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  1. 风吹过峡谷。

    Wind was funnelling through the gorge .

  2. 他们听到的只有风吹过树梢的飒飒声。

    All they heard was the wind whispering through the treetops .

  3. 风吹过树林。

    The wind blew through the forest .

  4. 风吹过管子,它飞舞了起来。

    Wind blows through the tube and makes it fly and dance around .

  5. MJ很喜欢风吹过她的毛发的兜风的噶觉,她喜欢在我的肩膀间跳来跳去。

    MJ enjoys the wind rushing through her fur and she moves around from shoulder to shoulder .

  6. 春天的风吹过,有一丝寒意。潮湿的风,颤抖着。

    The spring wind shrilled past them , damp and quivering .

  7. 风吹过树枝的轻微沙沙声。

    The whisper of wind through the branches of the trees .

  8. 她听到风吹过树林的呼啸声不禁颤了一下。

    She heard the whistle of the wind through the trees and shivered .

  9. 在行走中感受,风吹过,雨落下,花开放。

    Feeling wind blowing , rain dropping , flower blooming in our hiking .

  10. 他刺耳的笑声好象三月里的风吹过树梢的声音。

    His rough laugh was like a March wind among the tree tops .

  11. 25.风吹过头发的感觉。

    25 . Wind blowing through your hair .

  12. 当风吹过,又剩下什么?

    What left when the winds has gone .

  13. 我听见风吹过松林间飒飒作响。你走动的时候。

    I heard the whisper of wind in the pines . As you 're walking .

  14. 安静些,别害怕,儿啊,那是风吹过树叶。

    ' Hush , don 't fret , my son , it is the wind .

  15. 想想鸟群或者是草堆在有风吹过的时候是如何反应的。

    Consider a flock of birds or a field of grass reacting to the wind .

  16. 他的声音就像风吹过平原上干枯的草地。

    His voice sounded like the wind blowing through the dry grass on the great plains .

  17. 在过去的5年中,变革之风吹过了乌干达的科学。

    For the past five years , winds of change have been blowing through Ugandan science .

  18. 风吹过你的头发

    With the wind in your hair

  19. 当淡黄色的风吹过白色的雪,它是温暖的,不是吗?

    When light yellow wind blew on white snow , it was very warm , wasn 't it ?

  20. “风吹过海面,把小的波浪推向前进,变成越来越大的波浪。”

    " The winds blow across the sea , pushing little waves into bigger and bigger ones . "

  21. 但是冰会升华&当风吹过冰面时,它便直接转换为水蒸气。

    But it does sublime & it converts directly into water vapor as the wind sweeps over it .

  22. 汽车如何区分一个被风吹过马路的塑料袋和一条奔跑的狗?

    How does a car distinguish between a plastic bag blowing across a road and a runaway dog ?

  23. 风吹过树梢时,那只白头鹫的一双塑料翅膀会拍打着翩然起飞,看起来那么逼真

    As the wind rushed through the treetop making the plastic wings flutter and flap , it looked so real

  24. 今天,阳光很温润。透过窗户,依然能感受到那股柔风吹过的温润。

    Pretty day & the sunshine , the smooth wind , the clear sky , and the happy mood .

  25. 呼吸新鲜空气,感受风吹过脸颊,聆听鸟儿唱歌,晾衣能够使人轻松愉快。

    Standing in the fresh air , feeling the wind on your face and hearing the birds sing is therapeutic .

  26. 风吹过树梢时,那只白头鹫的一双塑料翅膀会拍打着翩然起飞,看起来那么逼真……

    As the wind rushed through the treetop making the plastic wings flutter and flap , it looked so real ...

  27. 这种振动是由于风吹过杆件时,在该杆件两侧背后产生交替脱落的漩涡造成的。

    This kind of vibration is caused by the alternate shedding vortex behind both sides of the rod when wind blow .

  28. 最有意义的例子是风吹过地面时在地面附近产生的边界层。

    The example of most concern is the boundary layer next to the ground produced by the wind blowing over it .

  29. 有风吹过草间,凉凉的,还恍惚有细小的声音,落在心上,是一辈子的痕迹。

    Kusama has breeze , cool , and also a small trance sound , landed in mind is that traces of life .

  30. 蛙声轻扰,却感觉愉悦,静听那些被风吹过的思念,沉醉在莫名的音韵里。

    Washeng light interference , but feel joy , listening to those thoughts have been blown off , intoxicated with inexplicable phonological years .