- 名auditor

As has happened in many cases after auditor resignations , Longtop delisted from the New York Stock Exchange last August .
The act created the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board to replace self-regulation , and mandated auditor independence requirements .
He now faces charges for being drunk while in charge of a bicycle and faking a crime .
Compliance with Practice Advisories is optional .
Ernst and Young resigned as its auditor last week .
Whether Auditor reputation influences share pricing & Evidence from IPO market in China
It also resigned as auditor of Real Gold Mining , saying that the Chinese miner had failed to disclose material information involving related parties .
Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Agency Cost and Auditor Choice of IPO-Firms Evidences from IPO-Firms in Stock Market of China
DYP has been unsuccessful at finding a new auditor and the NYSE has delisted them .
The S.E.C. said in late 2012 that the companies ' auditors had refused to hand over relevant paperwork and that they could face sanctions .
From more than double the dimension , the empirical tests and analysis obtained an important conclusion : the existence of rent-seeking behavior in the IPO auditor choice .
Yesterday China-Biotics failed its cash confirmation test when auditor BDO resigned .
A prominent provision in SOX requires attestation of the adequacy of firms'internal control systems by both firm management and auditors .
Therefore , auditors in the IPO process have a dual role . It is IPO intermediaries employed by companies , but also the assessment person of IPO qualifications .
Allegations of fraud at companies such as Sino-forest have led to a wave of auditor resignations this year .
The US Securities and Exchange Commission and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board have launched investigations into some Chinese companies and their US auditors .
First , the association of internal auditors revised the definition of internal audit , illustrating the change of its role .
He said : A simple PDF file , exactly as it was printed , is cheap , easy and does not have to be vetted all over again by the auditors .
The brewery said the proposed dismissal of its overseas auditor , PwC , would " improve the efficiency and reduce the costs of disclosure " .
It is curious that the SEC is choosing to go after Chinese companies when the regulator so conspicuously failed to prosecute the Wall Street firms , or their auditors , responsible for the financial crisis .
A study of 133 managers last year by researchers at the University of Massachusetts found that if an auditor is likable and gives a well-organized argument , managers tend to comply with his suggestions , even if they disagree and the auditor lacks supporting evidence .
In the US , the shares of at least 20 Chinese companies have been suspended or kicked off New York stock exchanges in the past year following auditor resignations or accounting problems .
Last year , Deloitte quit as auditor of Longtop after accusing the company of " very serious defects " , including faking its bank statements .
The visit was one of a series conducted by officials from the public company accounting oversight board to Indian auditors with clients registered in the US , including Satyam .
Jason Bedford , a former big four auditor who has focused on the Chinese trust sector for the past six years , said he had never seen a product that relied exclusively on third-party guarantees .
It has tried hard to heighten professional qualifications of global internal auditors by means of continuous education so as to keep abreast with the historical opportunity of quick development and accept a challenge of opening professional vistas for global internal audit .
In the past , Hong Kong-listed companies were only permitted to use Hong Kong auditors and to prepare their statements using International Financial Reporting Standards or the virtually identical Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards .
IIA revised the internal audit standards in 2003 , the new risk-based definition re-position the objects , objectives , functions of the internal audit , which promoting the further development of risk-oriented internal audit .
According to the brand-new definition made by IIA , internal auditing is an independent , objective assurance and consulting activity , and to add value and improve organization operation has become the target of internal audit .
In another notorious case , Longtop , a Chinese software company , delisted from Nasdaq last year after its auditor , Deloitte , accused the company of " very serious defects " , including faking its bank statements .