
  • 网络DUB;dysfunctional uterine bleeding;uterine bleeding
  1. 功血患者血清TPOAb与其子宫内膜性激素受体及TPO表达相关性的研究

    Study on the Correlation between Serum TPOAb and Expression of Sexual Hormone Receptors and TPO in Endometrium with DUB

  2. 方法54例青春期功血患者分为2组。子宫不规则过多出血组34例,口服敏定偶,每12h1次,每次1片,待血止后继续服药20d。

    Method 54 pubertal DUB patients were divided into 2 groups , including 34 patients with symptom of irregular , excessive bleeding of uterine , who were given 1 tablet of Minulet per 12 hour ;

  3. 采用Delphi专家咨询法对拟定的功血中医证型以及与经期、经量相关的主症指标体系进行评判。

    This paper adopts methods of Delphi experts consultation to value the supposed types of syndromes in traditional Chinese medicine and a system of main symptoms index associated with cycle of menstruation and quantity of menstruation .

  4. 方法选择绝经过渡期功血患者50例,诊断性刮宫后每日口服米非司酮10mg,6个月一疗程。

    Methods Ten microgram of mifepristone was orally taken daily after diagnostic curettage by 50 patients with menopausal transition DUB , 6 month as a course .

  5. 目的观察小剂量米非司酮配伍甲基睾丸素治疗围绝经期功血(DUB)的临床效果。

    Objective To study the clinical effects of low dose mifepristone together with methyltestosterone on the treatment of climacteric dysfunctional uterine bleeding ( DUB ) .

  6. 方法:应用B超对206例更年期功血患者的子宫内膜厚度进行监测,根据子宫内膜厚度及阴道出血时间分为A、B、C、D4组。

    Methods : 206 cases of climacteric dysfunctional uterine bleeding patients which were undertaken monitoring endometrium thickness by B-ultrasonometry . All cases were divided into 4 teams of A , B , C and D according to the endometrium thickness and vagina bleeding time .

  7. 结论无排卵性功血患者子宫内膜出血原因可能与雌激素作用下ER、PR表达失调有关,且MMP-9水平异常升高,导致细胞外基质过度降解,临床表现为子宫不规则出血。

    Conclusions : The abnormal bleeding in DUB patients with simplex and complex endometrium hyperplasia might be associated with the abnormal expression of endometrial ER and PR , and with ( up-regulation ) of activity of MMP-9 in the endometrium which causes over-degradation of the ECM .

  8. 【目的】观察左炔诺孕酮宫内缓释系统(Mirena)治疗无排卵型功能失调性子宫出血(下简称功血)的疗效及其对增生过长的子宫内膜病理学及超微结构的影响。

    To evaluate the efficacy of the levonorgestrel releasing intrauterine device ( Mirena ) in the treatment of hyperplasia of the endometrium and its effects on the changes of pathological structure and ultramicrostructure of the endometrium .

  9. 妈富隆治疗无排卵型功血37例

    Analysis of 37 cases of anovulatory functional bleeding treated by marvelon

  10. 子宫内膜消融术治疗功血临床分析

    Clinical Analysis on Treatment of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding by Endometrium RFCAS

  11. 俞募通经针法治疗青春期无排卵性功血的临床研究

    Clinical and Foundational Study on Treatment of AAFB with Shu Mu-Needle Acupuncture

  12. 射频消融治疗围绝经期功血的临床研究

    Clinical study on treatment of uterine bleeding at perimenopause by radiofrequency ablation

  13. 循环热盐水宫腔灌注治疗功血的研究

    Intrauterine Saline Infusion Cycle of Heat Treatment of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding Study

  14. 妈富隆治疗围绝经期功血的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Patients with Perimenopause Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding Treated with Marvelon

  15. 绝经期症状干预效果的临床证据米非司酮治疗绝经过渡期功血的子宫内膜改变

    Menopausal Symptoms Effects of mifepristone on endometria of menopausal transition dysfunctional uterine bleeding

  16. 小剂量米非司酮配伍甲基睾丸素诱导更年期功血闭经的临床研究

    Clinical study of lower dose mifepristone and methyltestosterone on peri-menopausal dysfunctional uterine bleeding

  17. 补阴泻阳法治疗青春期功血

    Yin-Enriching and Yang-Draining Therapy for Adolescent Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding

  18. 妈富隆治疗青春期功血临床分析

    A clinical observation of therapeutic effect of marvelon for puberty dysfunctional uterine bleeding

  19. 功血时子宫全切标本的形态学观察

    The morphological observation of the specimen of total hysterectomy during dysfunctional uterine bleeding

  20. 米非司酮对围绝经期功血患者诱导闭经的效果

    Mifepristone induced amenorrhea of peri-menopausal period dysfunctional uterine bleeding

  21. 雌孕激素合并治疗青春期功血的临床效果分析

    Clinical Effect of Estrogen Combine with Progesterone in Treatment of Puberty Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding

  22. 目的:探讨青春期功血发病机理及治疗方法。

    Objective : To investigate pathogenesis and treatment method of puberty dysfunctional uterine bleeding .

  23. 目的探讨治疗无排卵型功血的简单、有效的方法。

    Objective To explore a convenient and effective treatment method for anovulatory functional bleeding .

  24. 中医药治疗无排卵型功血系统评价

    Evaluation of TCM in Treating Anovulatory Functional Bleeding

  25. 自凝刀微创治疗子宫肌瘤功血宫颈糜烂100例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis on Treatment of Hysteromyoma , Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding and Cervical Erosion with Auto-coagulator

  26. 短效口服避孕药治疗青春期急性重症功血的临床疗效观察

    Efficacy of short-acting combined oral contraceptives on acute severe dysfunctional uterine bleeding in adolescent patients

  27. 目的观察中西医结合法治疗围绝经期功血的临床效果。

    Objective To observe the Integrative Treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding in perimenopausal clinical effect .

  28. 人无排卵功血子宫内膜上皮细胞生物学特性初步研究

    Primary study on biological properties of human endometrial epithelial cells from anovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding patients

  29. 本文报告127例功血患者甲皱微循环。

    The changes of nail fold microcirculation were observed in 127 patients with functional uterine bleeding .

  30. 方法:对196例临床初诊为功血病人的诊刮切片进行病理学观察,并分析结果。

    Methods : Collection of curettage specimen in196 patients were carried out and pathological observation made .