
  1. 集句诗的发展及其特点

    The Development and the Characteristics of the Poem Made up of Lines from Varied Poets

  2. 南宋以后,集句诗创作又出现了一些新的现象:在题材上走向了专门化;

    After the Southern Song Dynasty , there were some new changes in the poem writing : the topics became more specialized ;

  3. 融入戏曲母题的《牡丹亭》中的集唐诗,除秉承了传统集句(唐)诗的总体特点外,在文学特征及文学功能上也有新的价值,很值得我们重视。

    The stylistic feature and literary function of the verses is analyzed with conclusion that , in addition to the general features of the traditional Tang verse , there is new value in terms of both literary feature and function .