
  • 网络fmri;functional mri;BOLD-fMRI;f-mri
  1. 晚发性抑郁患者抑制控制功能障碍的功能磁共振研究

    Inhibitory Control Dysfunction of Late-life Depression : An Event-related fMRI Study

  2. 正常青年人情景记忆编码加工的脑功能磁共振研究

    Encoding of episodic memory in normal young people : an fMRI study

  3. 工作记忆与Alzheimer病工作记忆障碍的功能磁共振成像研究

    Working memory and working memory impairment of Alzheimer 's disease

  4. 功能磁共振成像(FunctionalMagneticResonanceImaging,fMRI)是目前脑影像领域使用最广泛的无损伤性活体脑功能检测技术。

    Functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI ) is so far the most widely-used non-invasive detection technology in vivo brain .

  5. 图解报道我们的三维MRI脑测谎研究成果。基于功能磁共振成像仪测谎的人脑功能定位研究

    3D MRI lie detection is illustrated and analyzed . Study on Brain Function Location While Lying by Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  6. 一种扩展的功能磁共振BOLD动力学模型研究

    An extended fMRI BOLD Dynamic Model

  7. 小波域Wiener滤波方法及其在功能磁共振成像中的应用

    Application of Wiener filter based wavelet domain in functional magnetic resonance imaging

  8. 扩散张量成像(DiffusionTensorImaging,DTI)是目前人体功能磁共振成像研究的热点之一。

    Diffusion tensor imaging ( DTI ) has been one of the hotspots in functional MRI of human body .

  9. 本文就功能磁共振成像在工作记忆及AD工作记忆缺陷方面的研究进展进行综述。

    The advance of functional MRI study in working memory and working memory deficits of Alzheimer 's disease is reviewed in this paper .

  10. 其他方法还可能涉及测量瞳孔的变化和利用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)测量大脑活动。

    Othermethods can involve measuring pupillary changes and brain activity using anfMRI .

  11. 基于Granger因果性的功能磁共振成像对内侧颞叶癫痫活动的研究

    Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study on Medial Temporal Lobe Epileptic Activities using Granger Causality

  12. 这些发现支持了几种应用功能磁共振成像和正电子放射X断层摄影术的研究(它们通过测量血流来检测大脑活性)。

    These findings support several other studies using functional magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography , both of which gauge brain activity by measuring blood flow .

  13. 方法采用血氧水平依赖(BOLD)的功能磁共振方法对6例右利手健康志愿者进行吞咽中枢的定位。

    Methods Function MRI of blood-oxygen level dependent ( BOLD ) was used to examine 6 normal volunteers of right handedness .

  14. 利用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)得到的数据,建立了在此认知任务下的大脑功能网络。

    We construct the brain functional network under this cognition task from the fMRI data .

  15. fMRI指的是功能磁共振成像。

    That means functional magnetic resonance imaging .

  16. 目的研究人脑视觉皮质血氧水平依赖(BOLD)的功能磁共振成像。

    Objective To investigate functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI ) of visual cortex of blood oxygenation level dependent ( BOLD ) .

  17. 功能磁共振FMRI的配准实验证明,该方法不失为一种简单有效的快速图象配准方法。

    The method was proved to be a fast and validate registration algorithm by FMRI images .

  18. 为了适应处理功能磁共振成像(FunctionalMagneticResonanceImaging,fMRI)数据的需要,对一般线性模型做了扩展,推导出扩展的GLM的检验统计量和自由度。

    To accommodate fMRI ( functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging ) data analysis , we extend GLM and induce the test statistics and degree of freedom .

  19. 例如,功能磁共振成像(FunctionalMagneticResonanceImaging,fMRI)信号就是典型的复数混合信号,其幅值和相位均含有独立的信息。

    For example , functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI ) signal is a typical complex-valued mixed signal , and the magnitude and phase of which contain independent information .

  20. 基于功能磁共振的人脑视觉皮层V5区功能连通网络变化的研究

    Changes of Functional Connectivity Network of Human V5 in VisualCortex : A Functional MRI Study

  21. 目的用MR血氧水平依赖性成像技术(BOLD)研究正常人及癫痫、脑肿瘤患者对指运动皮层的功能磁共振成像(fMRI)。

    Objective To study the brain functional activation under the stimulation of self-paced finger motoring using blood oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging ( BOLD-fMRI ) .

  22. 高空间分辨率的功能磁共振成像(FunctionalMagneticResonanceImaging,fMRI)技术是人们认识脑的一种重要的无损检测手段,并且在相关领域受到了极大关注。

    The functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI ), with high spatial resolution , is an important nondestructive examination tool of detecting human brain and has drawn great attention in related fields .

  23. Stroop任务的执行加工成分及其神经机制的功能磁共振研究

    Functional MRI study of the neural mechanism of component processing during Stroop task performance

  24. 预言fMRI血氧水平依赖响应的信息处理模型血氧水平依赖功能磁共振成像的发展状况

    An information-processing model of predicting the blood oxygenation level-dependent response of functional MRI A review of current situation in BOLD-fMRI development

  25. 脑功能磁共振成像(fMRI)是目前人们所掌握的唯一无创伤、可精确定位的人脑高级功能研究手段。

    Brain functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI ) is a no hurt and precise location method used to research brain .

  26. 利用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)技术探讨肝硬化病人认知控制功能的神经学机制。

    To explore neural basis of cognitive control deficient in patients with hepatic cirrhosis using functional magnetic resonance imaging ( fMRI ) .

  27. 目的应用事件相关功能磁共振成像(fMRI)技术,探讨手指运动时人脑功能活动区的协同作用。

    Objective To detect the cooperation of the functional activation areas in human brain using event-related fMRI technique developed in recent years .

  28. 根据图像采集状态,功能磁共振成像分为任务态fMRI(Task-statefMRI)和静息态fMRI(Resting-statefMRI)。

    According to the collection status , fMRI is divided into Task-state fMRI and Resting-state fMRI .

  29. 偏执型精神分裂症患者Stroop操作的功能磁共振研究

    Brain dysfunctioning during attention task in patients with schizophrenia : a functional magnetic resonance imaging study

  30. 在被试者品酒时,监测他们的大脑活动,并用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)做纪录。

    While participants drank and rated the wines , their brain activity was monitored and recorded using functional magnetic resonance imaging , or fMRI .