
ɡōnɡ nénɡ ɡāo fèn zǐ
  • functional polymer
  1. AlCl3催化苊与硝基苯制备功能高分子中间体

    Preparation intermediate of functional polymer material by AlCl_3 catalyzing acenaphthene with nitrobenzene

  2. 丙基乙烯基亚砜改性聚乙醇功能高分子膜对SO2,N2及SO2-N2混合气体的渗透性能研究表明,该膜具有高选择透过SO2的优良性能。

    Permeation of SO2 , N2 and separation of SO2-N2 mixed gas through functional polymer membrane of poly ( vinyl alcohol ) modified with propyl vinyl sulfoxide have been studied .

  3. 功能高分子微球研究&~(99m)Tc明胶微球的制备及其动物活体显像

    Preparation and Animal Scanning of ( ~ ( 99m ) Tc ) Gelatin Microspheres

  4. 互穿聚合物网络(IPN)技术在功能高分子中的应用

    Application of IPN Technology in Functional Polymers

  5. 聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)及其衍生物是一类新型的精细功能高分子产品,是现代水溶性合成高分子聚电解质中最重要的品种之一。

    PAM and its ramification is a new sort of fine production with macromolecule , which is water-soluble and is very important raw material in producing polymerized electrolyte .

  6. 减阻功能高分子PLMA的合成及其抗剪切稳定性的研究

    Studies on the synthesis of drag reduction polymer PLMA and the shear stability

  7. 互穿聚合物网络(IPN)作为新的共混方法,在新型聚合物材料研制领域备受人们关注,已经广泛用于工程材料和功能高分子材料的改性。

    Interpenetrating polymer networks ( IPN ) is a new method to prepare the polymer blends . Extensive academic and industrial researches have become interested in IPNs .

  8. 近年来,随着高分子材料科学不断发展,PVA材料已成为一种可应用于医药工业、农业生产、食品工业、环境保护等众多领域且具有发展潜力的功能高分子膜材料。

    In recent years , with the polymer materials science continuously developing , PVA have become a potential functional polymer membrane material which can be used in the many areas such as pharmaceutical industry 、 agricultural production 、 food industry 、 environmental protection .

  9. 含糖聚合物(glycopolymer)是指将低分子化合物与含糖基的不饱和单体经某种方法聚合而成的功能高分子。

    Glycopolymer refers to a sugar-based functional polymer by means of polymerization of a low molecular compound and a sugar-based unsaturated monomer .

  10. 含糖聚合物(glycopolymer)是指将糖组分通过不同的化学反应途径引入到聚合物分子链中形成的功能高分子。

    Glycopolymer refers to the sugar components by means of the introduction of different chemical reactions to form the polymer chain functional polymers .

  11. 提出了用PAM-Na2S简单功能高分子体系处理废退锡水的方法。

    The method of treating waste tin-stripping solution with PAM-Na2S simple functional macromol-ecule system is discussed .

  12. 离子交换树脂是一类功能高分子材料,本文研究了强酸(001×7)和弱酸(110)阳离子交换树脂与钙通道阻滞剂盐酸维拉帕米(VH)的交换反应特性。

    Ion exchange resins are functional polymers . In this paper the exchange reaction characterization of strongly acidic ( 001 × 7 ) and weakly acidic 110 cation exchange exchangers with verapamil hydrochloride ( VH ) was described . The drug-resin complexes were prepared by bath method .

  13. 研究了以(NH4)2Ce(NO3)6及(NH4)2S2O8为引发剂条件下,玉米淀粉与丙烯酰胺在纯水溶剂中接枝共聚制备吸水性功能高分子材料的新方法。

    A new method was studied for the preparation of super water absorbents by grafting co polymerization of acrylamide onto corn starch in water with ( NH 4 ) 2Ce ( NO 3 ) 6 or ( NH 4 ) 2S 2O 8 as chemical initiation agents .

  14. 功能高分子膜电极的研究&钆离子选择电极的研制

    Study on functional polymer membrane electrode construction of gadolinium ion-selective electrode

  15. 功能高分子材料载体在检测诊断中的应用

    Applications of Functional Polymer Materials as Carriers in Detection and Diagnosis

  16. 功能高分子材料在环境生物传感器中的应用研究

    Applications of Functional Polymer Material in Analysis of Environment and Biosensor

  17. 多功能高分子果树涂膜的研究进展

    Research progress and applications of functional polymer coatings for fruit trees

  18. 功能高分子膜导电性测试方法的研究

    Research of methods for measuring Plate-conductivity of conductive function polymer membrane

  19. 吸附分离功能高分子材料国家重点实验室

    State Key Laboratory of functional polymer materials for adsorption and separation

  20. 含偕胺肟基功能高分子膜吸附海水中铀的研究

    Absorbing uranium from seawater by an amidoxime groups functional polymeric film

  21. 功能高分子学报2005第18卷总目次

    Journal of Functional Polymers 2005 General Contents of Volume 18

  22. 新型功能高分子尼龙合金材料在蜗轮制造领域的应用研究

    The Application of New Functional Nylon Alloy in the Worm wheel Manufacture

  23. 松香基功能高分子吸附分离盐酸小檗碱研究

    Study on adsorptive separation of Berberine by rosin-based functional polymer

  24. 噻吩类聚合物是研究较为广泛的功能高分子材料。

    Thiophene polymers is one of the most intensively investigated functional polymers .

  25. 水凝胶是一类新型的功能高分子材料。

    Hydrogels are a new type of functional polymer materials .

  26. 微米级功能高分子微球的一步合成及与生物大分子相互作用的研究

    One-step Synthesis of Micron-sized Functional Polymer Microspheres and Its Interactions with Bio-macromolecules

  27. 用电荷积分法进行功能高分子热释电测试

    Testing the pyroelectric coefficient of the functional polymer with the integrating-charge method

  28. 胆甾基功能高分子研究进展

    Recent Advances in Functional Polymers Based on Steroid Cholic Acid

  29. 一种新型的相变储能功能高分子材料

    A new kind of functional polymer material for energy storage

  30. 波聚合及其在功能高分子材料合成中的应用

    Frontal Polymerization and Its Application in Synthesis of Functional Polymer