
  1. 通州市五乡镇恶性肿瘤不同疗法的生存分析

    Survival Analysis on the Patients with Maligant Tumour in Different Therapy in Five Counties of Tongzhou

  2. 第五,乡镇债务甚至造成政府行为的合法性下降,出现局部治理危机。

    Decrease the legitimacy of government and present crisis of government management .

  3. 该部分首先介绍了湖北省五个乡镇农民选择技术状况的调查情况,详细分析了影响农民技术选择行为的主要因素。

    This part above all introduces the investigation situation for the status of technology chosen by farmers in five villages and towns of Hubei province , analyzing factors in detail affecting the choosing behaviours of farmers .

  4. 高发地区主要集中在以洪楼为中心的包括王舍人、华山、港沟、仲宫、唐王五个乡镇,呈现从城乡结合地带向乡镇散发流行的趋势。

    The towns with higher incidence of measles were concentrated in Hong Lou , including Wang Sheren , Hua Shan , Gang Gou , Zhong Gong , Tang Wang . The main trends were sporadic from the urban and rural zones to the township . 3 .

  5. 第五部分提出乡镇干部执政能力建设的路径选择。

    Fifth section presents the construction of township cadres , the ability to govern routing .

  6. 第五章针对乡镇成人学校在教育经费统筹政策中面临的挑战,从学校管理者的角度出发,从对政策本身以及学校积极去适应政策两方面提出对策建议。

    Chapter township adult school funding for education planning policies in the face of challenges , from the perspective of school administrators , from the right policy itself is actively adaptation policy measures both recommendations .

  7. 去年,福州、厦门、泉州、漳州、莆田五地市乡镇企业经济总量占全省百分之七十以上。

    Last year , the gross economic magnitude of the village-and-town enterprises of the five regional cities of Fuzhou , Xiamen , Quanzhou , Zhangzhou and Putian accounted for over 70 % in the whole province .