
  • 网络aesthetic formation
  1. 开卷&中国古代书籍艺术的审美形态

    ' Open-Book ' & Aesthetic Form of Chinese Ancient Book Art

  2. 体育新闻、体育报道又呈现出怎样的审美形态?

    What are the aesthetic forms of sports news and sports reports ?

  3. 周流无滞之水,情意注之则美&水在中国古代诗歌艺术中的审美形态举析

    Illustration Of Water In The Ancient Chinese Poetic Art As Aesthetic Pattern

  4. 混乱与缺失是丑的审美形态的基本特征。

    Confusion and lack are the basic characteristic of ugliness .

  5. 论陕西文学的审美形态及其流变

    The Aesthetic Morphology and its Evolution in the Shaanxi Literature

  6. 其具体内容表现在其独特的审美形态和审美观念上。

    Their specific content on its unique aesthetic form and aesthetic ideas .

  7. 整合的趋向是中国思想史使中国艺术不是走向宗教,而是走向美学;整合的类型是审美形态和思维方式;

    The type of conformity is the aesthetic shape and thinking mode .

  8. 焦墨艺术,由于在审美形态上呈现出另一种极致而倍受青睐。

    Mexican coke art as presents another extreme aesthetic form , so favored .

  9. 论新闻传播的立体化体育新闻报道审美形态刍议

    Discussion about the Aesthetic Form of Sports News Reports

  10. 而且性格鲜明,是一个极具审美形态的人物形象。

    With his distinctive personality , Liu Shi-wu is a character of strong aesthetics .

  11. “形式”成为他确立文艺审美形态的一个思想范畴。

    " Form " becomes an ideological category .

  12. 审美形态分类综述

    A Summary of the Classifications of Aesthetic Patterns

  13. 威:中国古代重要的审美形态范畴

    Wei : Chinese classical important aesthetic category

  14. 生活世界的审美形态

    The Aesthetic Pattern of the Life World

  15. 论原始审美形态的逻辑发生&兼论艺术的起源问题

    On the Logical Occurrence of the Original Aesthetic Conformation & And the Provenance of arts

  16. 我们把专门研究舞蹈的审美形态所形成的学科称作舞蹈形态学。

    We called the subject which study the aesthetic form of dance as the dance morphology .

  17. 它们这种融合性主要体现在音乐形态、审美形态这两个方面。

    They are mainly embodied in the fusion music morphology , aesthetic form this two respects .

  18. 丑的审美形态是西方近代主体性精神的产物。

    The appearance of ugly aesthetic form is the outcome of the western modern master spirit .

  19. 道德禁欲主义影响下的中西传统审美形态之比较

    A Macro-comparison of the Chinese Traditional and the Western Traditional Aesthetic Patterns under the Influence of Asceticism

  20. 现代派是现当代西方反传统、反理性的产物,他的审美形态是面临虚无深渊的荒诞。

    The modernist school is an anti-traditional and anti-rational product of the modern and present western countries .

  21. 河南濒灭剧种中耍孩儿音乐形态考略从剧目看河南濒灭剧种的审美形态

    The brief research on the musical modality in playing with kids in the extinct drama of Henan province

  22. 主体与审美形态的交互关系是这里所要讨论的核心问题。

    The interactions of Subject and aesthetic forms are the core issues , which we will discuss here .

  23. 在审美形态上,则体现为朴素之风的确立和思之品格的提升。

    Aesthetic form , is embodied in the establishment of simple style and " thinking " of character enhancement .

  24. 有唐一代的音乐、舞蹈的审美形态是丰富多样的,在审美上有着极高的成就。

    The aesthetic form of the music and dance in Tang Dynasty is of variety and of great significance .

  25. 在美学层面,它表现为现代审美形态&崇高型审美形态,并为此种审美形态在中国美学理论和文学创作中的发展做出了贡献。

    On the aesthetics level , it shows the modern sublime-type aesthetics , and contributes to this literature creation .

  26. 同时在审美形态方面,宫廷音乐和道教音乐也是具有个性和共性的特点。

    Meanwhile in aesthetic ideology , music and Taoist music is also palace with the characteristics of character and generality .

  27. 这些审美形态的相互配合和巧妙运用将使口语表达通向迷人的艺术境界。

    The mutual coordination and ingenious utilization of all these will lead to the enchanting artistic boundary of oral expression .

  28. 怪诞一词在西方有两种用法,一指本义洞窟,二代一种审美形态。

    Grotesquerie , in the West , embodies two meanings : firstly its denotation grotto , and secondly an aesthetical form .

  29. 但由于寻根文学作家对根的理解不同,因此他们呈现出的审美形态是多种多样的。

    The writers of root-seeking literature understand the ' root ' in different ways so that their aesthetic styles are various .

  30. 先锋小说作为人道主义的一种文学形态阐释,它首先表现在审美形态的突变。

    The cutting edge novel takes the humanitarianism another literature shape explanation , it first displays in the esthetic shape sudden change .