
  1. “爆炸云理论”栏目的主持人詹姆·史坦斯费尔德解释说,这种汽车展示的是一个真正能替代化石燃料的可选择引擎动力。

    Bang Goes The Theory presenter Jem Stansfield explained that the cars demonstrate a genuine alternative to powering engines using fossil fuels .

  2. 原子弹爆炸的蘑菇云再度笼罩在沙漠的上空。

    The mushroom cloud of the A-bomb hung over the desert again .

  3. 本文结果为爆炸对暖云影响提供了一种可能的解释。

    The result could provide an explanation of explosion effects on warm cloud modification .

  4. 这比在空中爆炸中原子云所能达到的高度要低得多。

    This is considerably less than the height attained by the radioactive cloud in an air burst .

  5. 通过对池火灾和爆炸性蒸汽云的研究,对油库槽车或油库罐区的危险性进行定量分析。

    Researched are pool fires and explosive steam clouds formerly occurring in a certain oil depot tank lorry or oil tank farm and quantitative analysis is conducted on their risks .

  6. 在爆炸加载的动云纹法实验获得成功的基础上,本文研究了与爆破机理相关的几个基本问题。

    Based on successful dynamic moire teste , the paper has studied some problems related to rock blasting mechanism .

  7. 它适用于当发生突然电涌时可导致电弧产生的地方,电弧会使润滑油蒸发,从而产生具有爆炸可能的气云。

    It is ideal for transformers where a sudden surge of power can create an electric arc which vaporises oil to create a potentially explosive gas cloud .

  8. 实际上,现在我们知道蟹状星云是超新星爆发的遗迹,即一个巨大恒星死亡后爆炸的残屑云。

    In fact , the cosmic Crab is now known to be a supernova remnant , an expanding cloud of debris from the death explosion of a massive star .

  9. 结果表明:无论从哪种介质进行分析,最终的爆炸事故模式只有凝聚相爆炸、气云爆炸、沸腾液体扩展蒸气云爆炸及各类形式的容器爆炸。

    The analysis shows that , for any type of medium , the modes of ultimate explosion accidents only include condensed-phase explosion , vapor-cloud explosion , vapor explosion of boiled liquid expanding and vessel explosion with various forms .