
  • 网络Local Coordinate System;local coordinate;Local
  1. 本文首先用C语言编制了曲面坐标转换程序,实现了曲面坐标从空间坐标系到局部坐标系的转换;

    In this paper , the program compiled by C is developed to transform surface coordinates from space to local coordinate system .

  2. 重心坐标系下三次B样条奇拐点分析工程图中建立各分视图坐标中心及局部坐标系的算法

    Singularity and Inflection Points Distribution of Planar Cubic B-Spline in Barycentric Coordinate Space Algorithm of Establishing Local Coordinate System for Sub-Views in Engineering Drawing

  3. 应用GPS联接两个局部坐标系

    The Application of GPS to the Connection of Two Regional Coordinate Systems

  4. 该方法继承了旋量理论用于机器人操作的优越性,避免了采用传统DH参数法来建立局部坐标系,简化了机器人运动学、动力学的分析方法。

    This method inherits the advantages of screw theory , simplifies analysis methods of robot ′ s kinematics and dynamics .

  5. 除了局部坐标系之外,Flex还有一个全局坐标系,该坐标系从整个应用程序的左上角度量x和y坐标。

    In addition to its local coordinate system , Flex also features a global-coordinate system that measures the x and y coordinates from the top left corner of entire application .

  6. 建立局部坐标系并优化每个数据点的参数值,基于SDM建立拟合方程。

    Thirdly , the local coordinate system is established and the parameter of each fitted datum is optimized .

  7. 针对各VRML造型在其局部坐标系中创建,采用变换矩阵实现了造型从局部坐标系下到世界坐标系下的坐标变换。

    Because each model in VRML is created in local coordinate system , inconvenient to handle them uniformly , this paper infers a universal formula to transform model coordinates from UCS to WCS .

  8. 然后,借助于Leica全站仪,标定了Stewart平台微机器人系统虎克铰在馈源舱局部坐标系中的坐标。

    Then the coordinates of universal joints of the Stewart platform , a micro manipulator system , in the local coordinate system of the cabin are adjusted using a set of leica total stations .

  9. 众所周知,GPS定位成果属于WGS-84大地坐标系,而实用的测量成果往往属于某一局部坐标系,GPS成果必须转换至局部坐标系才能投入运用。

    It is well known , the GPS localization Achievement Belongs to the WGS-84 earth coordinate systems , but the practical survey Achievement often Belongs to some partial coordinate system , the GPS Achievement must transform to the partial coordinate system can invest the utilization .

  10. 对三层板均采用Mindlin板单元,以各层的中面为坐标平面建立局部坐标系来建立有限元模型,芯层材料的粘弹性采用常复数模型。

    Mindlin plate unit is applied to all three plates , local coordinate system with middle surface of each plate as coordinate plane is used to build finite element model , and constant complex number model is applied for interlayer material 's viscid elasticity .

  11. 将三层板都看成Mindlin板单元,以各层的中面为坐标平面建立局部坐标系来建立有限元模型,考虑了偏心阵的作用,大大简化了计算程序。

    The three layer is taken as the Mindlin plate element , the finite element model is established in the local coordinate system that is based on the median plane of each layer , the eccentricity matrix is considered , which make the program more simple .

  12. 工程图中建立各分视图坐标中心及局部坐标系的算法

    Algorithm of Establishing Local Coordinate System for Sub-Views in Engineering Drawing

  13. 局部坐标系中的旋量球函数及算子

    The spinor wave functions and operators in the local coordinate system

  14. 城市(工矿)局部坐标系的转换

    Transformation of Local Coordinates for Urban , Factory and Mining Areas

  15. 基于局部坐标系的平面连杆机构运动分析解析法

    Kinematic Analytics for Planar Linkages Based on Local Coordinate Frames

  16. 用潜艇标准操纵性运动方程仿真计算其在垂直面内的操纵运动,将拖点的运动速度转换到拖曳系统局部坐标系中,以此作为拖曳系统的边界条件。

    Stan-dard maneuverability motion equations are used for the simulating submarine motions .

  17. 使有褶弄出皱褶或饰边褶皱膜的局部坐标系转置和刚度等效法分析

    Method to Analyze Wrinkled Membranes by Using Local Coordinate Transpose and Equivalent Stiffness

  18. 该方法通过提取一条曲线的恒定特征点,构造局部坐标系;

    This paper presents an approach based on local coordinate system and hash method .

  19. 局部坐标系下的混合样条函数

    Mixed Spline Function Under Local Coordinate System

  20. 在复合材料板上,每个螺栓孔边的位移和应力,都可以在局部坐标系下,通过形式相同的势函数表示出来。

    The stress and displacement around bolt holes can be expressed as functions of potential function .

  21. 您需要使用其他方法将该子元素从局部坐标系转换到内容坐标系。

    You need some extra methods to convert that item from its local-coordinate system to its content-coordinate system .

  22. 对在整体坐标中测得的人体表面数据进行坐标转换,用各肢体的局部坐标系下的数据表示肢体。

    The surface data of human body measured in global coordinates are transferred into local coordinate of each limb .

  23. 在各个局部坐标系下利用保角变换方法,是为了满足任意形孔洞的边界条件。

    Under each local coordinate the series satisfy the boundary conditions of arbitrary cutouts by method of conformal mapping .

  24. 用惯性坐标系作为整体坐标系描述多体系统的刚体位移,在每个柔性体上附着一个局部坐标系。

    An inertial frame serves as a global reference frame for describing the rigid body motion of the multi-body system .

  25. 从空间梁单元出发,结合异形柱的受力特性,导出了异形柱杆件在局部坐标系下的单元刚度矩阵,并和普通的矩形杆单元刚度矩阵作了比较分析;

    From " space beam element model ", element stiffness matrix is deduced , and compared with the rectangular column element .

  26. 不过,您需要为位于其父组件局部坐标系中的组件显示工具提示。

    However , you need to show the tooltip for a component that lies in the local-coordinate system of its parent .

  27. 注意,转换是从局部坐标系到全局坐标系,从而支持将控件放置到适当位置。

    Note the translation that happens from the local-coordinate system to the global-coordinate system , enabling the appropriate placement of the control in question .

  28. 并建立了相应的薄壁单元刚度方程,从而得出了局部坐标系下单元刚度矩阵的显式。

    And the corresponding thin-walled element stiffness equation was formulated . The apparent formulation of element stiffness matrix under the local coordination was attained .

  29. 将机器鱼和传感器局部坐标系选为与三维仿真系统的世界坐标系一致,简化了虚拟射线法探测障碍物时坐标变换的计算难度。

    The difficulty of coordinate transformation calculation is simplified by selecting robot fish and sensor local coordinates which are the same with world coordinates of 3D simulation system .

  30. 通过对壳体运动的运动学分析,文中给出了可以准确反映刚体位移和刚体转动的位移模式,通过扣除单元的牵连位移,使得可以在单元局部坐标系内采用线性应变-位移关系。

    The relative displacement is obtained by subtracting the convecting displacement from the displacement , which makes it possible to adopt linear strain-displacement relationship in element local coordinate .