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  • regional anatomy;topology
  1. 目的研究腹主动脉丛(AAP)等自主神经与肠系膜下动脉(IMA)之间的局部解剖学关系,寻找安全结扎IMA而不损伤自主神经的解剖学位点和比传统方法更合理的操作方法。

    Objective To evaluate the regional anatomy between the abdominal autonomic nerves including the abdominal aortic plexus ( AAP ) and the inferior mesenteric artery ( IMA ), and explore the safe ligation point on the IMA and the optimal dissection method to avoid autonomic nerve injuries .

  2. 自主学习理论在局部解剖学教学中的应用与实践

    The Application and Practice of Independence-learing Theory in Regional anatomy Teaching

  3. MRI可清楚显示其地形学或局部解剖学情况。

    MRI can demonstrate the situation of topographic anatomy of invasive glioma .

  4. 方法:对17具成人颈段尸体标本,15具显露双侧臂丛神经,测量如下局部解剖学数据:①C5、C6、C7、C8、T1神经根的直径,前根的直径;

    Methods : The bilateral brachial plexus were exposed on 15 cadaveric specimens of adult . Following data were measured : ① the diameters of C5 , C6 , C7 , C8 , T1 cervical spine nerve roots and ventral nerve roots .

  5. 肝中叶切除术局部解剖学基础及应用

    Middle lobe of liver : its anatomy and application in hepatectomy

  6. 手术局部解剖学实验课教学改革的探索

    Explorations for reforms of experimental class on operative regional anatomy

  7. 手术局部解剖学考试改革的探索与实践

    Exploring and practice in examination reform of operative regional anatomy

  8. 局部解剖学中常见三角区及临床意义

    Clinical application of the triangle region in the regional anatomy

  9. 用建构主义理论指导局部解剖学教学

    Using Constructivist Theory to Guide the Teaching of Regional Anatomy

  10. 肝静脉在背驮式肝移植术中的局部解剖学研究及应用

    Topography of hepatic veins for piggyback operation in liver transplantation and Practice

  11. 系统解剖学和局部解剖学内容能够统一;

    The contents of the systemic and topographic anatomy can be unified .

  12. 原发性和恶性高血压患者视网膜血管局部解剖学结构变化的量化研究

    Quantification of topological changes in retinal vascular architecture in essential and malignant hypertension

  13. 骨间前神经综合征的局部解剖学研究

    Study of regional anatomy of anterior interosseous nerve syndrome

  14. 梨状肌损伤的局部解剖学基础及临床分析

    Regional Anatomy Basis and Clinical Analysis of Piriformis Injury

  15. 浅谈七年制局部解剖学教学体会

    Primary Discussion about the Experiences in Regional Anatomic Teaching of Seven-year Medical Students

  16. 基于网络资源的局部解剖学教学

    Regional anatomy teaching based on the network resource

  17. 经皮椎间盘切除的局部解剖学研究

    Studies on the regional anatomy for percutaneous discectomy

  18. 局部解剖学教学体系的构建和探索

    Construction and exploration of regional anatomy teaching system

  19. 加强局部解剖学的实践教学

    Strengthening the practical teaching of regional anatomy

  20. 与临床外科手术相结合的局部解剖学探究式实验教学研究

    To study of the probing-style teaching method of topographic anatomy combining with clinical surgical operations

  21. 产科麻痹的局部解剖学基础

    Anatomical basis of obstetrical paralysis

  22. 结果确立局部解剖学-断层影像解剖学-局部解剖学三步走教学模式;

    Results The teaching patterns of three steps regional anatomy sectional anatomy regional anatomy have been established .

  23. 论局解手术学学科的建设和发展手术局部解剖学实验课教学改革的探索

    Discussion of development about regional anatomy and operative surgery Explorations for reforms of experimental class on operative regional anatomy

  24. 要成为一个好的临床医生,就必须认真、扎实地学好局部解剖学。

    Regional Anatomy gives its top priority in the combination of theory with clinical practice and serves as a dissector .

  25. 目的提高学生对局部解剖学实验课的学习兴趣及动手能力并培养学生初步的科研能力。

    Objective To increase students ' interesting of study topography and to cultivate students ' performance ability and fundamental scientific research ability .

  26. 根据显微外科技术的需要,对尺神经干内主要束组作了局部解剖学定位研究。

    Based on the requirements of microsurgical technique , the patterns of the main bundle groups of the ulnar nerves were made .

  27. 方法在研究11具成人新鲜上肢标本屈肌腱局部解剖学基础上,对9例不可逆臂丛损伤施行指浅屈肌翻转移位术以重建屈肘功能。

    Methods 11 fresh adult specimen of the upper extremity were used to study the regional anatomy of flexor digitorum superficials ( FDS ) .

  28. 局部解剖学是实用性很强的与临床医学相衔接的“桥梁课程”。

    With the development of teaching reform , topographic anatomy has been turned into the basic course of clinical medicine from the basic course of medicine .

  29. 局部解剖学是在人体系统解剖学的基础上,着重研究人体局部由浅入深的组成结构、形态特点及其层次和毗邻关系的解剖学。

    The Regional Anatomy deals with the form , position , and relationship of the structures of several systems located in a particular region of the body .

  30. 在《人体解剖学》和《局部解剖学》教材中,有关腹部分区的划分标志不统一,给教学带来一些矛盾。

    The division-mark of the region of abdomen is not all the same in the textbooks of human anatomy and topographic anatomy which has brought some contradictions in the teaching .