
  • Locally convex space;【数】locally convex [topological linear] space
  1. 局部凸空间上弱可积C半群理论

    Weakly integrable c & semi Group s on Locally Convex Spaces

  2. 一类特殊的Fuzzy局部凸空间

    A Specific Locally Convex Fuzzy Space

  3. 局部凸空间的k一致圆形性

    K-uniformly round property on a locally convex space

  4. 局部凸空间中Fourier变换的同构

    Isomorphism of Fourier Transformation in Locally Convex Spaces

  5. 局部凸空间X的强对偶X~可距离化的充要条件

    Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Metrization for Strong Dual Space X ~ of Locally Convex Space X

  6. 引入半范数族P的S-最简形式和P-自反局部凸空间(X,TP)的概念,证明了半范数族P和它的每一个S-最简形式都生成X上相同的局部凸拓扑。

    The seminorm family P and its every S-simplest form generate the same locally convex separated topology on X are proved .

  7. 局部凸空间中Cauchy初值问题解的存在性

    Existence of solutions to Cauchy initial problem in locally convex spaces

  8. 设(E,t)是局部凸空间诱导序列(En,tn)n∈N的诱导极限。

    Let ( E , t ) be the inductive limit of an inductive sequence ( En , tn ) n ∈ N of locally convex spaces .

  9. 局部凸空间中集值K映像的Schaefer定理

    The Schaefer theorem for set - valued K mapping in locally convex space

  10. 非局部凸空间的Hahn-Banach定理及Banach包络

    Hahn-Banach Extension Property and Banach Envelope of Non-locally Convex Spaces

  11. 特别地,我们证明了下述结论:设E、F为局部凸空间且B:E×F→K为B&亚连续双线性泛函。

    Particularly , we prove the following result : Let E and F be locally conves spaces and B : E × F → K be a B - hypocontinuous bilinear functional .

  12. 局部凸空间上的Riesz算子

    Riesz operator on Locally Convex Spaces

  13. 本文将压缩映射原理推广到Hausdorff局部凸空间,证明了几个不动点定理。

    In the paper we generalize contraction mapping principle to Hausdorff locally convex topological vector spaces , and prove some fixed point theorems .

  14. 随着问题的深入,半群理论也在不断的发展,分别得到了:Banach空间上和局部凸空间上C0半群,n次积分半群以及C半群等理论。

    With the further process of the problems , semigroup theory is also developed gradually , we have already known : C_0 semigroups , n-times integrated semigroups and C semigroups on Banach spaces and on locally convex spaces .

  15. 作为应用,给出了Hausdorff拓扑向量空间中关于nuclear锥的有效点的存在结果,对原有的局部凸空间中的相应结果做了一个推广。

    As an application , an existence result of efficient point for the nuclear cone in Hausdorff topological vector space is investigated , which is a generalization of the result in locally convex space .

  16. 设X是局部凸空间E的仿紧凸子集,F:X→2X是集值映象,φ:X×X→R是实泛函。

    Let X be a paracompact convex subset of a locally convex space E , F : X → 2 X be a set-valued mapping and φ: X × X → R be a real function .

  17. 局部凸空间中Ptak闭图象定理的推广

    A generalization of ptak closed graph theorem in locally convex space

  18. 将Hardy空间中的模型匹配误差与最优解推广到了局部凸空间,得到了局部凸空间中的模型匹配误差与最优解。

    The model matching error and the optimal solution in the Hardy space are extended to the locally convex space , and the model matching error and the optimal solution in the locally convex space are achieved .

  19. 某种局部凸空间上的Bishop-Phelps定理

    The Bishop-Phelps Theorem in some Kind of Locally Convex Spaces

  20. 本文推广了文献中的Mazur定理,在桶空间中得到了局部凸空间中弱收敛网的几个性质。

    In this paper , the Mazur theorem on locally convex space is given , and some properties of weak convergence net in barrel are given too .

  21. 本文推广了Lebesgue积分理论和Bochner积分理论:从Banach空间到拟完备的局部凸空间,从可测函数到拟稳定函数.函数的拟稳定性是必要且充分的。

    In this paper the Lebesgue integration theory and the Bochner integration theory are extended from Banach spaces to quasi-complete and locally convex spaces and from measurable functions to quasi-stable functions . The quasi-stability of functions is necessary and sufficient .

  22. 本文研究了局部凸空间上的r-凸映射所确定的Farkas集的r-凸性质,及其与空间原点的连续分离性,得到了一类与r-凸映射有关的极值问题有解的充要条件。

    In this paper , the r-convexity of Farkas set of some two r-convex mappings on a locally convex toplogical space , is studied . And the property of continuously spliting between original point and the Farkas set is also discussed .

  23. 本文给出了局部凸空间中一个闭图象定理,它是文〔1〕、〔2〕和〔3〕中ptak闭图象定理的推广。

    In this paper , We give a closed graph theorem in locally convex space , which is a generalization of the corresponding ptak closed graph theorem of [ 1 ] , [ 2 ] and [ 3 ] .

  24. 反映半范数族与局部凸空间关系的一个定理

    A Theorem Showing the Relation between seminorm and Local convex Space

  25. 局部凸空间中的不动点指数和不动点定理

    Fixed Point Index and Fixed Point Theorems in Local Convex Space

  26. 关于局部凸空间值函数的抽象积分

    On Abstract Integral of Function with Values in Locally Convex Space

  27. 局部凸空间上的可分解算子及其对偶理论

    Decomposable Operators on a locally convex space and their duality theory

  28. 局部凸空间的一致极凸性与一致极光滑性

    Uniformly Extreme Convexity and Uniformly Extreme Smoothness in Locally Convex Spaces

  29. 关于G^ateaux可微局部凸空间的乘积问题

    On the Product of G ^ ateaux Differentiability Locally Convex Spaces

  30. 局部凸空间中多值单调算子的隐补问题

    Implicit Complementarity Problems for Multivalued Monotone Operator in Locally Convex Spaces