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  • 网络raceway
  1. 攀钢2000m~3高炉风口回旋区特征的研究

    Investigation of Tuyere Raceway of BF 2000m ~ 3 for PISC

  2. 高速摄像机图像处理法确定风口回旋区边界

    Determining Raceway Boundary by Image Processing via High-Speed Video Camera

  3. COREX熔融气化炉风口回旋区的物理模拟不可堵塞炉门或排气口,以免产生过热或冷却不完全等故障。

    Physical Simulation of Raceway in COREX Melter Gasifier Blockages to the door or oven vents can cause overheating or other failures in the cooling system .

  4. 在系统地分析整个风口回旋区的物理和化学反应机理的基础上,采用了物理模拟与数值模拟相结合的方法。

    The physical modeling and numerical simulation methods was used in this paper .

  5. 基于机器视觉的风口回旋区温度检测算法

    Raceway Section Temperature Measurement Algorithm Based on Machine Vision

  6. 喷煤高炉风口回旋区温度分布与工作状态监控的研究

    Supervision of temperature and running state of raceway in blast furnace with coal injection

  7. 高炉风口回旋区工作状态监控技术的研究现状

    Recent Research on Supervision Running State of the Tuyere and Raceway in Blast Furnace

  8. 利用颗粒速度标量场确定风口回旋区边界

    Determination of Raceway Boundary with Particle Velocity Contour

  9. 高炉风口回旋区断面温度场数值化研究与应用

    Research and Application of Temperature-field Digitalizing of the Tuyere and Raceway Section in Blast Furnace

  10. 煤粉和矿粉复合喷吹时高炉风口回旋区数学模型

    Mathematical model of blast furnace raceway zone with simultaneous injection of pulverized coal and fine iron ore

  11. 用红外线热象仪研究了喷煤高炉风口回旋区温度分布。

    Temperature distribution of blast furnace raceway was measured and studied with an infra-red thermal image system .

  12. 在风口回旋区内,焦炭颗粒在高温气流的带动下作回旋运动,并伴有物理和化学反应。

    Coke particles in the high-temperature gas flow driven campaign swing , accompanied by physical and chemical reaction in raceway .

  13. 该模型能够较准确地预测风口回旋区内的燃烧情况,可以减少高炉操作费用,正确指导生产实践。

    The model can make a well prediction for the combustion in the raceway , it is greatly meaningful for reducing operating charges and conducting production .

  14. 高炉风口回旋区是高炉顺行不可缺少的重要反应区,而且回旋区内部的物理、化学反应十分复杂。

    BF raceway is an indispensable part of the reaction area to the blast furnace operation , moreover the internal physical and chemical reaction is very complex .

  15. 风口回旋区的尺寸大小将直接影响高炉下部煤气的分布、上部炉料的均衡下降以及整个高炉内的传热传质过程。

    Sizes of tuyere raceway will directly affect the heat transter and mass transfer in the whole BF , the gas distributing at the bottom of BF and the charge falling proportioned .

  16. 用所建模型分别对冷态模型内气固两相流动和某企业750m3高炉风口回旋区内的气固两相三维流动与煤粉燃烧进行了数值模拟。

    KINETICS OF COMBUSTION OF PULVERIZED COAL IN RACEWAY BEFORE TUYERE OF BLAST FURNACE The model is applied to the simulations of 3-D gas-particle flows and pulverized coal combustion in the 750 m3 blast furnace .

  17. 试验结果表明,在软融带焦炭内部结构被明显破坏,抗劣化能力下降;在风口回旋区焦炭磨损产生大量粉焦;

    The result indicates the pore structure of coke is obviously destroyed in the soften-melting zone , the ability of resistance to degradation is decreased and coke size is degraded mostly in the tuyere raceway .

  18. 采用数学模型对风口回旋区煤粉燃烧率进行了计算,对影响它的因素进行了讨论,并对未燃煤粉的行为作了分析。

    Based on the paper , the combustion ratio of pulverized coal was calculated in the raceway cavity and the factors'in relation to it were discussed and the behavior of the unburnt pulverized coal was also analyzed .

  19. 根据实验结果,推导出风口回旋区深度计算公式,并计算出攀钢2000m~3高炉在一定工艺操作条件下的风口直径与回旋区深度的关系。

    Based on the results of experiment , formula for raceway depth calculating had been deduced . And the relation between tuyere diameter and raceway depth was calculated under a given technological condition of BF 2000m ~ 3 for PISC .

  20. 应用CFX虚拟软件对数学模型进行了数值分析,并应用CFX的三维可视化数据处理能力,分别对通过高炉风口轴线的回旋区水平截面气体速度、颗粒速度、气体压力等进行了研究分析。

    The numerical simulation of the mathematical model has been completed by using the CFX software . Appling the three-dimensional data visualization ability of CFX , The distributions of gas velocity , particle velocity and fluid pressure in the horizontal section through BF tuyere axes had been analyzed .

  21. 高炉风口煤粉及回旋区焦炭燃烧过程数学模型

    Numerical Model of Tuyere Pulverized Coal and Raceway Coke Combustion in BF

  22. 结果表明,高炉风口产生的回旋区流场及温度场有利于煤粉的燃烧,而氧浓度大则有利于煤粉较早着火及较高的燃烬率。

    The results show that the fields of temperature and flow , which take place in the tuyere zone of BF , are beneficial to the pulverized coal combustion and the higher oxygen concentration is good for the earlier ignition and higher burn-out rate of pulverized coal .

  23. 本文主要介绍了高炉风口图像的分析处理与特征提取方法,通过数字图像处理方法对风口回旋区红外图像进行处理,从红外图像中提取对高炉操作有用的特征信息。

    The methods of analysis processing and feature extraction of the blast furnace tuyere images are mainly introduced in this paper . Infrared images of the tuyere raceway are processed by digital image processing methods and the feature information available to BF operation is extracted from infrared images .