
  • 网络FGID;FGIDs;functional gastrointestinal disorder
  1. 肠易激综合征(IBS)是临床上最常见的功能性胃肠病之一。

    Irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ) is one of the most common functional gastrointestinal disorders .

  2. 目的探讨精神情绪因素与功能性胃肠病(FGID)的关系及抗抑郁药对其的疗效。

    Objective To investigate the role of psychological factors in functional gastrointestinal disorders ( FGID ) and clinical effects of antidepressant drugs in FGID patients .

  3. 如何有效的防治IBS,已成为当前功能性胃肠病研究的热点。

    How to prevention and cure the IBS is hotspot of the research in GI .

  4. 5-羟色胺7受体与功能性胃肠病

    - HT _ 7 receptor and functional gastrointestinal disorders

  5. 难治性功能性胃肠病的心理因素识别

    Identification of psychological factors in refractory functional gastrointestinal disorders

  6. 功能性胃肠病罗马Ⅲ儿科标准及其与罗马Ⅱ标准的比较

    Comparison between Rome ⅲ and Rome ⅱ Pediatric Criteria of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders

  7. 心理因素对功能性胃肠病患者生活质量的影响

    Effects of Psychological Factors on the Quality of Life of Functional Gastrointestinal Disease Patients

  8. 功能性胃肠病病理生理研究和治疗策略

    Pathophysiology and therapy of functional gastrointestinal disorders

  9. 功能性胃肠病研究现状

    Research Situation of Functional Gastrointestinal Diseases

  10. 背景:焦虑、抑郁与神经质个性有着密切的联系,并与功能性胃肠病的发病密切相关。

    Background : Anxiety and depression are closely associated with neurotic personality , and are involved in the pathogenesis of functional gastrointestinal diseases .

  11. 目的:肠易激综合征是消化科临床最常见的一种以腹痛或腹部不适及大便习惯、性状改变为特征的功能性胃肠病。

    Objective : Irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ) is one of the most common functional gastrointestinal disorder with the characteristics of abdominal pain or discomfort accompanied by altered bowel habits such as stool frequency and / or form appearance , in particular disordered defecation .

  12. [材料与方法]D-IBS患者4例,诊断均符合功能性胃肠病罗马Ⅱ诊断标准,男女各半作为实验组,健康志愿者4例作为对照组。

    [ Materials and Methods ] According to the Rome II criteria about functional gastrointestinal disease , we chose four diarrhea-predominant IBS patients , male verse female is just the half in the IBS group . We also selected four healthy volunteers as normal control group .

  13. 精神心理因素和自主神经功能在功能性胃肠病发病中的意义

    Significance of psychological factors and autonomic nervous function in functional gastrointestinal disorders

  14. 功能性便秘(Functionalconstipation,FC)是一种较为常见的功能性胃肠病,该病发病率高,我国慢性便秘的发病率约为6.07%,欧洲和大洋洲则高达19.8%。

    Functional constipation ( FC ) is a more common functional gastrointestinal disorders , high incidence of the disease , the incidence of chronic constipation is about 6.07 % in China , Europe and Oceania as high as 19.8 % .

  15. 文献综述部分,对近数年来中医药治疗功能性消化不良(FD)的概况进行总结和分析,并探讨了抑郁症与功能性胃肠病的关系。

    In the overview of documents , the author sums up and analyses the therapeutic methods of functional dyspepsia ( FD ) in recent years , and search for the relationship of depression with FD .