
  1. 论审美感受力对绘画创作的影响

    The Influence of Sensibility on Painting

  2. 人们对环境美的感受能力是在一定的历史过程中形成的,每个民族特有的文化心理结构使他们的审美感受力和创造力都带上了本民族的特色。

    The capacity for an aesthetical appreciation of environmental beauty is the result of a specific historical development . In any culture the psychological structure of people determines the features of their ability in aesthetical appreciation and creativity .

  3. 它是一种动之以情的美感熏陶式教学,能激发学生学习兴趣,提高学习效率,促进学生智能发展,培养学生审美感受力、鉴赏力和创造力。

    As a kind of " feeling-arousing " teaching , it kindles students ' enthusiasm and interest , improves their learning efficiency , and promotes their intellectual progress , and cultivates their ability to appreciate aesthetics and foster creativity .

  4. 在审美活动中不断体验、观照各种形式的美,才是主体提高审美感受力的根本途径。

    The fundamental way to improve subject 's feeling ability is to experience and appreciate constantly all kinds of beauty .