
  1. 因为RDBMS是建立在严格的数学集合论基础上的,数据结构简单、清晰,具有强大的查询能力,RDBMS成为实现信息系统的基本技术。

    RDBMS is based on firm mathematics set theory with simple and clear data structure , and powerful query function , so it has become the basic technology for realization of information system .

  2. 在Fuzzy集合论的基础上,提出了不确定变量决策问题的数学模型。

    In the base of classical decision theory , A optimal method of fuzzy decision making involving the imprecise variables is presented .

  3. 为此,提出了一种新的形式理论,其在集合论的基础上增加了in关系和内涵结构。

    A new formal theory is proposed by extending set theory with in relation and intension structure .

  4. 本文以集合论为基础建立了模糊测量误差集合;

    According to set thoery , the fuzzy surveying error sets are set up in this article .

  5. 此外,还论述了模糊集合论的基础知识,以及模糊评判的基本方法和步骤。

    In addition , it discusses the basics of fuzzy set theory and fuzzy evaluation method and the basic steps .

  6. 文中应用隶属函数关系将液化危害等级划分建立在模糊集合论的基础之上;

    The classification of the liquefaction hazard degree is established on the basis of fuzzy set theory by use of the suggested membership function relations ;

  7. 该算法以集合论为基础,分析了各种组卷要求的可满足条件,并给出了具体的实现方法。

    The arithmetic based on the set theory analyzes the satiable conditions of all type of paper generating request , and gives out the implementation .

  8. 粗糙集理论是在经典集合论的基础上发展起来的,用于处理不确定性和不精确性的一种新的数学理论。

    Rough set theory is developed on the basis of the classical set theory , and is a new mathematical theory for handling uncertainty and imprecision data .

  9. 物元模型是以物元理论和可拓集合论为基础建立起来的一种新型建模方法,它研究事物的可变性和开拓规律,尤其适合于创造性思维的形式化描述和形式化分析。

    Matter-element model is a new kind of model-building method based on matter-element theory and extension set theory , which discusses the extensibility of matters and their extension laws .

  10. 它以模糊集合论为基础。模糊数学提供了一种处理不肯定性和不精确性问题的新方法,是描述人脑思维处理模糊信息的有力工具。

    It based on fuzzy set , and it provided a new way to handle uncertainty and imprecision , and it is also a powerful tool for dealing with fuzzy information .

  11. 作者认为,以集合论为基础,以问题逻辑为起点建构形式语用学,能对语用作出更充分和逻辑上更一致的解释。

    The interrogative logic developed on the basis of set theory is argued to be a better formal approach which can lead to a more adequate and logically coherent explanation of pragmatics .

  12. 本文在灰集合论的基础上定义了灰数,研究了灰数的运算规律,探讨了灰数代数方程的置信水平1-λ的区间解问题。

    Based upon the theory of grey set , this paper presents the definition of grey number . Some operational rules of grey number are studied . The problem of interval solution with confidence level 1 - λ is discussed in the grey algebraic equation .

  13. 同样地,中介关系代数以中介集合论MS为基础,扩充了关系代数的功能。

    Similarly , based on the medium set theory MS , the medium relational algebra can extend the capability of relational algebra .

  14. 以图论和集合论知识为基础,提出一种地区配电网络拓扑分析的方法,该方法具有普适性;

    Using the knowledge about topology and set theory , a topology analysis method for regional distribution network is presented , which has a general validity ;

  15. 在此基础上,以信息论、集合论的理论基础为指导,通过结构化的分析方法,对设备管理信息系统进行了全面研究,建立了系统总体结构模型和系统设计模型;

    On this foundation , with the theoretical foundation of information theory and set theory to guide , equipment management information system have carried out overall research through structured analysis method , systematic overall structural model and system to design model have established ;

  16. 面向对象模型基于方法学原理,关系数据模型基于集合论原理,理论基础的不同导致了两种模型之间的阻抗不匹配。

    The Object oriented Model is built on methodology , while the relational data model is on basis of the set theory . The difference principal between the two models leads to the dispatch problem .

  17. 数学形态学以集合论和集合概率论为基础。

    Mathematics morphology based on set theory and probability .

  18. 在模糊集合论和广义模糊集合论的基础上,构造出用于模糊增强图像区域对比度的新型线性广义模糊算子。

    This paper presents a new method , which detects the edge of tumour by adopting mathematical morphology and linear general fuzzy operator .