
  • 网络Chip;integrated chip;application specific integrated circuit
  1. 另外,对暗电平自动校正和A/D模数转换也进行比较深入的研究。XRD4460是CCD视频处理专用集成芯片,它包含了上面所述的所有功能。

    The XRD4460 chip is highly analog application specific integrated circuit ( ASIC ) designed primarily for CCD signal processing , which provides the completely functions mentioned above .

  2. 传统的PWM控制技术大多基于硬电路或由PWM集成芯片来实现。

    Traditional PWM control technology is almost based on hardware or integrated circuit chip .

  3. 多媒体系统集成芯片和IP物理实现研究

    Research on Physical Design of Media SoC / IP

  4. 基于集成芯片的ABS驱动电路设计

    Design of Drive Circuit for ABS Controller Based on IC

  5. 数字信号处理(Digitalsignalprocessing)技术,从20世纪60年代以来,随着计算机科学和信息科学、集成芯片制造工艺的飞速发展,数字处理技术应运而生并得以快速发展。

    The technology of digital signal processing has made great progress with the development of information science and chip technology since it was born in 1960 ' s.

  6. 随着VLSI技术的发展,系统集成芯片(SoC)是总的发展趋势。

    With the development of VLSI technology , the trend .

  7. 介绍由具有就绪(READY)引脚的CPU构成的多机系统中的双口RAM的两种构成方法,包括:(1)采用通用集成芯片组合而成的方法;

    Two make-up methods of dual-port RAM used in multi-CPU systems which have READY pins are introduced .

  8. 随着系统集成芯片(SOC)的发展,系统级性能评估在系统的开发中发挥了越来越重要的作用。

    System-level performance analysis plays an increasingly important role in the development of SOC .

  9. 一种基于RISC及DSP双内核集成芯片系统的研究

    The Research of One RISC-DSP-based Dual Core System-on-Chip

  10. 系统集成芯片(SOC)

    System on Chip ( SOC )

  11. HDTVSOC集成芯片的总线设计与验证

    Bus Design and Verification for HDTV SoC

  12. SDH集成芯片的设计

    The Design of SDH Integrated Chip

  13. 在大规模集成芯片中以BGA(球栅阵列)封装的IC芯片被广泛使用。

    In large scale integrated chip field , the IC of BGA encapsulation was widely used .

  14. 同时移动电子应用对于带有嵌入式微控制器(EmbeddedMCU)系统集成芯片的设计要求也提出了前所未有的挑战。

    Meanwhile , mobile electronic applications gives a great challenge to the design of embedded MCU ( Micro Controlling Unit ) based System-on-Chip ICs .

  15. 本文分析了在风云一号(B)气象卫星环境中各种粒子辐射在集成芯片临界体积中产生的能量沉积,即LET(线性能量传输);

    This paper analyses energy deposit in critical volumes of integrate chips , whi-ch produced by some radiated particles in Feng Yun-1 ( B ) satellite environment . That is called linear energy translation ( LET ) .

  16. 分析了振荡电路基本原理,从而设计出由专用集成芯片构成的压控晶体振荡电路,并对振荡电路PCB板设计中的抗干扰问题进行讨论。

    According to the basic theory of crystal oscillator circuit high frequency stability oscillating circuit is designed . Two temperature control methods are discussed and compared here .

  17. 文中重点研究了一种基于RISC微处理器及DSP双内核集成芯片系统方案,介绍了方案中各主要部分的总体架构,并详细分析了处理器之间的通信方式。

    The thesis focused on a solution of RISC-DSP-based dual core SoC , introduced the collective architecture of all main parts of the solution , and particularly analyzed the way of interprocessor communication .

  18. 该集成芯片为硅-玻璃结构,在硅片上,利用ICP法刻蚀无阀微泵泵体和微沟道;

    This chip is of the silicone-glass double layer structure : the valve-less micro-pump chamber and micro channel are fabricated with the ICP etching process on the side of the silicone ;

  19. 在微处理器特别是SoC(系统集成芯片)中,由于存储器占据了芯片功耗的很大部分,因此低功耗存储器的设计技术对集成电路发展具有重要意义。

    With memories accounting for the large share of power consumption in the microprocessor , especially in SoC ( System on Chip ), low-power memory design technologies have significant meaning to the development of IC design .

  20. 本文综述了系统集成芯片的硬件构造、超长指令(VLIW)结构、芯片嵌入软件及软硬件协同设计方法。

    This paper presents a survey on SOC hardware architecture , VLIW architecture , the embedded software of SOC and methodology of software / hardware co-design .

  21. 随着面向特定应用的系统集成芯片(Application-SpecificSoC)大量涌现,在高层抽象级上分析应用软件在目标系统中的性能,对于指导底层设计,减少设计空间探索有着重要意义。

    With the increasing use of Application _Specific SoC , in order to direct lower level design and reduce time spent on exploring design space , target system analysis at abstraction level is developed .

  22. 结合本人的实际经验,详细介绍了采用专用集成芯片实现OSD功能的软硬件系统设计方法。

    The paper discusses two methods to implement OSD function , according to author 's experience , and gives a detail introduction to the method using ASIC .

  23. 一般来说视频编解码器在便携式系统上的实现有以下两种方式:纯软件的DSP(数字信号处理)方式、纯硬件的ASIC(专用集成芯片)或者FPGA(可编程逻辑门阵列)。

    Generally speaking , the video codec in portable system can be realized by two ways : Pure software way of DSP ( digital signal processor ) and pure hardware way of ASIC or FPGA ( programmable logic gate array ) .

  24. 介绍了一种用于控制准谐振变换器的集成芯片UC3863。

    An integrated circuit UC3863 to control zero voltage quasi resonant converters is introduced .

  25. 系统主要采用PC机、单片机和PWM集成芯片构成,包括阴极保护电源、数据采集和监控系统,并通过RS-485总线进行通讯。

    The control system consisted of PC , single chip and PWM integration chip . It comprised CP power supply module , data collection module and control module . The PC is in communication with single chip by RS-485 bus .

  26. 通常一只GAL芯片可替代4~12个中小规模集成芯片,这可使系统体积减小,成本降低,同时提高了系统的可靠性与稳定性。

    Generally , a chip of GAL can replace four to twelve medium scale integrated chips , hence it can make system size small , cost reducing and improve the system reliability and stability .

  27. 聚合物8x8高速热光光开关集成芯片驱动与控制系统的研究

    Study on the Control and Driving Circuit of the Polymeric Thermo-optical Switch

  28. 函数发生器MAX038是具有整机功能的、将波形的产生和变换电路综合在一起的集成芯片。

    The function generator MAX038 has complete machines function , the integrated chip synthesize of undee produce and transfer circuit .

  29. 多模多频无线通信、智能于机、雷达、卫星通信等对频率捷变高性能射频集成芯片的需求,使基于射频MEMS技术的可重构网络技术得到广泛的重视。

    With great demands of high-performance agile wide-band radio frequency ( RF ) integrate chips from multiple-mode and multiple-frequency wireless communications , intelligent mobile phones , radar and satellite communications , the reconfigurable networks technology based on RF MEMS has been in active research .

  30. 随着射频、天线和微电子技术的快速发展,特别是低成本高处理、高采样速率VLSI超大规模集成芯片的突破性进展,使得超宽带无线通信的普及成为了可能。

    With the radio , antenna and the rapid development of microelectronics technology , especially in low-cost , high processing and high sampling rate VLSI very large scale integrated chip breakthrough , making the popularity of ultra-wideband wireless communications into possible .