
xī xínɡ
  • Westbound;progress toward the west
  1. 我继续西行,向100英里外的弗拉格斯塔夫进发。

    I pushed on towards Flagstaff , a hundred miles to the west

  2. 几小时以后她便抽出身来重新开始西行的旅程。

    Within hours , she was free to resume her journey westward .

  3. 我们西行前往加利福尼亚。

    We are going West to California .

  4. 机场近在咫尺,西行不到60英里即到。

    The airport was within striking distance : no more than sixty miles to the west .

  5. 近一半的新作品都是国风风格,或者说“传统中国风”。这些故事大多是根据中国传说或文学作品改编。例如,《西行纪之再见悟空》改编自《西游记》。

    Nearly half of the new works are in guofeng style , or “ traditional Chinese style ” . The stories are mostly based on or adapted from Chinese legends or literature . For example , The Westward comes from Journey to the West .

  6. 指出,当西风大槽稳定在90°E附近时,西太平洋台风几乎总是西行的,对我国威胁最大;

    It is noted that when a large westerly trough is staying near 90 ° E , nearly all the Western Pacific typhoons move westerly , which would be dangerous for our country .

  7. 前景上,由建筑师扎哈·哈迪德(ZahaHadid)设计的新楼拔地而起,灿烂夺目,横跨西行至埃斯塔克的公路。

    In the foreground , a sparkling new tower by the architect Zaha Hadid swoops up into the air , reflecting the light and straddling the highway running west toward L'Estaque .

  8. 一直西行,然后你就可以到达东方。

    Sail west and finally you can get to the East .

  9. 浩浩荡荡地涌人斯博坎峡谷后,洪水向西行进。

    Surging into the Spokane Valley , the waters headed west .

  10. 这是郑州站。去西安的旅客在这里转乘西行列车。

    Zhengzhou . Passengers for Sian change here to westbound train .

  11. 由涡度转移所导致的台风西行运动的讨论

    A note on Typhoon westward motion caused by vorticity transference

  12. 北太平洋冬季阻塞性高压对船舶西行航线的影响

    Effects of North Pacific winter blocking high on westward routes of ships

  13. 我们掉头西行,阳光再次普照。

    We headed back westward , and the sun returned .

  14. 于是他启程西行。

    And so he 's taking off to the west .

  15. 雁门关是山西商人西行的大关。

    Yanmen Pass is an important pass for Shanxi businessmen going west .

  16. 跳上一列火车并向西行是相当浪漫。

    There 's a certain romance about hopping a train and heading west .

  17. 你看过《西行漫记》吗?

    Have you read " Red Star Over China "?

  18. 1987年北上、西行台风的卫星云图诊断图象

    The picture of satellite map 's diagnosis for westward and northward typhoons in 1987

  19. 当你向东行时,今天就会变成昨天,向西行时今天就成了明天!

    Traveling east , today becomes yesterday ; traveling west , it is tomorrow !

  20. 许多错误的想法导致哥伦布时代的人不愿西行。

    Many wrong ideas made people in columbus 's age unwilling to sail west .

  21. 重建太古城斜路至东区走廊西行线的一段道路;

    Reconstruction of the Tai Koo Shing on-ramp to the Island Eastern Corridor westbound ;

  22. 但是当我们再往西行,农田渐渐消失,被广茂的野草替代。

    But as we travel west , the cropland gives way to wild grasses .

  23. 他们作为殖民先驱西行,仅有的财产是能够携带的东西。

    They went west as pioneers with only the possessions they could carry with them .

  24. 那五个警察把自行车停在往西行的路上,站在那儿等我。

    The five police stopped at their bicycles on the westward trail waiting for me .

  25. 他们沿着调整公路向西行。

    They headed westwards along the motorway .

  26. 爱尔兰的英国的西面&你从英国向西行可以到达那里。

    Ireland is west of britain & you travel west from Britain to get there .

  27. 凡亚比西行靠近我国期间,强度快速增强。

    During the period of its westward movement and approaching Taiwan , the intensity increases rapidly .

  28. 沿文明里西行的车辆将禁止右转入?兰街。

    Vehicles on man Ming Lane westbound will be banned from making right turn onto Portland street .

  29. 西行调研与思考

    Westward Investigation and Consideration

  30. 更改东区走廊西行线至太古城的一段单线支路;

    Realignment of the single lane slip road from the Island Eastern Corridor westbound to Tai Koo Shing ;