中注入一个与主绕组电流相位正交的补偿电流,可以独立调节主绕组的等值电阻。

    And also , the compensation current in the orthogonal phase of the primary winding current injected into the primary winding can adjust the equivalent resistance of the primary winding independently .

  23. 对超导电缆的稳态性能进行了测试,对测得的各层电流相位、电流幅值和运行温度进行了分析,并与理论值进行比较,二者吻合,从而证明了理论的正确性。

    The steady state performance of a HTS cable is tested , the tested data of current phase , current amplitude , operating temperature are analyzed , the data fit well with the theoretical value .

  24. 变压器差动保护电流相位调整通常采用Y→△变换,在单相故障时灵敏度低于相间短路与三相短路灵敏度。

    Y →△ transformation is conventionally used by CT secondary current phase adjusting of transformer differential protection while its sensitivity of single phase to earth fault is lower than that of three phase fault and inter phase fault .

  25. 分别利用电力系统正序阻抗、零序阻抗对由系统模型和由故障电流相位修正算法构造的二次方程进行仿真计算,并作了比较分析。

    Analogue computation and analytic comparisons are made with quadratic equations which are constructed from algorithm of the power system model and phase corrected by fault current with utilization of positive sequence and zero sequence impedances of the power system respectively .

  26. 提出了三相平均功率因数的概念,设计了三相相电压和相电流相位差的平均值测量电路和电平转换及滤波器,并对该电路的输出信号和滤波器的设计作了详细说明。

    The paper presents the concept of three phase average power factor and designs the electric circuit of the phase deference between three phase voltage and three phase electric current , analyzes the output signal of the electric circuit and describes designing manner of the filter .

  27. 射频气体放电激励电压电流及相位传感器的研制

    The Probe Measuring Voltage , Current and the Phase Angle of RF Discharges

  28. 再根据电压电流的相位特性计算出功率因数,即可得到基波有功、无功电流。

    And the power factor can be obtained according to the phase difference of voltage and current .

  29. 基于相电流间相位关联特征的馈线单相接地保护新原理

    New principle of single-phase-to-ground fault protection for feeders based on the phase associated feature of phase transient current

  30. 以现代的讲法,这两道电流的相位差了90度,而马达是靠著双相的电流运转。

    In modern parlance , the two currents are 90 degrees out of phase , and the motor runs on two-phase current .