
fēnɡ ɡé xué
  • stylistics
  1. 计算方法在汉语风格学研究中的应用

    Application of Computational Methods to the Study of Stylistics in China

  2. 试论语言风格学研究中的几个问题

    Some Issues in the Study of Language Stylistics

  3. 风格学美国总统。

    He styles himself on a US president Last year .

  4. 论汉语风格学传统论我国科学的历史传统与情报学研究

    On the Historical Tradition of Chinese Science and the Study of Information Science

  5. 语言风格学之观念与方法

    The Concept of and Approaches to the Linguistic Stylistics

  6. 语言风格学为本文的研究提供了角度和思路。

    We can study this problem through " the theory of language style " .

  7. 论汉语风格学传统

    On the Tradition of Chinese Stylistics

  8. 语言风格学是一门新兴的学科,它是语言学和文学相结合的产物。

    As a new branch of knowledge , the linguistic stylistics is the combination of linguistics and literature .

  9. 通过它们之间关系的确定,指出语文教学的进一步发展就是走上修辞学,风格学的道路。

    The trend of Chinese teaching development is " rhetoric and stylistics " through the confirmation of their relationships .

  10. 风格学起源于古典修辞学。在现代,风格学是介于文学批评和语言学之间的中间学科。

    Deriving from ancient rhetorics , stylistics is , in modern times , an intermediate study between literary criticism and linguistics .

  11. 语言风格学认为,语言风格的形成,是语言运用的结果,而如何运用语言,是主客观因素共同影响的结果。

    " The theory of language style " thinks the formation of the language style is the result of utilization of the language .

  12. 其功能定位学香港、建筑风格学欧洲、城市管理学新加坡。

    It is a city that combines Hong Kong 's economic model , European-style architecture and Singapore 's expertise in city planning programmes .

  13. 其次,从语言学、符号学、认知学及风格学等四个角度来关照网络语言表现出来的总体特征。

    Secondly , from the perspective of linguistics , semeiology , cognitive science and stylistics , the author probes the characteristics of the cyber-language .

  14. 与传统的、印象的评判不同,现代风格学应用更为科学的、具体的方法对文学文本进行解读和分析。

    Different from the traditional impressionistic evaluation , modern stylistics applies more scientific and specific techniques to a better interpretation of a literary text .

  15. 本文按时间顺序展开论述,拟运用风格学、比较学和社会学等美术史学方法进行较为全面和深入细致的分析研究,探讨林风眠戏曲画独特的艺术价值。

    This disquisition dissertate on time sequence , intending to make use of the art doctrine of comparative value 、 sociology 、 history , etc.

  16. 第二、第三期重在主题学、风格学研究,适当引进了一些新方法与文化学视角;

    The second and the third emphasized the study of mythos and style , with some indraught of new methods and some view of culturalology ;

  17. 他在中国现代绘画史上第一次把西方风格学的研究方法引入中国绘画史研究,注重作品风格的分析。

    He introduced for the first time the Western stylistic methods into the historical studies of Chinese painting , laying emphasis upon the styles of the works .

  18. 曹丕是建安文学的代表之一,他的文气说涉及风格学研究,为刘勰所继承和发展。

    Jian Cao Pi is one of the representatives of literature , his " Vigour " style of research involved , as Liu Xie inherited and developed .

  19. 作者认为译者应充分利用文体风格学的研究方法和成果来进行风格的再现工作。

    The author claims that literary translators make good use of the research methods and results of stylistics for the better reproduction of the styles of the source texts .

  20. 他对四季山水说有自己独到的体会,对风格学有独到的美学诠释。

    With his distinctive experience of " natural scenery ( mountains and waters ) are four seasons ", he had a way of his own in aesthetic interpretation of stylistics .

  21. 计算方法引入汉语风格学研究始于20世纪70、80年代,初期主要用于作者考证和作家作品语言风格研究;

    The application of computational methods to the study of Stylistics in China began in 1970s , at which time it mainly concerned the verification of the authority and the study of certain writer 's language style .

  22. 在此基础上,运用图像学、艺术风格学及文献学的方法,对它们分别进行了发展历程的纵向考察和具体作品的横向研究,揭示了它们的意蕴及美学特征。

    Based on this , the present paper makes a vertical study and a horizontal research on the developing course and concrete works of these two categories by using the imagism , art stylistics and literature materials to promulgate its essence meaning .

  23. 汉语风格学传统具有丰富的内容,最重要的是:人自身的内部因素是风格的内核,意与辞统一是风格的主导原测,表现风格是风格的根本范畴。

    The tradition of Chinese stylistics has substantial content . And above all , the interior factors of man himself are the kernel of the style with unity of meaning and words being the guiding principle and style of expression the basic scope .

  24. 从风格学的制高点来考察周氏兄弟散文,目的是要推进周氏兄弟散文的比较研究,力图探索现代散文风格辨析的基本途径和主要方法,为散文风格学的理论建设略尽抛砖引玉之义务。

    This paper attempts to explore the major approaches to differentiation and analysis of modern prose styles , and hopes to contribute a little to the construction of stylistic theories . This dissertation is a combination of psychology , the theory of literary form , linguistics and rhetoric .

  25. 风格是风格学的研究对象。

    Style is the subject of the study of stylistics .

  26. 小说的地域风格一直为学界重视,地域成为影响作家创作特色的要素之一。

    The regional style of novel has emphasized in academia . The region becomes an essential factor affecting the creating .

  27. 首先指出在翻译中不可避免地存在着语言学基础的问题,分别表现在音位学、句法、词汇、形式与风格以及韵律学方面。

    First , there exist unavoidable linguistic bases of translation , in the aspects of phonology , syntax , vocabulary , forms and genres and prosody and comparative prosody , respectively .

  28. 第四部分结合韦庄的文学主张对韦诗清丽的艺术特色从诗歌风格与审学风貌等方面进行具体的分析。

    Part Four , which relates the literature assertion of Wei Zhuang to the discussion , analyses the fresh and magnificent artistic quality of his Tang poetry in the aspects of poetry style and aesthetic characteristics .

  29. 口腔医学专业学生认知风格与口腔正畸学学习成绩关系的研究

    A study on relationship between cognitive style of dental students and their orthodontic examination scores

  30. 传统家居楹联研究译者风格之社会符号学分析&《红楼梦》楹联翻译对比分析

    A Study on the Traditional Couplet A Socio-semiotic Approach to Translators ' Style & An Analysis on Couplet Translation in A Dream of Red Mansions