
  1. 因此,在压缩XML文档集合时不能获得很好的压缩效果。

    So they are not well applicable to compress a large set of XML documents .

  2. 现在我查询bands集合时,我应该看到

    Now when I query the bands collection , I should see this

  3. 同时补足了[2]在构造MC集合时出现的一处疏漏。

    Meanwhile , it makes up a deficiency , a slip when [ 2 ] made MC set .

  4. 当解释的论域是一个固定大小的有限集合时,一阶逻辑公式的可满足性问题可以等价地归约为SAT问题。

    When the domain of interpretation is finite and its size is a fixed positive integer , the satisfiability problem in the first-order logic can be reduced to SAT.

  5. 传统RBAC在改变角色的操作集合时,易与外部应用程序发生冲突。

    But tradition RBAC can not easy change operate set of role , and would conflict with exterior application .

  6. 当执行工厂方法来初始化课程集合时,Seam遇到@Begin注释,因此将该临时对话提升为长期运行的对话。

    When the factory method executes to initialize the collection of courses , Seam encounters the @ Begin annotation and thus promotes the temporary conversation to a long-running one .

  7. 在测试一个有着100万对象的集合时,i4o将速度提高了差不多两个数量级。

    In tests against collections of1 million objects , i4o resulted in speed improvements of roughly two orders of magnitude .

  8. 在巴特洛公寓外面的集合时看到它的外形便令我震惊。这次观光的焦点并不集中在高迪,我们的导游BL,一个当地人,很好的为我们讲解了许多建筑背后的历史以及巴塞罗那的文化。

    Meeting outside the Casa Batll ó , I was blown away by its appearance.The tour didn 't just focus on Gaud í , our guide BL , a native to Barcelona , did a fantastic job explaining the history behind many of buildings we saw and also the culture of Barcelona .

  9. 警察正在准备防范集合时可能出现的骚乱。

    The police are preparing themselves for trouble at the meeting .

  10. 议会下个秋季重新集合时会考虑这项议案。

    The bill will be considered when the Legislature reconvenes next Fall .

  11. 在处理数据集合时您应该使用数组。

    You should use an array when dealing with a collection of data .

  12. 继承在遍历集合时所需的枚举数定义。

    To inherit the definition of the enumerator required to traverse a collection .

  13. 列出使用集合时遇到的常见问题并演示如何处理这些问题。

    Lists common problems encountered with collections and shows how to deal with them .

  14. 本页列出了使用集合时可能发生的一些常见问题。

    This page lists some common problems that can occur when working with collections .

  15. 在定义排他性按钮集合时,组通常被用来包含单选类型的按钮。

    Groups are often used to contain radio-type buttons as they define the set of exclusive buttons .

  16. 在您创建数据集合时,您可以使用它来更改指定的值。

    You can use it to override the values that you specified when you created the data set .

  17. 当一个对象必须操作一个对象集合时,它有效地使用过程化代码来完成该操作。

    When an object has to manipulate a collection of objects , it effectively uses procedural code to complete the operation .

  18. 在创建自定义集合时,不用自己实现整个接口,只是继承抽象实现并填入细节。

    Instead of implementing the entire interface yourself when creating a custom collection , you just subclass the abstract implementation and fill in the details .

  19. 当与其他人或组共享您的文件集合时,可以向他们赋予针对集合的可读、贡献或管理访问权。

    When you share your file collections with other people or groups , you can give them Reader , Contributor , or Manager access to the collection .

  20. 集中管理储存库使用一个工具,可以提供的搜索管理的元数据的不同集合时启用跨应用程序共享的元数据的一种常见方法。

    Centrally managing repositories with one tool allows you to provide a common method of searching and managing distinct collections of metadata while enabling sharing of metadata across applications .

  21. 本文提出的关系分布算法,在选择关系的分布属性、分布方式和处理机集合时,充分考虑了机群系统中引起数据重分布的因素,减少了额外的通信开销;

    The algorithm proposed by this paper sufficiently takes the factors which cause the data redistribution of pc-cluster system into consideration , and reduces the cost of additional communication .

  22. 在计算可调度集合时,我们优先选择距离接收节点相对较远的邻居节点,并重新分配接收节点的最大可容忍干扰功率,从而尽可能多地激活并发数据流。

    Moreover , in order to activate more concurrent data transmissions , when calculating the schedulable set , we activate the far nodes preferentially and redistribute the maximum tolerable interference .

  23. 使用包含多种安全对象类型的数组或集合时,使用此属性可确定用于每个安全对象的正确的枚举类型。

    When you work with arrays or collections that contain multiple types of security objects , use this property to determine the correct enumeration type to use with each security object .

  24. 在流管道近似过渡状态集合时,扩大其在时间上的分析范围,便可自动得到定时器的合理设定范围。

    Enlarging the analysis time domain when interim states are approximated by SAFP , the timer ′ s reasonable range can be got , which expands the application scope of the method .

  25. 但是,当处理数据集合时,零数组(返回零)和空数组(返回其本身)需要密切关注。

    But when dealing with a collection of data , the distinction between a null array ( which returns null ) and an empty array ( which returns itself ) needs closer attention .

  26. 请不要设置所有用户的超时值,因为这会造成问题,尤其是在运行花费时间比较长的作业集合时。

    Please do not set the timeout value for all users , as this will cause problems , especially when running jobs in batch and the batch takes longer to run than normal .

  27. 人们记得当初来到麻厂街集合时,曾见到一个老太婆,她为了防御流弹,把她的床垫放在窗前。

    It will be remembered that , on the arrival of the rabble in the Rue de la Chanvrerie , an old woman , foreseeing the bullets , had placed her mattress in front of her window .

  28. Sparse索引在所检索的字段并非经常出现在集合中时能提升性能。

    Sparse indexes boost performance when searching by a field that is often missing within a collection .

  29. remove()的行为与Collection接口的版本相似,但是新的poll()方法在用空集合调用时不是抛出异常,只是返回null。

    While remove () behaves like the Collection interface version , instead of throwing an exception when called with an empty collection , the new poll () method just returns null .

  30. 在这种情况下,当数据集合打开时您需要创建一个JavaScript对象,然后您需要为数据集合中的每一行添加对对象的信息。

    In this case , you need to create a JavaScript object when the data set is opened , and then you need to add information to that object for each row in the data set .