
  1. 那个学生向他父母汇报考试情况:已考完五科,还剩两科。

    The student reported to his parents on his exams : five down and two to go .

  2. 科尔斯校长说,该校学生前年参加GCSE考试时五科成绩甲级至丙级(A-C)的通过率为32%,去年这一比例提高至55%,今年希望能更进一步,达到60%。

    Mr Coles said 32 per cent of pupils scored five GCSEs at grades A to C in the year before last . This had risen to 55 per cent last year and the school was aiming for 60 per cent this year .

  3. 这五科当中,姜浩学英语的劲头是最足的。

    Among the five subjects , Jiang learnt English most industriously .

  4. 无须香港中学会考五科及格职系〔资历组别〕

    Grades not requiring five passes in Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination [ qualification group ]

  5. 所有新入职的幼儿园教师都必须在会考中取得至少五科及格成绩,包括中、英文科。

    All newly-appointed kindergarten teachers will need five passes in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination , including Chinese and English .

  6. 考试科目有文法,读解,汉子,小论文,口述等五科。

    The five parts of the examination included grammar , reading , a Chinese character test , essay and an oral exam .

  7. 这一目分为五科,包括大部分的淡水鱼。这目的类型是:鲤鱼、雄鱼。

    an order that 's divided into five families and makes up the great majority of freshwater fish . Examples : carp , pike .

  8. 信息学奥林匹克竞赛是国际中学生五大学科奥赛之一。

    Informatics Olympiad is one of the five Olympic disciplines .

  9. 应从这五大学科中重点研究与地震活动、地震孕育发生有关的基础理论,以及地震触发的基本理论问题。

    We should carry out a key study on the basic theories associated with seismicity , earthquake development and occurrence , and earthquake triggering within these 5 scientific disciplines .

  10. 测定了Na2CO3胁迫下五种禾本科牧草苗期的植株存活率、生物量、生长胁迫指数等生长指标与其耐盐性的关系。

    The relations of five kinds of gramineous grass growing indexes , such as surviving rate , biomass , growth stress index etc with their salt tolerance were studied .

  11. 五种木兰科树种在南京地区冬春季节的光合特征

    Photosynthesis of five magnolia species in Nanjing City in winter and spring

  12. 五种榆科植物解剖结构与抗旱性相关研究

    The Study on Anatomical Structure and Drought-resistance of Five Kinds of Ulmaceae Plant

  13. 政府在二零零一至零二年度推行试验计划,由医院管理局接办五家普通科门诊诊所。

    Five general out-patient clinics are being transferred to the Hospital Authority in 2001-02 under a pilot scheme .

  14. 唐五代童子科与儿童教育

    The Children 's Section of the Imperical Examination and Children 's Education in the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties

  15. 气质联用结合保留指数对比在五种木兰科芳香精油成分鉴定中的应用

    Application of GC-MS Combined with Kovats Retention Indices to Identify the Composition of Five Magnoliaceae Species in the Essential Oils

  16. 地高辛标记探针检测五种葫芦科作物病毒的斑点杂交方法五年制针灸推拿学专业留学生全英文教学的探索与实践

    Dot-blot Hybridization for Detection of Cucurbit Viruses by Digoxigenin-Labelled cDNA Probes ; Exploration into Use of English in Training of International Students of the Five-Year Program

  17. 方法于2002年10月至2004年3月在中山大学附属第五医院皮肤科过敏反应专科门诊用致敏原皮肤试验法对珠海地区过敏性疾病患者及当地植被进行流行病学调查分析;

    Method The trial was carried in the 5th Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University in Zhuhai from December in 2002 to March in 2004 and through the allergen skin test in the cases of allergic diseases , survey of the plant , analysis of the data ;

  18. 对近五年来我科住院治疗的鼻出血病人202例进行回顾性总结。

    Method : 202 patients with nosebleed hospitalized in recently 5 years were performed with retrospective sum-up .

  19. 阐明五种游蛇科动物雌体大小、窝卵数和卵大小之间的关系和雌性繁殖特征的种间差异。

    We studied relationships among body size , clutch size , and egg size and female reproductive characteristics in five species of oviparous colubrid snakes from Zhoushan islands , Zhejiang , China .