
  • 网络aesthetic ideal;aesthetic idea;ideal of beauty appreciation
  1. 艺术化人生:中国传统士大夫的审美理想

    An Artistic Life : the Aesthetic Ideal of Traditional Chinese Scholar-officials

  2. 其审美理想主要是多样性、然性和求新性。

    Its aesthetic ideal is mainly of variety , nature and fashion seeking .

  3. 女性神话是童年时代的人类对女性的审美理想。

    Female myth is an aesthetic ideology in childhood of femineity .

  4. 现代书法审美理想的嬗变

    On the Evolvement of the Aesthetic Ideas in Present-day Chinese Calligraphy

  5. “逸品”审美理想的终结

    The End of the Aesthetic Ideality of " Leisure Quality "

  6. 它是抒情型文学作品的审美理想。

    It is an ideal aesthetic realm for lyric literary works .

  7. 朝鲜高丽文学的审美理想与追求

    Koryo Literature in Korea : Its Aesthetic Object and Pursuance

  8. 中国传统绘画的审美理想&和谐

    The Chinese traditional painting appreciates beauty the ideal & Harmonious

  9. 试论中华民族的审美理想

    A Discussion on Chinese Nation ′ s Aesthetic Ideality

  10. 和谐&中国古典诗学的审美理想

    Harmonious & Aesthetics fond thinking of China classicality poetics

  11. 当代艺术审美理想的迷失与重建

    Losing and Rebuilding the Aesthetic Ideals of Modern Art

  12. 浅谈欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义的审美理想

    Discussing Simply the Aesthetic Ideal of Humanism in European Revival of Letters Age

  13. 竟陵派以厚作为诗学审美理想。

    The Jingling school believed the " thickness " as aesthetic ideal of poetics .

  14. 而玄学的理想人格,则体现着对于审美理想的追求。

    The ideal personality of Wei-Jin metaphysics embodies the pursuit for the aesthetic ideal .

  15. 展示新的审美理想。

    Third , opening up new aesthetic ideal .

  16. 论艺术的社会性和审美理想

    On Sociality and Aesthetic Ideals of Art s

  17. 二是作为文士心中的审美理想而存在。

    Secondly , existing as the aesthetic ideal .

  18. 论庄子审美理想实现的心理层次

    Zhuang-zi 's Psychological Level in His Aesthetic Ideal

  19. 它们呈现出来的美学特征承载着当今时代的最高审美理想。

    The aesthetic character they carry represents the crowning aesthetic ideal in present age .

  20. 意象:中国古典诗歌的审美理想

    Image : Aesthetic Ideal of Chinese Classical Poetry

  21. 论审美理想与审美创造的关系

    The Relationship of Aesthetic Ideal and Aesthetic Creativity

  22. 第三节是音响调利、于律严谨的审美理想。

    The third quarter profits , is acoustics tuning in law rigorous aesthetic ideal .

  23. 李白诗体现了“以气为主”“自然英旨”的审美理想。

    LiBai 's scenical poems embody the aesthetic ideal of giving priority to nature .

  24. 康德与黑格尔审美理想辨异审美思维的培养

    The Comparison Between Kante and Hegel 's Aesthetical Ideals Foster the student 's aesthetic thought

  25. 试论社会主义文艺的审美理想

    On the Aesthetic Ideals of Socialist Literature

  26. 审美理想主义与乡村散文创作

    Aesthetic Idealism and Rural Prose Creation

  27. 和谐&最高的审美理想

    Harmony - the Loftiest Aesthetic Ideal

  28. 康德审美理想的现代性

    Modernity of Kant ' Aesthetic Ideas

  29. 并对其小说艺术成就标准和审美理想的提出产生影响。

    He put forward his standard for the achievement of fiction art and his aesthetic ideal .

  30. 中国古典文学中儒家复古论者的审美理想

    Aesthetic Ideal on the Phenomenon of the Confucian Restoring Ancient Ways of the Chinese Classical Literature