
  • 网络collectivism education
  1. 新世纪大学生集体主义教育初探

    On the College Students ' Collectivism Education in the New Century

  2. 论和谐社会视野下的新集体主义教育

    On New Collectivism Education from the Perspective of Harmonious Society

  3. 集体主义教育是高校德育工作的重要基石

    Collective Education is the Cornerstone of Moral Education Ethics in Colleges

  4. 略论新时期的高校集体主义教育

    On the Collectivist Education in Colleges in the New Historical Period

  5. 新形势下大学生集体主义教育问题研究

    Research on the Education of the Undergraduates ' Collectivism under New Situation

  6. 浅议集体主义教育的现代性建构

    On Modern Nature of Collective Education

  7. 新形势下加强大学生的集体主义教育势在必行。

    Under new situations , efforts should be made to strengthen the college students collectivism education .

  8. 基本表现为以下六个方面:爱国主义、集体主义教育;吃苦耐劳教育;

    This basic performance is at below six aspect : the education of the patriotism and collectivism ;

  9. 苏联的集体主义教育理论在教育实践领域同样留下了很深的烙印。

    The same deep influence went into practice area when collectivism education theory from USSR disseminated into China .

  10. 群育:集体主义教育不可或缺的因素组织群众、宣传群众、教育群众、服务群众

    Mass Education : An Indispensable Factor for Collectivism Education ; Mobilize , inform , educate and serve the people

  11. 苏霍姆林斯基不但论述了集体主义教育的重要性,而且指明了开展集体主义教育的主要途径。

    He has discussed the importance of education of collectivism as well as has pointed out the main ways .

  12. 集体主义教育一向是我国中小学班级工作的传统,但它一方面曾异化为管理主义,并产生了许多负面效果;

    The education of collectivism has long been the tradition of class work at primary and secondary schools in China .

  13. 抓宿舍文化的重点,着重要抓好集体主义教育、寝室人际关系教育、勤俭节俭教育。

    To strengthen the education of collectivism , bedroom-interpersonal relationship , and austerity and industry are the focuses for the building of dormitory culture .

  14. 如何弥补思想品德教育的盲区,笔者认为应从集体主义教育和爱国主义情操培养入手。

    How to make up the thought moral education the blind spot , the author thought that should obtains from the collectivism education and the patriotism sentiment raise .

  15. 在体育教学中应充分实施爱国主义教育,集体主义教育、纪律教育和意志品质教育,以实现德育教育的功能。

    In PE teaching , we should give full play to patriotism education , collectivism education , discipline education and willpower education to realize the function of moral education .

  16. 通过拓展教育内容,实行多元化的教育方法、优化育人环境和加强机制建设来不断加强大学生集体主义教育的针对性和实效性。

    By enlarging the education content , carrying out multi-measures , optimizing the situation and intensifying the construction of the organization to reinforce the collectivism education to the colleges .

  17. 价值观教育的基本内容应包括集体主义教育、诚信教育、社会责任感教育、挫折教育等;

    The education of value concept includes the education of collectivism , the education of honesty and the sense of social responsibility , and the education of frustration and so on .

  18. 在新中国成立初期出版的各类教育学教材中,对集体主义教育的论述随处可见,其内容普遍以苏联的译著为参照,并非常强调阶级性。

    In kinds of pedagogy teaching material published during the initial period when China founded , exposition about collectivism education could be seen everywhere , they generally consulted works from USSR , and bore strong class character .

  19. 在现代道德教育中,人们虽然逐渐认清了道德教育不能单纯的等同于政治教育、理想教育和集体主义教育,但是又走上了另一个极端。

    While in the modern moral education , people gradually understand that the moral education can not simple equivalent to the political education , the ideal of education and the education of collectivism , but it embarks on another extreme .

  20. 新中国成立初期,为学习苏联先进教育经验,我国教育界引进了大量苏联的教育著作,这些著作中涉及到的有关集体主义教育理论的内容成为学习的对象。

    Of China . During the initial period when new China founded , to learn advanced education experience from USSR , lots of education works from USSR disseminated into China , contents talking about collectivism education in these works became the object we would learn .

  21. 他以马克思主义的教育思想为指导,在学校教育实践中丰富和发展了集体主义的教育思想。

    He , based on the idea of Marxist education , has enriched and developed the education of collectivism .

  22. 为此,我们必须加强社会主义精神文明建设,加强社会主义公德教育和集体主义思想教育,加强社会主义法治建设,用道德、法律等手段进行综合调控。

    For this reason , we should strengthen socialist spiritual civilization building , pubic morality , collectivism ideology , and socialist building ruled by law , we should overcome the limitation by ethics and law which regular it comprehensively .

  23. 高中生爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义教育现状调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Patriotic 、 Collectivist and Socialistic Education for Senior Middle School Students

  24. 提高思想政治素质,重点是加强爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义教育。

    When it comes to the quality of ideological politics , the key point is to strengthen the education of patriotism , collectivism , socialism .

  25. 我们坚持马克思主义的指导地位,用爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义教育人民,大力推进社会主义精神文明建设。

    Upholding the guiding role of Marxism , we have educated the people in patriotism , collectivism and socialism and made vigorous efforts to promote progress in socialist culture and ideology .

  26. 积极开展爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义教育和职业道德教育,注重学生的养成教育、素质教育,并与激励机制挂钩。

    The Institute Actively develops patriotism , collectivism and socialism education and professional ethics education , and pays attention to the cultivation of students ' education , quality education , and links to incentive mechanism .

  27. 为了实现高职教育的目标,全面实施素质教育,学生工作必须把思想政治教育放在首位,把爱国主义、集体主义作为素质教育的灵魂。

    In order to realize the goal of higher vocational education and wholly enforce quality education , we must give the first place of student work to the ideological and political education , regard patriotism and collectivism as the soul of quality education .

  28. 思想政治素质教育又是一种精神素质教育,当前应以爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义教育为主线,重点进行主体精神、哲学精神、创新精神等教育。

    At present , the quality-oriented education of ideology and politics , which is a kind of spiritual quality-oriented education , should educate with patriotism , collectivism , socialism , especially should carry on such education as subject spirit , philosophy spirit , innovative spirit , etc.

  29. 第六条国家在受教育者中进行爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义的教育,进行理想、道德、纪律、法制、国防和民族团结的教育。

    Article 6 The State conducts education among educatees in patriotism .

  30. 大学生在参与志愿服务的过程中,锻炼了自己的综合能力,自觉接受集体主义和爱国主义教育,提升了自身道德素养。

    During the course of volunteering service , the students would receive the education of collectivism and patriotism self-consciously , and rise their moral quality and ability .