
  • 网络Whiplash
  1. 在科比布莱恩特的纪录片“Muse”中,凯文发现了科比对电影《爆裂鼓手》的喜爱。

    It was in Kobe Bryant 's documentary , " Muse , " where Irving discovered Bryant 's love for the movie " Whiplash . "

  2. 最佳男配角:罗伯特·杜瓦尔(RobertDuvall),《法官》(TheJudge);伊森·霍克(EthanHawke),《少年时代》;爱德华·诺顿,《鸟人》;马克·拉法罗(MarkRuffalo),《狐狸猎手》;J·K·西蒙斯,《爆裂鼓手》

    Best Supporting ActorRobert Duvall , " The Judge " Ethan Hawke , " Boyhood " Edward Norton , " Birdman " Mark Ruffalo , " Foxcatcher " J.K. Simmons , " Whiplash "

  3. 这其中有一个奖项格外能说明问题,最佳剪辑奖提名由《美国狙击手》、《少年时代》、《布达佩斯大饭店》、《模仿游戏》和《爆裂鼓手》分获。

    In one telltale category among those , film editing nominations went to " American Sniper " ; " Boyhood " ; " The Grand Budapest Hotel " ; " The Imitation Game " ;